A letter from Ralph Emery, a clerk working for the Detroit Stove Works, to his father, Robert T. Emery

A letter from Ralph Emery, a clerk working for the Detroit Stove Works, to his father, Robert T. Emery, in Belfast, Maine, dated August 13, 1886. The letter is written on Detroit Stove Works letterhead, which features a lithograph, credited to the Calvert Lithograph Company, depicting the Detroit Stove Works offices in Detroit and Chicago as well as the company's foundry in Hamtramck, Michigan. The letter reads: My dear Father, Have not written for a number of days, am pretty busy just at present + by next month things will be booming. Yesterday I had a call from Fred Fletcher who used to live in Belfast + married Capt. O.W. French's daughter. He is editor of a paper at Alpena, Mich -Alpena is about 150 miles from here on Lake Huron + 10,000 inhabitants- + was on his way to the Republican State Convention at Grand Rapids. I enjoyed seeing him very much. His wife is in Belfast, he expects her to return sometime next month. The Democrats + Greenbackers have "fused" in this state + expect to carry their ticket in November. Am [rather?] sorry they expect to put the Library Building on the Miller property. It seems to me the Crosby lot very much is best + more desirable. Detroit is increasing rapidly, it is now over 200,000 + becoming more of a business center every year. Have not seen Belle Anderson for some. Saw a young fellow on the street last week who used to be clerk for E. L. Bean in Searsmont, he is traveling for a Boston house. Hope you are all well + will write when you have time. Your affec. son, Ralph
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Detroit Stove Works
Subject Name:
Emery, Ralph
No Copyright - United States