Frost Pack

Frost-Pack Distributing company, "Distributors of Booth's Frozen Foods," exhibit at a Home Show. The picture shows a Bordon sign featuring a Elsie Bordon, the cow, along with their slogan "If it's Bordon's, it's got to be good." Also advertising "Delicious New Nucoa, the wholesale vegetable Oleomargerine, thrift spread with Vitamin A." On display are Bordon's cheeses, Hellmann's Mayonnaise and French Dressing, Old Country Hardtack Gamia Landets Knackerbrod. Frost-Pack was located at 1805 Porter SW in 1941.
Date Created:
Data Provider:
Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Subject Topic:
Food industry, Exhibit booths, and Hoekzema, Edward E.
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