Figurine; Terenouthis; Figurines; Clay (unfired)

Seated or squatting Harpocrates with head tilted to right wearing Double Crown and buds on head. Right leg is bent up, right elbow rests on knee; left leg is bent outward, left hand rests on inner thigh. Finger of right hand is in mouth; he holds a honeypot in left hand, wears necklace with pendant and anklet on left leg. Figure wears raised bracelet on right wrist. Remains of alternating red, white and brown horizontal stripes on base front; and brown and red stripes along left side of figurine. Remains of all-over yellowish-white paint; red and brown design on stomach. Details picked out with red and brown. Navel of figurine is prominent. Back of figurine undecorated; there is a fingertip indentation in center of back; made before firing. Two-part mold. Paint worn. Fair condition.
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Subject Topic:
Terenouthis; Figurines; Egypt
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