Sketch of Light House Depot

One blueprint drawing entitled "Sketch of Light House Depot." The drawing was prepared at a scale of 1 inch = 50 feet and shows the location of the existing Light House Depot store house building and dock at the foot of Mt. Elliot [Elliott] Avenue in Detroit. A new dock, boat slip, and store house building are also shown. Handwritten text in the lower right corner of the sheet shows "No. 285. Forwarded to L.H. Board with letter of November 21, 1870," and is signed by "O. M. Poe, Engr. 11th L.H. Dist."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
U. S. Lighthouse Service, U. S. Light House Service, U. S. Coast Guard, Mt. Elliott Avenue, and Detroit Lighthouse Depot
Subject Name:
Poe, Orlando M.
Plan, Site
No Copyright - United States