Passport issued to Annette H. Alger

Passport issued to Annette H. Alger by the United States Department of State in 1913. The document is signed by Alger and the then Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan. It is stamped with the seal of the U.S. Department of State. Text on the upper right corner indicates that the document is good only for two years from the date it was issued. Along the left hand side of the document is a description of Annette H. Alger, including her age, height, eye color, hair color, and complexion. The text of the document reads: "For all to whome these presents shall come, Greeting: I, the undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States of America, hereby request all whom it may concern to permit Annette H. Alger a Citizen of the United States safely and freely to pass, and in case of need to give her all lawful Aid and Protection. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Department of State, at the City of Washington, the 25th day of June in the year 1913, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty seventh. W.J. Bryan"
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
U.S. Department of State
Subject Name:
Henry, Annette and Bryan, William Jennings
No Copyright - United States