Russian School at Worms

Prisoners of war at Worms sit in a classroom reviewing a math lesson. The instructor is a prisoners as well and the students work out problems on small chalkboards at their benches. The original caption for this picture indicated that this was a school for Russian prisoners and a map of European Russia is mounted on the wall in the back of the classroom. The YMCA provided educational materials for prisoners so they could continue their educations during their time in prison.
Date Created:
Data Provider:
Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Germany, Worms, Education, Classroom, School, YMCA, Russian POWs, World War 1914-1918, Diplomatic History, European History, Military History, and Political History
No Copyright - United States. Physical ownership of materials: Conrad Hoffman, "In the Prison Camps of Germany," New York: Association Press, 1920, 200A.