Weekly Artisan; 1909-09-11

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and FI I GRAND RAP PUBLIC LIBRA~ GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., SEPTI':~IBEH II. 1909 A SUPERIOR FLAT SURFACE SANDER No 171 Sllnd Belt Mllchme. Why Install any Sand Belt Machine for Flat Surfaces except the Wysong & Mtles? You wIll pay twice as much for other makes and w111get an inferior machme If you do not believe thIS, communicate wIth us and be convInced. ASK FOR CATALOG E. WYSONG & MILES COMPANY, Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., GREENSBORO, N. C. ~ The Best TrueK--The Strongest Trueh This is the famous Gillette Roller Bearing Factory Truck---the truck on which it is said, "One man can move a load of 3000 pounds while with the other trucks it takes three men." This is the truck that is strong where others are weak---the truck that has an unhreakable malleable iron fork. This is the truck YOU are looking for if you wish to invest in rather than uaste money on factory trucks. .._..-.-----------,E Gillette Roller Bearing CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH . I The Lightest Running, I Longest Lasting Truck - - -------------------~. AMERICAN BWWIR COMPANY "SIROCCO" "AJf MARK ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES are generating thousands of kilo-watts all over the world, and each engine is paying for itself every year in savings of fuel and oil. dIrect connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE will electric light your plant, run fans, etc., and if you are now buying current, will pay you in savmg (Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating and Drying) This planl running In IQUITOS. PERU. WE DIRECT CltNNECT TO ANY GENERATOR 25% PER ANNUM (Wrzte for proof of above.) WE WILL GLADLY QUOTE YOU, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU TO BUY GENERAL OFFICES, DETROIT, MICH. NEW YORI{ PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURC ATLA"lTA CHICACO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 II I ----------- ---- -_._._- --~._--------------------------... t I I IIIII IIII• •• I I •I• I I II• II III III• I IIIIII . . .... .. - .i. SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened With flat bead wood screw and furnished in three sIzes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something dIfferent from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. .. . .. . .- .. ._----------_._.--- .. --- .__._-----_. __._----~----~ •··1 THIS IS THE MACHINE That Brinl!s letters Like the Followinl!: I I .. ...-...- •• •••••• ••!f 1•• •I II ••• III I•I 1: I~- .- .- - BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANER. The Buss Machine Works are having marked success with this new design of cabinet p1aner. The new method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectlOnal chipbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machmes of great efficiency Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the live woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. La _ •• _ La ••• Buss M..J.chlna Works. "Holland, Uieh Ga"l.tlal!len. We wish to compliment you on the worlung or JOur' new 14 Planer Just ..'1stalled 1'0.. us This machine does he best. wo"k or any pLms ....we 'ha,ra eve" se€ll1, '4.ll.lt we are frank to sa..r SO mUch batte" than we expected. th t our foreman. s€l.id !\e si:m.plJ eOil.ld no" geL, along rl'thou:t it,und lIa3 sU!'e i~ 'llou.lO pay the prlce 01' itself within a yea'" 1"1.'IIol"ksa a4 on mac/anes tollo.,ll:l5' Wishing .Iou dese"'ved success 1I<1ththiS naw pat'te"'n. we remain. YoU"'SverJ truly. Robb ns Tllble Co HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ,,- .-- - -- --~----~---~-_.-_.--_-------_-._--- -- -- ----------------------' F. & JOHN BARNES CO. I 1Iw. .... Our New Hand and Foot Power Circular Saw No.4. The strongest, most powertul, and In every way the best machllle of Its kllld ever made, for lIppIng, ClOSS cuttmg bonng and groovmg. --"' Cabinet Makers In these days of close competltlon, need the best pOSSIble equipment, and thiS they can have m BARNES' HAND AND POOT POWER MACHINERY Send for Our New Catalogue. 654 Ruby Street, Rockford, Illinois ....I ..- }RANr RPk",:>ID~ -~--------~-~! I .... ----------------------------------------- OUR AUTOMATIC FURNAOE FEED SYSTEM ---- -_._. _.._._._------_._--- Oran~~a~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST devzce for handltll£!, shavmgs alld dust from all wood- 'Wor/cUlgmac1zI1les Our 1Zmeteell yem I' experience m tIns class ot 'Work has brought zt nearer perfection thall an) other system on the market today It zs no expenmellt, but a demonstrated snelltzfic fact, as 'We have several hUll-dred of these systems m use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatzc FUlnace Feed System, as sho'Wn in thzs cut, zs the most perfect workmg devIce of anything ill this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Factory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICtI. Cltb:ena Phone 1282 &ell. Main 1804 . _ ..-.--_._."" GRAND RAPI PUBLIC LIBRJ 1]Y '" -- ...-_..~._------------------- --------- -----------------------_._-- . - ~ , I • • I•• II, I• I• I I I I f • I • I Makes the It ISentIrely I I AutomatIc I I Strongest I f I Most ! •I Economical II •! and Most ': , I II• Accurate I,I II Case ,'I I ConstructIon , II I Possible I I I I ! I I I t I I ----------------------------------------- .... _~ A Perfect Case Construction It Clamps MortIses and Releases, CompletIng the Post In Less TIme Than the Matenal can be Clamped on Other MachInes Write for Write for Catalog J Catalog J No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTJSER. Wysong & niles Co., CedarSt.andSou.R.R., Greensboro, N. C. ~-----------------------------_ ..... - ~------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- jI _. .- ~ SEND FOR A FINISHED PANEL OF CIRCASSIAN W ALNLJT STAIN I II IIt We are the only firm preparing a stain of this character, which is used on gum wood, preserving the natural beauty of the grain and prod ueing the tone of the genuine Circassian Wall1ut in splendid imitation. Send for a sample No. 2765 and full directions. II The Ad-el-ite People CHICAGO -I ------~-~-----------_._...-__.----_. ~... •••••••• r __ ._ ••••••••• ••• , ... _ ....--"' .,.. -... ----------------------------------------_.-_._._._.---------------- I I II• ,III• ,,I ,,, ,• ,I• ,,•• I •I• •,, II, I II i THIS IS THE MACHINE That BrinJrs letters like the FollowinJ!: BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANER Wlshlnp JOu dllse~ved suecess wita thiS new patterD, 11'9rEtDlllln. Yours verJ t.ruly. Ro})b'I1S Tabl.e Ce. We ".ish t.o eOmpli1llent. you on t.he '/forJung at' your new #4 Plan.:r Jus .11.sta,1.1ed for us This aaollne does the beS't. wo"k or ani planer 11'8have ever 899.11,and; .9 ure f~unk: to sa..1 60 much bet.t"r th!W we expected. tru to our (ora_n 9...1d he slmplJ could not. get. along ~lthout. it.,and was sure it. ll'ouJ.o pal the price or itself w1thln a yea" in 'lforolls:a ad on _eh1nall rollo.loa· has lit.. chlna 'Works. Rollflnd. Mlch GS'ltlemen The Buss Machllle Works are havmg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of beltlllg-feed gears machmc cut-together with the steel sprlllg sectional front feed roll and the late new sectIOnal chipbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cablllet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the tImes With machmes of great effiCiency Woodworkers of all klllds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selltng representative regarding any pomt on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the Itve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. i I.. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH • ..~ .....-----_._. _. _. _. -_.~---_._--_._._._._. -------------_ . ....-----._._---_.------------------------ _.-~------~-----~._----~-..-. ---' IlAND lIRCULAK KIP SA\\ MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a. dealer's profit. He can make more money WIth less capItal Invested He can hold a better and more satiSlactory trade With hIS customers He can manufacture In as good ~tyle and finIsh, and at as low cost as the factones Tbe local cabmet maker has been forced mto only the dealer's trade and profit because of mad'me manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machmery, reInstates the cabmet maker WIth advantages equal to hIS competItors If deSIred, these machines WIll be sold on Irwl The purchaser can have ample time to test them m hI< own shop and on the work he WIshes them to do. IJescrtpt,v, catalogu~ and pr,c~ Itst fru No 4 SAW (ready for cross-cuttmg) W. f. &. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER -'" No. 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) No 7 SCROLL SAW j- , -_-,1 I I I I l III I:• I I I •I 1• • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I ! I 1 •• •• I I •I II •II I I • IIII••1I I• 1II I• •II II• I• III II•t I• •• •II I I• •I IIII I I~---------------------------------------------------------_._-----------------------------------~ rI I WEEKLY ARTISAN ..-~-~--------------~--------_._------------_...-- ..,.. ...-.-- - "THE BETTER MAKE" WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FACTORY AND SALESROOM 37 CANAL STREET CATAI~OHUES ON HEAVY PLATE PAPER TO DEALER" Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN - ~- -------~------------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN THE NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE OFFERS TO THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURER A BETTER MARKET THAN HE CA~ OBTAIN ELSEWHERE. BECAUSE it is the largest furniture market for home consumption. BECAUSE of its accessibility to the greatest number of buyers. There are more dealers in furniture within 200 miles of New York than 800 miles of any other CIty. BECAUSE its varied and manifold attractions make it the ONE place buyers desire to visit. PROOF---- The attendance at the last JULY EXPOSITION was larger than that of any JULY EXPOSITION ever held in this or any other market. THE NEW HOME OF THE NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE. Twin structures covering two entire blocks from Lexington Avenue to Depew Place, 46th to 48th Streets, each structure 200x2 75 feet and twelve stories high and a pprt of the new Grand Central Station in which will be located the largest subway station In New York, connected with all tunnels and future subways; in close proximIty to both elevated and surface roads, and in the heart of the hotel dIstrict. On the completion of these buildings, December 1st, 191 0, covering a space of nearly 30 acres an opportunity is offered the enterprising manufacturer to OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS and advantageously place his samples, as here will be attracted buyers representing the most important dealers in the coun-try. Every available foot of space for the coming January Exposition has been sold, but SPACE IS NOW BEING LEASED IN THE NEW BUILDING. Applications acted upon as received. Address, Chas. E. Spratt, Secretary, NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE Lexington Avenue and 43d Street, NEW YORK. WEEKLY ARTTSAN EVERY FURNITURE MANUFACTURER should have the Weekly Artisan List of Dealers and Buyers. It contains the names of all dealers in furniture rated from $1,000 up, satisfactory pay_ Approximately 15,000 DEALERS are listed. The list is revised semi..annually_ Cost for the two editions .. .. .. $1.00 52 issues of the Weekly Artisan costs 1.00 Total .. .. .. .. .. $2.00 We will send the Weekly Artisan one year and the $1.50 complete lists for • Or we will send either the Eastern, Central, South-ern or Western List the Weekly Artisan one $1.00 year for - Can you afford to pass up this opportunity? Send in your Dollar. You'll not regret it. WEEKLY ARTISAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. pc I I 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN Many New Patterns m Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand RapIds luce furniture (0. ORDER A SAMPLE STACK YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT 111<.- I 11I11lphr<.-y \\'](1 mdll c,ectlulldl CUIJ~trllc lIOn 11,1'>dU'>1 proof P,lrtllllJll~, Iron shelf '>lIppurh 'l11d a two Inch dU.pCI Cd'>C tb,ll1 others DEALERS' PROFIT 55% No. lO-F. Ouartcru! Oak. Lme on sale m Fornlture Ex- <han!!e, Grand RapIds; Mannfact-urers' Exh,I>JllOn BUIld,"!!. Chi. ca!!o and Furmture Exchange. New York. HUMPHREY.:WIDMAN BOOKCASE CO. WRITE FOR CATALOCUE DETROIT, MICHIGAN ,~------------------------' - •• •• 1 II I IIII•• I• II ••• I• II I I,• I• I I• I III•II II• III I• ~------------------------------------------_._---------------_.----------- o THE LUCE LINE 35% OFF LIST $16 ,• Iif •• II• •~------------------- o II II ._---_._._- ---- ----------'" .,,..--- III!• THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. --~ I CHICAGO This IS one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chau s are found 111 all the leadIng Hotel'> in the countl y. 'J he l111c 111dnclc'> d VCIY co 11pletc ,1,,01 t-lllcnt of chall s, I (xIz-cr, dud ~lttC(<' of ,111 ~l arle" , DJllIlH;- ROf Jlll f111111tl1l e, I\.«((] 'lilil Rat t ,Ill f1111l1tlll c, :-'PC\1,l1 ()1 dLl flltlll-tt11 c, etc. A complete line of sam-ple. are displayed In The Ford tJ Johnson BUlIJIn!!, 1433-37 Wabash Avc., In-cluding a specIal d,splay of Hotel FurDlture. III (lililltltle dealels arc cOldwllv tnvlted to Vlszt our bmldmg. III IIIII I;I .. GRAND RAPH PUBLIC LIER} ~y 30th Year-No. 11 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTEMBER 1 1. 1909 Issued Week-y NEW FURNITURE IS PLAIN AND .t~R1"IS1"IC Flamboyant. Gaudy. Ov~r·Decorated Creations Give Way to Sh~raton. Chippendale. Hepplewhit~. Elizabethan. Queen Anne and Other Period Styles. The day of flamboyant. 0\ el decorated furl11ture ha" pas"ed In Its :otead ha" come an el a wIth artistic pO":Olblhtle" that bnng dehght to the ..,oul of the mdn 01 woman ,\ ho ap-preClates beauty of hne and harmon) ot colonng and decora-tIOn. If you do not beheve that thIS desJrable change ha" been effected, a:ok the fUll11ture man and lIsten to 111menthuse about conchtlOns and the outlook 111hIs hne of bus mess .•Look at the furnIture \\ e al e dhpla) l11g thec,e day" and compare It WIth the st) le:o of ten, eIght or e\ en fi\ e yeal s ELIZABETHAN CHINA CLOSET Made by the Grand Rapids (M,ch) Furmture Company a~o " hc "a) c,. "Can you belle\ e that the same class of people are thc bu) er" of both 0 It :oeems .,trange, but It 1:0 true F01 e\ eryda y use and for Ordl11al y people, WIth model ate mcomc", we are "elhng today furl11tm e that a decade ago could anI) bl obtamed aftel a long and tedIOUS hunt 111 the hIgh pnced "peclalty .,hop" at the bIg cltle.., Of cour:oe It has alway" been pOSSIble for the ll11tlated to get good furl11ture-and b) that I mean good from the vIewpoint of al t-but the figures were prohIbItive, And many whose ta'ite revolted agaimt the elaboratIOn and ugly lines of much of the furniture of thc pa"t vvere obllged to take It becau'3e theIr pur"e would not permIt them to buy an)th1l1g bltter, and their home" had to he fur11lshed Toda) there 1" no eXCU'3e for an 1I1artlstlc piece of fur11ltm e In an) hou "ehold e'(cept the de'ilre of the honse-holdel of drtlcle" at that k111d Doe"n t thl" new style furl11- ture CO'3tmore than 1I1artl"tlc ploduclOns of old 0 Yes, but so doe'i C\ eryth1l1g el"e that contnbutes to our pre'3cnt day ex-l'itence, food. cloth1l1g, bmld1l1g matenal'i, etc, Compared \\Ith It., ,alue, howevel, It IS worth tWIce as much a" the st)les vvhlch It has snper"eded" Thl" httle talk wa'i a "01 t of preface to a tour WIth the managel of the furl11±tl1e department of d famon" 1\ ew YO! k ">tOll and a" he "trolled he pOlntecl ant how the "penod Hle,l ha., beco111c the d0111111antone m the fur11lture bU<"l11e"s,\lodel., 1)\ the al tlst--cab1l1et makel'3 and craft:oman of the pa">l centnne" ha' e been 'itndled by keen bra111ed clever c\menc,ll1 manufacturer'i and de'il~nel s untIl the "ccret of hne dnd em, e ilnhh and 111lay ha" been ma..,tered and the 1e:oult 1" trulv ,1 tll1n~ of beauty" "The fil.,t 'itep 111 thIS clJreetlOn," expla1l1ed the fnrlll-ture mdn, 'wa" the ba11l"hment of gold fur11lture That I" It" con<.,lgnment to 11:0 ploper envIronment-an apartment WIth e\ el ythl11g 111hal many ,\ lth the Fl ench scheme of dceO! a-t011 that brought about the IntlOductlOn of gold frame for chan'i and dl\ an'i uphol"tel ed 111dehcdtely hued brocade 1£ we In Amenca have any onc thmg to be thankful for In furlll-tme dC\ elopment 1t h the pa"'i1l1i; of the gIlt "corner chdlr' that at one time was so obtru"l\ e In the "parlor' of the Orc1l11- ary c1welhng And 1l1Cldentally WIth ItS pas"l11g went the "parlO1' ;-Jaw we have lIVIng rooms and arc happIer for the change The atmo"phel e of formahty that clung to the old-fasluoned parlor has gl\ en way to thIS unml:otakable air that ploclalms the gathenng place of the member:o of the fanul) dnd l11chcates 1l1chvldnal ta"te:o and l11telc"t'i. To 1etm n to the new furl11ture-new In It" adaptatIOn to twentleth century ta-;;te and need'i hut centmles old In It" con-ceptIOn and de' elopment. ChIppendale, Shel atOll, Hepple-whIte, Ehnbethan and Queen \nne al e the "tylec; pnnclpally whIch have been leproduced andmochfied for pre"ent day use '\Iahogany. walnut and oak ale the wood, mo<.,t 111eVIdence and they are malllpulated With the sklll'and art that makes It a matter of study to detect the dIfference between the fur11lture of yesterday and today. The strength, hghtness and grace that distinguished the furniture produced by Sheraton, and (Concluded on page 8 ) Increase in Ten Years. DECLINING DOLLARS AND HIGH PRICES Varying Views Causes of the to the Past as For several years the hIgh eO'it of In mg ha'i been the "ubJeet of general complalUt and IS frequentl} made the basI" for a demand for an mcrease In wages 1hat thele ha" been a great l11crease 111 the cost of h, mg m the pa"t ten year,,- most of It lU the last half of that penod-Is conceded b} all though statistIcs show that the mcreaSG IS not 'iO great as gen-erally claImed by those who ,peak from expenence. but who really sllnply guess at the percentage It IS hlghel, ho"'e\ el than has been the mcreaSe m wages and much hIgher than has been the average mcrease m mcomes of busl11ess and profes-sIOnal men As to the cau..,e of the Increa"e of provISIOns, clothmg, fuel, rent and household necessIties there I" a "Ide dIfference m pubhc opmlon Some solve the problem b} chalgln~ the I11crea"e In then expense to the tanff or to upward revISIon of the "chedule.., Others thmk that It IS due to foreIgn shorta~e In food stuft", and as proof of theIr contentIOn they pOInt to the fact that both the London Econonllst and Sauerbeck s pnce Index numbel" computed from foreIgn mal kets, recOl d a mal ked up" al d trend whIch has already nearly 0\ elcome the tall re'iult1l1l:; from the panic 111 1907. The latter numbel now "tands at 7:; 1 agal11st 72, the low recOl d of the panIc penod and 80, the hIgh record of the preceehng penod. Thdt I" fOl London \\hele Ie covery from the depressIOn IS slo\\ In tll1s countl \ a" ha, been noted 111 these column", a\ erd~e pI Ice", alCOJ d1l1~ to nladstreet'", have leached a pOInt e\cn nealer the hl~h IlCOld of the prepamc penod. Thb mdl,cates that at least th e \mellcdn lO11lplamt ot l11gh hvmg c~"ts is wel1 founded ChIcago hou"keeepel" are wnt1l1g to the ne\\spapels about It One \\Omdn pll"ent" a 'itatoment of mcome ($1,200001 'io) and nece",al \ e,pellClt-ture, wlllch leave a balance on the wlong "Ide \nothe1 woman of the same dass "ho"" that, h} thIng buttell11e and other cheap sub'iUtute" fOI celtaln "taple food al tldcs hu accounts can be made to balance "\5 to the cause of h1gh pllces ne\\"papl! \\lltl!" clI"<lQ1le qtllte a, much as othel'i. The "'e\\ \OIk lO1l111lUlldI t<I"l' up the subject, sa} mg "Popular unrest unclel thl" bUI dcn \\as ne\ u "0 notice-able hel e In thc l nlted ~tdte" as no\\ \ thou"<lnd-d1Hl-onl al tIde" that constItute 1tem" 111 hothehold e,pen"e" nell" "lUes and lux11lles altke and \\ ho"e co"t ha,.., no I dation \\ hdt-e\ el to the pllce of wheat, al e <lbn01mall} 111Uca"ed 111 plll e and" Ithout an} apparent rea"ons for It In mo..,t mstance" ' The Commerual ,..,eem" Incltned to blame the tI u"t" f01 thc trouble, and ddds tIll eatelll11~h "\ I eactlon fJom dil th1" 1" bound to come "ome fine day-and v\hen It doc" It wdl l1<lt be the con'iumer that h hurt .. \e\utheIe"" othel countlle" Ie"" ttu"t <lnd t<lltif-1Hldln than our own ale affected b) ..,111111aclondlU01h and d~ILlUon \\hlCh may 111 part expla1l1 the le\olutlOndl) 110t" 111 '-,IM1n ,md the general labOl upn"lllg 1ll s\\ eden TI1t1" the" llnn,l correspondent of the London Econom1"t 1\l1tes "The cost of 11\Ing IS the sublect of numbelless mlet1nQ.., held lU tll1S country, where not the WOlkman on 1) . but the nllddle classes. WIth fixed salanes that Cdl1110the 1nCIed,ed h\ an} mge11tllt). are at a loss ho\\ to make end" meet "eatl \ all government offiCIal:" from the chId of a "eLtlOn In a gOyeln-ment department to the) oung a"..,btant. who has to se1, e ten )ldl" at a n011l111al "alar}. aJe In dcbt ]n Ifungdll pcopll drl C\ en WOI..,C01£ tltdn 111 "\u..,t1la " tIlt" Cost of Living During Then the ::,pl11lgfield (\Ia'i'" ) Repubhcan, commentIng on the abOl e quotatlOl1" goe,.., Into anC1ent hl,..,tor) and 'iay.., Ch el In Au"tna a" well as here dnd eleswhere the dl"- pO"ltlOn IS prey alent to mentlOn all sort" of causes for the tl0uble except the great cau'ie-the large productlOn and depreClatlOn 111the value of the commercIal world's standard money metal, gold \ \Then tll1S VIew of the matter come'i to he taken Ie"" empha'i1s wIll be gIven to such predIctions as the one quoted-that a 'reactton from all thl'i IS bound to come some fine da) ()f course reactIOn \\ III come some tIme, but not \\ Ith an, permanency unul the productIOn of gold be~11l" to dec111le ] he truth of the matter seems to be that the world IS nO\1 undergOIng to a degl ee such an expenence as came upon It after the ehscov el y of Amenca and the flooehng of Europe WIth a great sd\ el supphes of the Incas and the m111e<;of PotO..,1 ~"a result, the chIef money metal of the time was enol mousl) deprecIated FlOm 1570 to 1640 prices rose 200 and mOl e po cent and the consequences to the cla'ise'i hV11lg on fi~ed Incomes \\ el e mo..,t "elIOUS, leaehng to large pauper- 1zatlOn, espeClally of the wage-eal11lng c1a'ises, who held a 101\ place 1n the "oclal scale and could not band together to fOlle up thell "ages plOportlOnatel} It IS a cunous fact that the Engh"h crown It.,elf was a clllet "IJftelll ne,t to the wa~e cla""e", ,,111cethe crol'vn reven-ue" \\ ('I e 1<\1ge1y dell\ ed from land" III such a mal1ner a,c, to Jl1lc1ude <\11\ ad, antdge.., f10m the n,,111g pnces of foodstuff" 1 f1"tOl \ furthel tell'i us th at the landed propnetors profited ~I eath ft om the 1110ney depI eClatlOn or 11lcreasing price",- a" Olll \mellcan fdrmers hay e been prospenng under the pre,,- em ,111111aleApenence, whIle the next class to plofit was the lllIddle 01 tJ ad11lQ,class, \\ hose bU<,11less was then hIghly ineIJ- \ IdudhLed and not a'i now concentrated mto great employ- 11l~ cunceln" w1th compdratlvc<ly few owners to share the 111- l! ld"lllg plOhh from 11"1l1g-pnce'i and a vast army uf c1encal lmplO\ e" \\ ho al e In much the "ame pO'iIUon as the wage-ldlnel" of the 'iDcteenth and sllventeenth centurte". '(JUI 111tel1"e cunenc) dl'iU1S"10n,, of late years have gl\en \\ Idl ulcuLltl0n to the ,1ew that prtces bear httle or no reld- !HJt1 to the quant1t\ of mdney, and much effort ha.., he en made In tho"e ot thl" "choo] of 11l0neal} thought to dh"oelate thc Q,ll<lt pl1ce chan~e" of the "Ixteenth al1d seventeenth centune" 110m the glldt mClea"e 1ll the European "upphe" of the prec- IOU" metal" le"ttltmg from the explOltdtlOn of l\IexlCo and Peru 1n thl <"'pa11lshad\ entm er" A fay O1lte alternatIve theory ha" b( cn thl chppln~ of the Fn~h"h COll1dl:;e alound that IJe110d of t1111C nut the C0111mon "Uhe of e<lrly econ01111"ts lIke Adam '-,1111th\\d" not thu" to bc foolecl when hc "a1(1 The dl"covery 01 thc dhuIHLlllt 111111l"of \111ellca "cem" to 11<1\ e been the "ole c<\the of thh dlm11lutlOn 111the \dlue of o,tlvcr III PIOPOltlO11 to t hdt of COIll It (the 11se of pllces) h accounted for, ac-l 01d11l~h, 111the "dme mannel by everybody, and there nc vel' ha" heen an} dl'>pute eIther about the fact 01 dbollt the cau"c ot It . \1OIe recent Engh"h hl<;t0l1dns are comIng to accept thh earhel \ le\\ of the economIC and ,..,oClal con<,equence" of the lll])l)lll at ~ll1ellCall sIller 111 the sl"xteenth and seven-teenth centlll1e" and to I ecol:;ll1Ze certaIn pohtlcal con"e-qUUlll" 1\l11lh h,lle IC'lll\od "h~ht attentIOn £tom catllel hl"tulIdll" 'lltu" 111 "::,ou<d Engl<l1Hl,' a Idlge wOlk of \<.1.11011,:" WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 authorshIp, edIted by H D. Tralll, It IS saId, in speaking of the fact that the nse of pnces was checked about 1640 " 'The pohtlcal con"equences of thIs change were very 1111 pot tant \\ e have seen that the n"e of pllces had Immense-h mCleased and ennched the mIddle cla""es, but when pllces became "tatlOnary, profib naturally f('ll "\ great "tlmulu:o to mdustnal enterpll "e was removed, and a wlCle"pread dl"- content among the commerClal cl.1"se" en:oued, It can .,cal ce- I) be que:otlOned that thelse ftucutatlOns ot pnces In the sev en-teenth century help to explam the opposItIon to the Stual t ktng" and the outbreak of the PUlltan revolution } or It was ]u st those classes tha t advance cl m vveal th and Importance through the n:oe In pnce:o, and then found theIr prospellty checked, who played the chIef part m the resIstance of LharlelS I "And when the gold mmes of today, novv so prohfic. beS;1l1 to gIve out, If they ever do, we shall also see "ome pohtlcal consequence" of SImIlar thoue;h modIfied character to the above There WIll be p.resumabl) no long to behead but woe to the party that chances In that day to be m npovver l\Iean- Ume, as the SIlver mftatlon of the early "eventeenth century IS held to be partly responsIble for the .1bu:oe of the ta;..,.mg power of the Stuart kmgs. so the pre"ent e;old m11atlOn 1" partly re.,ponslble for the mcreasmg taxatIOn and burden of pubhc Indebtedness whIch dlstlnglllsh the e;m el nments of the \;\ estern natIons m thl:o tlme of pe.1ce , ",\" fOI the average cItIzen In the crll"h of l1.,mg costs of h\ me; there 1:0 to be dIscerned for hIm httle hope of lehef thIS slCle of the begmnmgs of exh.1ustlon In gold productIon -01 a ch.1nge m the monetary stand.1rd, whICh I" not hkel) and not pre.,entlv adVIsable \gamst thIS Ilsm~ co"t of In- In~ e;1eat numbers of the 1l1dUStllcl1 classes find more than am pIe protection m llsmg pnces for vvhat they produce or sell and the consequence appreCIatIOn of rental values-the falmer." the manufacturers and the tlaehng or mercantile d.1""e" vvho buy on a n"mg market but "ell later on WIth the 111.1k1et stIll nsmg "1 he crechtor classe:o, who benefit £tom a comlttlOn of monetary appreuatlon vvIII contmue to 'iuffer as In the p.1"t ten yeal s, hut to a growmgly les., degl ee as they ,1IC .1ble to force a lughel av Clage rate of mterest . 1he orgamzed wage classes WIll also suffel but to a !:(Iowm!:(ly le"s deglee as they are able to fOlce up theIr wages \\ 111chWIll "tIll lag .1 httle hehmd the rhe m pnces and 1ent" -a proces" that may be attended b) more "tnke chsturhances th,Lll wel e e'Cpellenced In the pre-pa111c penod B ut fell th.1t lell ~ e da.,:o of unorganl7ed labot-the un "kIlled wage-eal nel" and the :oubordmate salalled 111en of manufactul1l1!:( and mer c,mUle .1nd tr.1nSpOl tatlon .1nd mllllne; and other 1l1dustne:o-upon them le"ts the gle.1t weIght of the dhach anta~es .1n'31l1l:; f101ll the comlttlon" ancl ch.1nges under dl"uI""lOn J hen lot h .1 h.1rel onc .1nd the ml1lont) of thell nU111bel" places then Cd"C 1)(\- ond ca"v- remedv~ Tlwy Havp a Wide }i'ipld. (dmbllCle;c, LIt" Ind, ~ept C)-I he ::"tdllC!clld \],Lllll[dC l1l1111~ Comp.1n) manllfdctUl tl" of the speCl.1l and foldUl!:( c han " . .11c IJll11chng an adchtJon to thClr plant c(ln"I"UJl~ of a t \\ (l "tory Stl uctUl e 30;..,.60 \\ hlch \V 111 bc u .,ed a" a stOI age loom Thc company repOl t" an execellent busme% thus fal thl" year and the plant ha" been kept runn1l1g steadIly the pa"t c \\ 0 ) eal" The trade of the Standal d :\lanufactUlml:; Com pan) come" frOUl al :oectlOn" and mclude:o an (''Cport bu ,,- me.,,, e;..,.tenchng Into \fnca Cuba, (Treece dnd the PhtlhpllleS Its no f11n fOI ,1 VV0111 111 to tell ,1 scc I et to ,lll) onc that she tlltrlhS VIIII keep It _.. - ....-.... "'- III ,I ,, ,II I• I, II II• IIII /;.-----_._---_.,---- No.15 Foxl j SAWING MACHINE , WRITE 44 ' FOR I' NEW CATALOG ,, , 185 N FRONT STREET, t GRAND RAPIDS, MICH , FOX MACHINE CO-.---------_.~I •• - F ...- - . - --------------_._--_._---_.-- .. 1 Hotel LINDEN I I Indianapolis I I Illinois and New York Sts. I GBlocks from LmOil Depot 'I 2 Block' from Iutel urban "tatton I' I 250 Rooms All OutSIde, WIth FIre E,cape I elephone In I<.vcry Room I European Plan Rate' Tic to $Z00 Pel D" ' Dlnmg- Room In ConnectlOtl I ~peclal !-: ate,> to FamIlies and Permanent Guests 1 aches 1ravehng Alone will Fllld I fhls a Ver) DeSIrable StoppllIg Place I, ~-----------_._-------------_.__._----- GEO.R. BENTON Lessee tnd Malldger ~---------------~-----------------------------~ UNION FURNITURE CO. III ,, II ,I II II I\, I I j".----------------------------------~ ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead m Style, Conftrudlon and Fmlsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhibi-tion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldmg, Grand Rapids. ...-------------------------------------------- .. SAWED AND SLICED I II , II ,II ,I ,I II II II II III I II I II -- - ~ HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. '" HARDWOOD LUMBER l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS \ AND MAHOGANY &---- -_._-_. ------------ . '-.( m( \(1 \ cA (( t1\ C ]JlCCe" ell C fa~JlI()necl from \\'Jlnut 111 the dnll ,(l! 1 l111l"h ,1""U(1dtU) Illth thc at;C 07 hor,,( hdlr de, an up h(,]"tUl11~ 11',\1U1,11 \ncl h)1 e.,c h,ur h hel e ,lga1l1, h t ln a '~I()l Ji\( ) c,lI11(\n \ot the e.,a1))( hucd, glosl fabnc that ca t " c! II k ,,]Jac!OII 111,Ill ,ljl11 (111Cl1t L\ Cll 011 thc "nlll1lest of dai:", I,n] ,I tll (] "u1tu \1(,I\C 111 ,ut c()1()l1l1~", "uch a" \\ere u"e(1 IUI the U,]Ull1dl e.,oJa d ICe.,ttul ~Ieell wlth de"l~l1 In blac\ \ t Itl e.,t ~LI11( C Ulle 110 lId not t,lke tIll" fabllc to he hor"e ),"11 hut lt 1" ,111d 111,1I1\ dCell old l,tc1lc" hay 111~ kal11ed of thl" 1l111,tll11 upho]e.,t(l\ fae.,hlO11" hale detel111111ed to [ulh1'-,h up UJl1( of thul hell loom" III ltke l1lallnel 101 thc 1l\111~ lU0111 111alHJgan\ allcl I\alllut ale fil,,1 ChOlCC 1mt 101 thc c!111111~1 0111 thu e are "0111e r1I7ahetha 1 de'ilgll" 1'] ()Ik that 11\aI111 attlac11\CllC"" even the hlghl} pl1/cd 1111 h()~a11\ I h( C,)IOll11~ of th1'-, oak l'i heantlful. the deep2'it oj 11ut hI 0\\ 11 \111 hunt a e.,U'ijlluon of lolhh It'i 'i11100thne"" of 8 WFEKLY ARTISAN New ]<"urllitureis Plain and Artistic. (Continued lrom Page 5) that. 111a dcglcc, h chalaLtelle.,tlc oj the \yOlk uj Ill" C()llljllll1)11 de"ll:;ner" of the eighteenth centm \, 111lppellc1dle and llejlplc Idllte, ale a~ oh"cliahlc In the rCjlloduc11)11 ae., III the 0I1~1Il,tl" \nd a" 1l1dho~dll} I" the \Iood 111\\lllch they ,1IC m\k1ll~ thCII appedrallce the} ha,e heen acc01dul a lllgh deglce 01 Id\lll. CHIPPEI\OALE Made by lh· Century Furmlure Campany, Grand RaPIds. Ml h l\Taho~al1} Ie., nCi el out of fa"h 0 1 hut fur thc I),]"t tel\ \ C 11" It bel'> heel1 " eddd} regJ11111lg the plee.,t1i.;e that lt (1110\ e I 111 the ~land old colomal cIa)., that the poet tell., all ll1t ,md tho"c \vho ])o""e"e., 1l1ahO~allv jurl11Lure no\\ ])II/C tt at tt., tl ue WOI tho ~heraton tl us ted almoe.,t entl1 el} fOl decor d t on to III 1.1\ \volk of a \ery hIgh glade \Iarquetelle l'i the te ltUIC thClC SHERATON M.lde by the Century FurnIture Company Grand Rapids Mlch (01 c of man} of thc nc\'. ploduLllon" mo(lelecl attcl ShCl atOl1 d(e.,J~n, alld f.l"hlOlled tIOlll l11aho~dn}, (al\ln~ ale.,) .h~l1ICe." hut not so pJOnllnentIy a'i the :"1l11pler dev)latlOn VIhlch dc-pcnd" for H" heauty upon ez,quIslte colOl blene!lI1~ ane! Slm-plIClt} of ll11c. ~ot all the recent de<;lgn'i In furl1lture are of maho~an\ QUEEN ANNE Made by the Century FurmtureCo , Grand Rapids, MICh "ultace ane! glace of I1I1e ale allunng fO! tho:"e who ha,e \\C,llICd of the 1llOle highly .hme.,hed and ornate de'ilgn" of 1ll0deln cabInet-makers 'lllle., development of Illtele"t III altlstlc fur11lture ha3 also hl'ltlght about anotthel :"ubstItr.-ItlO1]-that of the FlemIsh '01\ Ie fOl the mOle angular \11'o:.lOn proe!uctlOn:" FlemIsh fur- 111ture look" good ane! fecI" good, dnd the most enthUSiastIc ,1(ln111er of the 'otralght ane! uncomproml<;lllg Illle'i of the .l\1Is- ~lun productlOn" 111U"t admit that comfort h not alwa} " then dhtlnl:;Uhhlng attllbute \ot ,dl thc 'pelloe!" fUll11tulC I" of Fng-lt'ih onglll, as the C,ql11 "Ite 1111porteltlOlh and I eprod uctlOn<; heanng the unmi<;- takahle II ench hall 111ark te"tlf}. But the"e D'rench designs alC alhtocrdt<; ln the fur111ture Illle that have no as'iOClatlon \'.11h the eqUIpment for the h\ Illg room, bedroom:" and e!llllllg room of the e\ el \ cia'. c\1l1enCdn home They belong to the dl a\\ In~ room \\ Ith e.,llken hdnglllg, and f1 e<;coed and rose ~allallded culIn~" and vvalh '[ he toUl do"ecl With an lll"peLtlOn of "ome lmported l'rench cdblllets and EI1/ahethal1 chllla closet'i of Amell(:an manufacture, of v\hlCh an lllu"tIatlon IS gnen near the beglll- 111llg of thl:" article large u~ers of red gum replle the stock after It has been carned a",ll1le and bulk It down with cros" "ticks every five or SiX layer:o, "0 a" to "trdlghten ont whatever tWiSt there may be m the board" Thl:-. practlcally as-.1He" the ehmmatlOn of tWl'St- 111gand warp1l1g It can be handledm thl<;;way to much better advantage than '" here an effort 1'3 made to "tralghten It ant by force', when cutt1l1g np the "tack and prepanng It for u"e: £01, when the pre""ure h apphed gradually, there I" no lo"s b) rea"on at breakage or ~phttll1g. \ Her hav111g been ellled and templfed 11l the dlr dlHl then redned It usually lo:oe" nearly all of It" walpmg tendency The co~t of handlmg lumber In thl" mdnner h not great, and the good re"ult'3 secured thel e-h) more thdn pay for whate' cr ont1ay there may be \ plan, which many furl11ture manufacturer" have fo1low-ed to good ad \ antage and employed where red gum. oak, mahogan\ 01 other wood'3 ale used, I" to de"lgn the article m "uch a manner that the Wide plece:o may be remforced and tl1l1:Opre' ent an\ walpmg 01 other defects showmg up In- "tance" have been known "here red gum boards eighteen mche" Wide have been glued together and made mto thlrty- "IX mch de:ok top" The top~ were firmly cleated on the bot-tom. held In place a" well as any other wood, and gave good "atl:"factlOn '1 hiS lumber had been standmg on the ,tick" £01 about a yaer ~nother manufacturer, who uses red gum fOl drawer" and panehng, guarded agamst the tendency to "hnnk and "well by the apphcatlOn of a couple of coats of :ohellac m"lde and out and found that the wood behaved itself a'3 well a:o any that could have been u:-.ed In thiS mstance pi am-sa '" ed gum '" a" employed and pldin "awed matenal 01 dmanl) give" more trouble than quarter-"awed The I eal pi oblem for the con:oummg trade b to "tud) the"e que"tlOIh and to del Ise ways to guard agalllst the ehffi-cultle" encountel ed If gum :ohow" a tendency to warp why not remforce It m ~ome \\ a)") \\ hen It I" u:"ed m the manu-facture of furl11ture, tenon" "hould hay e mal e body, and g"leatel plecautlOn" 111 the way of c1eatlllg the ",'Ide boald" al e requ11 ed \ \ hell the WOlk IS propeJly performed alld \\ ell sea"oned I ed gum h u"ed, the re:ou1ts "hould be "at l"fac to!) 111 e\ elY way, 'J he bOduty of thl" wood "honld appedl mal e "tI ongl y to the \mel1can people 111 the future than It ha" III the pa"t "SATIN WALNUT" AS A CABINET WOOD The Value of Red GUIll for Furniture and Interior Finish.···How It Should Be Handled and Seasoned The lumber mdu"tr) oi the country has been pi OVlded With much valuable mformatlOn by the mvestlgatlOn" which have beell made through the "clentlfic "tudy of many specie" of trees, agam'3t the u"e of which there ha~ been a pre]lHhce for one reason or another. and from dn economiC "tandpOlnt thiS 1:0one of the mO'3t 1mpal tant pha"e:o of the fOi est work of the govelnment, :"ay" the \\ ood",orker" Review. The late"t ehscovenes of valuable quahtle" 111 a former neglected specleo I e"ulted after an 111vestlgatlon of the red gum sometime, commerclallv called' satm walnut," which fincb I\:-' home 111 the hardwood bottom land" and dner "wamp, of the ~0nth, 111 mixture With ash, cottonwood and odk Thl" tree I" one ot the commone:ot timber tree" of the "outh, rCiachmg Ib be"t de- \ e10pment In the deep, nch soil of the bottom", whele It often attal11S a hClght of 150 feet and a diameter of five feet \\ ere red gum Imported from a dl"tance and obtal11able only dt d high pnce, It probably ",auld be u"ed exten"l\ el) In the man-nfactUl e of fur11lture, cabmet WOl k and 111tenor fi11l'3hmg, bnt be1l1g a natIVe wood and low m pnce, It ha" been C1lSCl1111- 1I1ated agamst Gradnally thl" obJectlOn IS be1l1g done a", a) With, and the demand for 1ed gum ha" l11crea,ed \ er) rapidly 111 the past few year" The best grades of reel gum, clear heart, find a market dlnlO"t e"c!nslvely 111 the export trade, though a large amount h now used 111the Umted ~tattJs for 111"lde fim"hmg Practi-cally SC\ enty-five per cent of the clear heart gum lumber cut 111 thl" country I" exported for use 111 England, } I anct and Crermany for the manufacture of funlltnre, 1I1"lde tnmm1l1g:o. newel po:ot'3 and ~talr ralhng" The commoner grade" of 1ed gum dre u:"td 111 the Lmted State:o for cheap furmtUl e, de"k", the better grade" of boxes, and a numbel of no\ eJtle'3 The pOOle"t grade goe:o 111tObOAes, ban el, and otho drtlc!e" fOl willch ~hOl t, llallOW board" can be u:oed The 1I1ner pal tlon of the heart:-, of the tree". w hlLh dl e of httle \ alue fOI boal d" on account of "luke" and other defect" ale n"ually sawed 1I1to two hy fOUl to t\\O hy t\\ehe. and "ometlme" "IX b) "I" anel "IX hy eight 11lch ]nuldmg tlm bel" Thc~e tlm ber:o ha \ e small \ alue-. 111the Idl ~e mal keh, but lle,lr the 11]111" the local tJ dde c,.JldU"t" the "nppl) I 01 the manufacttlle of "lack halld" led gum I" one of the mo"t ImpOi tdllt wooel" 111 the conntr). l,tllklllg "eumd to elm. both a:o d "ta\ c dnd d he'ldmg wood. l p to the yedl 1eJOOdm ,llld a httle cotton \\ oml WLl e l"e,l fm thh pm po,",e hut \\ Ilh the dlh allce 111 pilLe of thc:oe 'lood, .I "ub"tltute h,l(l to bc found, .tnd le(l l.("um, 0\\ 11l~ to Ih chcapne"" \\I,t" l "'pell' tntnted \\ Ith dud [oullli qmtc "dtl"fdLtol) I he dllcf ohJection to led gn11l h It, "tlon~ tlndenc) to 'l arp and t\\ 1,,1 1 hi" C.tll he elltll dy m ercome h) pi 0jJel halldhm; 1 he pi elMI atlOn of I ed gum lumber for any pUI po"c ,,11Ould beglll \\ hen the tree I" felled To guard ag,ull"t ,tdllJ- 1I1g 'tIld '" dl p1l1g, It 1:0lunel1ed In 11luch the :oame \'Ii ,Iy a" othu \\ood". but With the lmportallt ehftelence that the pile" ale IldllOwel, "0 that the air may CIrculate fleel). and thus ple- \ ent felmentatlOn of tht "ap, and that the Cia"" "tick" mu"t be pl.lced clo"el tog ethel It ha" abo heen found well to place heal) weight" on the cal" of red ~um "hen the) are "ent to the JoIn L\ClY IJldllufdLturel of hl~h glade fl11mtl11c and tllm kIlO\\' th.tt to "eCl11e the he"t po""lbk le"ulh. the ma-tClldl lllu"l hc ICLlllCd \\hcll It lCdche:o the fdLtm \ ~ollle ~--------------------------.._- ~ I STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY I I NORTH UNION STREET <;RAND RAPIDS, MICH. ' I:, 1I I,,. I,,, ,, ,, I,I ,. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) : I We ha\ e ~dopted cellulOId a' a hase for our Caster CUI" maklll/( the , he<;t cup 011 the market. CellulO1d IS a great ImprOvemetil over hao;;e<; • 'I made of other matenal \Vhen It 15 tleCebc;;ary to move a Pit Le <;upported " h, cups With cellulO1o bases It can he done WIth ea ...e as the ha~e<; are per • fectly smooth <. ellulO1d doe,; not sweat and hy the use of thec;:;e cnp.. • , tahles are uevt'f marred I he"e cups are fiBl<;herl III Goldf"tl Oak and • \Vhlle Maple fillt;herl I'/(hl If '10'/ "nU try a 8ample order ° II".. , • f1ood~ you, utll f!Plure to handle IlInn Ub qllnnftfteR . • , PRICES "I?e 2% 11Iche' $5 50 per hundred ' , "I/e Zli 11Iohe' 4 50 per hundred ' , f 0 /) Grand Rap,ds J It Y A ., I If ['{,Ie ONfJ/<'JI '. , I ~~ •••• w ••••• •••••••• 10 local of :S1.2'i fr0111 the :\Ib:-,oun flver and $154 to Salt Lake lit, b $.2 79 -\11 eastern baslnl.; Ime,; enjoy the :-,dme eltffer-entlal a~am"t Dem el In Utah tel ntory 1 t \\ d'o pnnupdlly to obtam I ehef from thiS clt:-,cflmma-lion that '[I I<"111delfiled his casc, 9S1 hefore the C0111mlSS1On I he C0111111IS:-,lOdnlCl not ~Iant wl1dt he "anted, and he was no! clt"plea"ed 1'vlth the Iulmg of the court I c"tral111ng the 01del of the C0111ml"'olOn111the ca"c \" "oon ,I" the Cd..,e h hndlh "ettlullll thc ~uplulle lotl1t to \\hlch It Will evldentl) be dppealLCl ..,ulh \\ III he filed befol e the com111h..,lOn d..,klng fO) thc Ch111111dbonof thc eAI..,tlng differential In the mean-tll11e all 111tele"t,; \\111 bc centeled to\\ald the ope11ln~ of the (Tah e"ton gate\\ d\ hy \\ hlch mean" It h hopcd the rallroael.., \\ III be compelled to grant pal bal rehef from the cltsCflmllla-lIon cOlllpamed of lomlllent1l1g" Oll thc eleci ~lOn while 111 Chlcal.;o the other da, ,11 Klllelel said I a111 cony Inceel that the court In Chicago 111aelea ml';- take III Its rullllg III the ,II"oufl rn er ca,;e, though as a loyal Dell\ e1 hooster I am not displeased With the deCISIOn. I ~alCl \\ hen thc deu"ton wa" announced and I sttll say that the court \\dS mhtaken In hohdng that the com1111';"lon can-not make a through I atc that IS Ie..,,; than the sum of all local Idte.., that go to make It up In the, ery nature of thmgs the throug-h-rate whel e the freight mo\ e, Without reload, should be Ie",; than the combined rate:-, where the good,; are unloael-tel once or tWIce bet ween the oflglllatmg pOInt and destma-bon \\ 1'..1"..KLY AR IISAN COURT DECISION AND KINDEL CASE. Denver Shippers Think the Chicago Ruling Will Result in a General Revision of Rates to Colorado and Utah Points. rL he 111cn dnel thc alhcd conlmLl u,t! 111!Uc"!'- !hdt elelldul to make and hd\c begun an dggle"..,I\e hght ,H.?,aln"t the 111gh late:-, now III eflect flom Cahc"ton to Dunel ,h \\cll ,I" lolorddo anel Ltelh tellltOl) gcnu,tlh \\l!lJOUt cl1dnge" bc-mg made 1\1thc oppo'ite ell!eetlon \ ho \\ el c "pm nul to eletlon through thc 1\1ltlabve taken b\ (,eOlge j K111del ])ell\ el :-, 11 represslhle and detel mined champton fOl 1ea"onablc 1ate" are greatly encol11agecl by the dcu"10n ot judg-e:-, (Jro""cup and Kohlsaat 1\1 the so-called :\1hOlOU11 In el ca "c" L he, claim that If that deu..,ton I.., to stand thllC 111U"t be a lC-ductlOn In through I dte" to Dell\ er dl1C1other Colorado and L:tah pOInts, from both -\tlantlC and Gulf pOl t" The Chambel of COlllmel ce the 'lanutactul el.., -\",0 clatlOn and the South\\ e..,teln '-,ll1ppel.., -\".." ~IdtHln hd' e combmeel to make a ..,ho\\ 1l1g bef01 e the comml""lon awl later for Itself ha" 1\1ade a petltlOn e"clmhl\ c ot that of \I1 Kllldel for a reductIOn of 1ate" '1 hc\ \\ ant a fir:-,t-clasOl rate of $140 hom Gah e"ton to Dell\ el II htle \11 hlllclel h con-tent to a"k for $1.80 a,; ag-aln"t the ple,ent and ne\\ late at $205 It IS beheved that the 10glcal \\a\ to fOlce the larl-loaels to grant rea:-,ona ble thlough rates h om thc ,;eaboal(l to Denver, IS thlough the Galveston gateY\ a\ Denvel sll1pper" contend that a reductIOn of the Gah c,,- ton rates wlll prov 1de a through late to Dem er f101\1 thc -\t lanbc scahoald, h\ the \\ a, of that pOl t 10\\ el than the 10\\- cst rates now gn en b, the ..,ea and ratl route" I he e"ht-lllg all-rail rate on fir:ot-clas'-, ~hlp1\1enb ham the se,lboal d to Colorado common pomt" I'; 3.2 73 dnd thCl e 1', d dIftu entIa! of 3CJ cents 111 favor of thc lall and \\ atel 10UtC mak111g the through late by the~e route,; $.2 3-1- The through Idte b\ the Galveston gateway \\Ith the ple\aIl1l1f; "team,;hlp late" to Galveston and the rate to be d,;ked fOJ from (Tah c,;ton would make the maximum thlOugh late b\ that port S1.6j It lS easy to be ,;een thdt ':ouch a I eductIon \\ould compel a reductton of the through 1dtes nO\\ cnJoyed from '-,eahoard ports It lS generally dg-Ieed amon~ "hlppel" and rarlroad men that of all the local 1ate" tram the -\tlantlc ,edboal d to Demel that from the :\II';';OU11 r1\el to Demur 1', Illo"t un lela"onable and \,,"oull COIlle 111fOJ the gleatc"t luluetlon It d leductlOn 111 the thlOugh Idte to Ulmer \\ele O1delec1 ]he rate tram the ,;eaboald 10 the '!h"l';"IDpl RnC:'l b 88 cent,;, thence to the \I1SS0Ul1 Rn II (,0 cent" and thence to Denver $12'i, the tll1ec lates mak111g the total thlOugh-ratc of .2 73 to Den \ er L nclel he I uuhng rccently g1\ en b) thc federal Clrullt court 111 (l11cago In the :'I11';';0111I In er ca..,l anc! enJ011l1ng the IntcI"tate COm11l1"~10n {10m Cnf01Cl11g-thc orclel thl'; through rate cannot be leduccd ",!thoul a cones ponc!Jng reducilon 111one 01 mOl e of the locdl 1ates ';0 that the through-rate \vl11 stilI be the sum of the local relte,; It IS gencldlh concedcd that the op1n1On deln ered 1l\ judge GIOS"CUp afford,; tonnelatlOn fOl a fight on the part of Colorado commOn pOlnh Sll1ppel" to ha, e the"e pOInt-, 1ccog-n1/ eel bv all the load" a:-, d ba:-'111g !Jne C:;uch a recog111tl0n "ould mean a 1eductIOn of I ate,; from the ,1 h,Otlll In el to Den, er and from Den\ er 10 Salt Take Cltv "0 a,; to ahohsh the dlfferentldl of 7,], cents that eAl,;t,; agd111st Dcm er and m favor of the -\tlantlc se,lhoald dnc1 thc J'111""OUllanc! ,11';';1"" Ippl flver,; m t'tah terntOl} The p1("enl rate frOIll thc 'fl"- "oun 11\el to Salt Lake Cltv 1" $.2 0:; l\hJ!e thc rate from Den, er manufactm el '; and Jobbe1'; made up by acldl11g thc 'I feel sure tl1dt "e wIll ultlmatel) arr1\ e at d "} stem of bd"l11g rallroad I ate" upon "el \ Ice rendered '\ obodv would contend that gooch could IJC :-,hlpped from '\ ew York to the ,fhSJ""lppl In el unloaded leloaded and "hlplJed aga1l1 to the \Il",oun fl\ C1 treatcd the ,;ame V\a) there. and ,;hlppcd dga1l1 to Den\ er dt the ,;ame expen,;e as the ..,amc g-oocl'i could he ,;ll1pped dIrect from '\cw YOlk to Dem er But thl'; 1', Just \\ hat the ratllOads do under the ba'img Ime 'oystem I do not want to he unclel,;tood a:-, helng- oppo ,ed to the ha"l11g hnc S\ ,tem It we can get It for Denver It I" a fine thmg for all clile,; on ,;uch a hasmg Ime dnd \\ ould cel tamh be a good th111g for Dem er T am onl) "tat111g nn 0p11110n that the ';\ "tem "Ill "oon be abolhhed a,; l!loglLal" p--- - - •• ,II I II I •I IIIIII ----------_._. --- ... - .- -------------- .. MUSKEGON VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY MUSKEGON MICH ... , GOlOn101 ~UlleS Tall Post Beds Odd Dressers Coilloniers wardrooes ladleS' TOllels Dressma Tables MOOOaOny Ini00d GOOdS II II,I II IIII II I •,,II ,I I WRITE FOR CATALOG I I I ~---------------------------------------------~ block on Fourth "treet between St Charles and Vme streets The furl11ture and '3tove store of EmIle Beauregarde on J\laln '3treet. '1\ are, Ma"", wa" closed Sept 1. without any notice a" to the plOpnetor\ mtentlons, but he IS supposed to haye eleclCleelto qUIt busmess. The Rhoele'\-1\lahoney Fur11ltme Company of Chattan-ooga, T<)[1n.. haye I ecently maele adchttons that double the capaCIty for dOing busme~" and now have one of the largest and be"t arranged stores m the South L F Bertrau & Co, furmture dealers of Big Rapids, 1\11ch, nm\ own the bmldmg m whlch thelr store IS located hay mg purchased It recently The buIldmg was formerly oc-cupied by the Big Raplds Furnlture Company Chel"ea C. Fra:->er of Sagmaw, MICh, has belen appomted ~overnment furmture mspector for the department of the Great Lakes Hl'\ headquarters wlll bel at Grand Raplds, but at pre"ent he IS mspectmg furmture that is being made for the government m Chlcago F S. Harmon & Co, furmtule Jobbers have Just com-pleted and occupled a four-story bUlldmg 60x150 on First avenue and Massachusett'\ street, Seattle, Vvash, and are prepanng to erect an adJommg bUlldmg that IS to be 120x150 "IX stones, to cost $200,000 Albert Young, representmg a Kansas Clty company that makes walnut tnmmmgs, has been buymg walnut stumps m the vlcmlty of Plttsburg, Kans, recently He declares that old stumps furmsh the be::,t walnut now obtamable' and says 'we even go down for the roots" The orgamzatlon of the new E Z c\uto Go Cart Company has belen completed and the plant IS bemg moved fl om BeiOlt, to Monroe, \\'lS Fred Kaplan of Chlcago IS presldent of the company, George E. Thrope of Monroe lS secretary and Sam-uel Kueller of BeiOlt, ge'neral manager The George D Emery Company of Chelsea, :;\;[ass, ma-hogany Importer::" have recen ed a pnvate settlement of thelr clalm of $2,500,000 agamst the! 1\1lcarauguan government for the cancellatIOn of a tnnber conceSSIOn that was granted to the company several vears ago Terms of the settlement havel not been made pubhc, but the company 1'3beheyed to have ac-cepted "omethmg Ie"" than $1,000,000 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. W G Bu::,::,ee, IS clo"mg out 111Sfurmture ::,tOle m Col-fax. VV' ashmgton } J Teal, undertaker of 1nCllana BarbOl, 1ml, hac, "old out to John Huber E L Barber c,uccecd::, 'IV J Beckwlth. furlllture dealer at Wyommg, Iowa The Hot Spnngs (Alk) Bed Company has made an as::'lgnment for the benefit of crechtors Woodham's Furlllture Company of ~an l'ech 0, Cal, have moved mto larger quarters at 224 Sixth street Charle::, L Rus"ell, the plOneer chalr manufacturel of Keene, N H, ched on i\ugu'\t 31, aged 71 year" The ,\ D J acocks Company, undertaker" of Cmclllnati OhlO, have mcorporated Capltal stock $25000 Harry Shafer, a pIOneer and the fir"t furmture dealer of Snyder, Okla , dropped dead of heart dhcase on August 29 Mltchell & Cunnmgham, furmtul e and carpet dealer" of Derby, Indlana have filed a voluntary petltlon m bankruptcy Jones & Phllhps, furmture dealer" of Llttle Rock, c\rk, have doubled their floor "pace by rentlng an adJommg buIld-mg The Tams Funl1ture Company delalers, of Huron, S Dak. has moved mto a ne"" modern bUlldmg aClO,\,\ the street from thelr old "tore The York Furnlture Company, dealers of York, Pa, are to be succeeded by the Ebert Furmture Company, lecently orgamzed, on October 1 The G P ,Velgel Company of CIc\ elal1d, 0, has made an a"lgnment to I\; K. Calclvvell a::, asslgnee Llabihtle" $6,775, assets estlmated at $12,500 The Goodnch lurmture Company of Redland'3, Cal, have Ju:->teqUIpped thelr store With racks on wll1ch they are able to display 44 styles of dmmg tables Credltors have filed a petitIOn In bankruptcy agamst the Hallack- Deamer Company, whole'3ale and I etaIl dealer" m furl11ture and carpets of Kansas City, Mo Verner Snauble who about a year ago succeeded hI', father a" manager of the \llchlgan Furmture Compan} of Ann -\rbor, )'11Ch, dled 011 August 30, aged 37 yeal s The HIldreth (Nebr.) Furmture Company has moved mto commochous ne\\ quarters m a new bnck bUlldmg wlllch contams a theatre With a seatmg capaCIty of 800 T. S Hamilton, of the Belhngham Bay } Url11tUle Com-pany, Bellmgham, v\ ash, has purchased a half block of land upon which a large furl11ture factory Will be operated The Empire Home Furmshmg Company of Ansoma, Conn, C A Rmgel, manager, has moved mto largel and mOle convement quarters at the corner of )'lam and Ohvla street~ The VVelgel Furlllture and Carpet Company of St J os eph, Mo, has secured the contract for furlllshmg the carpet::,. rugs, drapenes and bedchng for the new Dreyfus hotel of Kansas CIty. The InternatlOnal Veneer Company have purcha"ed a tract of 12 acres of land at Centralta, ,Vash, upon yyhlch It Will erect a factory employmg about twenty-five operative, at the outset Henry Feige, selmor member of the firm of Henr} Fel~e & Co, furmture dealer'3 of Sagmaw, :\lIch, cheel on Sept 1, aged 71 years and 9 months He 1" survlVed by a y\Idow, a son and three daughters The PI uflock-Lltton Company, hou"e furnl"her'3 of ~t LOUIS, \10, have mo'" ed mto lar~el quarters across the c,treet from their old store. They now occupy the entire ----_._----- ---- ---- -------_._---_-. --~ I . . _.. . . We Manufacture the Larl!est Line of 1n the U ntted States, SUitable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all pubbc resorts We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large varIety Send for Catalogue and Prices to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND. OHIO II t ........~ lo dl t u~1I1g the"e IOckel ~ a" !cadel" 1'3shown by the hecld- Ing- on page cycy') \\ hILh reae!" \\ e ale offerIng ane! Illu'3tJat1l1g the large~t and mo"t up-to-ddte Ime of rocker~ e\ el "howlI b) a catalogue hou~e 01 turl1ltUI e "to! e I he) al e all made b) the largest facto! y In thl~ 1ll1e v\ho hd\ e the reputatIOn of turnIng out hIgh grade locker" [he bl\\ I11g commIttee of the ::\I111nesota -\'iSOclatlOn ha~ etl"o nue!c ,'II angemenh b) \\ h,ch member'3 can obtall1 medll1m and low glade c1l1ffol1ler~, ch e""er", commode" dnd othll ca~e good~ at plILe~ con"l<lerabl} lower than tho~e quoted 1)\ \Iontgomel) \\ anI & Co. The"e good" are plC-tUI eel and e!e'3Cllbed on a clrculal whIch under the headmg -\ :-'oltcl (hk DI e"~el for le,,'3 Than You l '3uall) Pay for a COl1lmocle ~a\" MORE MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION HELPS Buying Conunittee Succeeding in Beating SOllIe of the Best Bargains Offered by the Chicago Mail Order Houses. The \1\ eekl} \Itban made no I1lI"take la"t \\eck \\hcll It dec1al ed the ::\IlI1ne'3ota RetaIl FUlnIture Dealel" \ ~~OCla-tlon was more actl\ e and \'\ a~ domg mOl e tOI Ih membel" than any "111111arOIgal1lzatlOn 111the countr) It ~houle! hay e been stated, however, that the actl\ It} and ,ucce~" ot the ::\lmnesota A"soclatlOn 1'3 due lalgel} to the "eCletal\ \\ T, (~rapp of JaneSvIlle, \\ho "eem" to be a man ot tdet and ab1llt\ WIth the knack or facu1lt) of m"plrIng the \ anou" COI11l111tteee, ancl keep1l1g them bu,,) DUrIng the past fe\\ month~ the 1[l11ne"ota \~"ouatH)J] ha" made "peclal effort to meet mad 01 del competltloll and thu" enable the member~ to "ecure thur tull "hale ot the trade that 1'3sure to follO\'\ the marketl11g ot the ClOp" \\ hlch were never bettel 111 thell state II Ith that end 111 \ levy they u~e what are called "\,,~ouatlOn Help" Olle of the"e I" 111the form of a C1rculal (\ 0 :26) \\l1ICh h headed You (d 11 Beat ::\Iontgomer) \ \ a1Cl" HIgh (~Iade l{ockel Leadel" and has an 1I1troduct1On I ead1l1g a'3 fo 110\\ " "These four Item ~ al e ~ho\\ n on pdg e C)<):; ot thell '\ 0, II catalogue and ale thell ~peClal leader~ anel "uch that hel\ l made the> bu) II1g commIttee go "ome 111 ordel to find a way to beat It ContJact ha~ been mdele tOl one hun-dred of each of the"e foUl pattern" \\ hde \\ c cannot blmc; these to you at d pllce \'\hlch \\ ould edlO\\ \ OU to make thl u'3ual profit, stIll we c10 bl1l1g them to \ au at a pille \\ hllh wJ11 enable) au to meet thh fiel ce Item of competitIon and "tIll make "ome PIOtIt, and \\ hen) ou I eah7e thdt the tdCtol} that h makmg th0'3e chall'3 fOl If II Co I" ~endlng out -tOO a week It certaml) goe" to ~how that ~omeboch I~ 10~mc, d lot of trade that belong" to them anel no dealel can u:'e the cry of plundel \\ hen he meet-, tllI" competItIOIl tUl they al c not. Do not fOlget that the a\ erdgc cu~tomel Lan tlll \ ednl when he '3ees It The~e chall '3 coulel not hc hought IlguLlI h dt f10m 10 to:20 per cent hIghI'I tlun If \\ Co "ell" thlm t ,I --"ot a plea'3all t cOllchtlOIl to fdce "The be"t palt of the contrel(( I" tI',lt attu thl itl,t -tOO ellc ~old \\ e Cdn get the,c Chelll~ dt dn} trIne \\ c \\ ,LIlt thcm hut the l111tldl OIdu had to b" Idlgc enough to p,n thc m fell Lhanglllg the macll1nL~ dncl the nCle,,~al} e"IKII"c oj ploe!null" the'3e fOUL pd11eln" \'\lllch al L onhldc of thul Ilc,u1ll hill ThelefOle do not fUlget thelt II \\l ehk ,I fdele)] \ t l do d III tdlll thIng that \\e In hllll mn~t 11\e up tc, thc lOlldlll()Il" jh II make It pO"'3lhle \" an a~~OlIclUon \\e can n"L thl le<]llIled amount \\Ithont dll} trouhle If cdch memhu \\ 111hIt U"C on, ot the patteln" H} dOIng ~o }oU \\111 get mOle t1uII \d!Ul lecel\ed and put }oUl"clf 111 a pO"ltHlll to Ilkel el ph'hl oj cOl1lpetltlOn that }O\\ ne\u untld edOllC '-,0 oldu elt 11a"t a ~al1lpk ~et eUld ~11()\\ thc 1m} I11g U)11111lItte~ thelt \ 0\\ dl C \\ 1th them m tlll~ ~el111eof I11cetlllg UJ1l1jJLtltI )11 ! Ull1'- ,I" \\~uaj ~end all Oldu" to the :-,cuctal\ Jdne~\llle \llIllll "ota y OUI ~ \ ('I) t 1\\h "Buylllg CommIttee of :\I1l111e~ota Relell! I \\llI't'\1 c J)C,dLl" "\ ""ouatlOn Then follo\\ '3 el pell tlal ICplOel\\ctlOll 0 f lJ.lC,L C)):; fJ 0111 \fol1tgol11elY \1 dIe! & Co ~ late"t cat,doglll \\ hllh CelillL" lIlh al1d de~CrIptlOll" of the loc!,eh 111el1tlO11«1 \\ Ith Lom-jl,\ Idtl\e pllce~, 111~utcd, "ho\\Ing \\helt thc "ellllC lockLl" \\111 Lu"t mel1lhel~ uf thc el""OU,ltlOlI a" ILj)1()(lncu! 1)\ thc \\ llkh ArtJ"an on the follOWIng pdg-e 'J h<lt :\Iont~o1llu} \ \ a1C] l\.. \\ e n~e thl ~ plll a ~e to bllng forCI bl) to your m1l1d the l "tl ,\01 d1l1dl\ \ al ne" that \\ e pI e'ient to you at th1" tIme ()y u halt of onl 111e111]) el " can te"t1f} that thi" hne of cheap la"e c,ood" h 1)\ tar the be~t, and are fi11l~hed and constructed blttel thall dm hilI', that the) hay e e\ er before been able to b\\\ at an\ \\ hel e ncal the~e figul es \nd ,ou ma\ le~t a~~l\1eel that If any hne of goods 1'3 "nch that \ 0\\ Lan fill tv, 0 car" at a da) ~ con, entlOn, It ought to bl ab"olute plOot thdt thl" I" the best lme of goods that we dll able to get [he"e good" dIe "lllpped 111 co-operatlve cars ol1h aile! thl iIelght late to :\Itnne~otd Tran"fer IS $100 per h \\11e!Jeel j here \\1 III he a chal g e of lOc for tl ansfer charge" a t If mne~otd '[ ran "tel Send all oHler'3 to the Secretary at rell1l~\ Illl 1!l11ne"ota It \\111 take 15 day'3 a~ a rule to make dell\lIIC" (,ll \OUl oilIer In h) letl\1n maIl and It wIll be 'lddu! to thc lomlllg cal ~ 'I el 111'> as u"ual. . ') OUI" for co-opel atlOl1 \111111 Retdll Il\lllltl\1e Dcalel'" \'3,,'n "The Buymg Coml1l1ttee " I hl 1>\1\ 111-';Ull11mltlu ha" etl"o made dnangement to fur-l1I" h qUelltLl ~hcL1 Ul udal, \\llth 111n~tJall()n" fOI the the of dledu" ,It I ((In'cul PIICC~ I he"c ach e1thIng bIlls dl e pnnted 111"nch fm 111that tIll ndme of the dealel md) be 1I1"e1ted ,lIH! thc 1)1 ILL~ c!J,lllgeel to "Ult h\ll1 [he} al~o fUllll'ih cnt~ I()I 111\\"lJ.ljJLI elchU tl"ll1g 1'1\1po~c~ at elbout fifty pel cent of \\ helt 11 \\ (mId co~t lach dealel to hay e them I11dde for hImself ,Il](! t hl \ ell)"C t1n" ellllWUnCUl1ult \\ 1th the follow111g sug- "C"tl01l I t take" 1bout one \\ eelL to 1111 01der~ fOl cut" and ur- C\1l.11" \\ould ~ug-t;C~t 111<1telll membel~ 01del cut'3 \\lth Il ,LChll~ 111,1ttl1 attdchul hecau"e ) on conld not hay e the dl"lllpt\OlI \\C ~I\C \OU "et up In the a\Cle1ge pnlltlng office !C)1 k"" thall the \\ hole cut cu"t~ )OU \llothe1 \llu'-,l1a- 11011ot \\ hdt C()-ojll1 dtn c buy 1l1g can do, :\Iake g-ood n"e of tIn" l11et1111,d J helt the\l co opu atl\ e plan of bu} 1I1g I~ "ucc("3"ful I~ mdllated In the 1I0tlce that owmg- to the unexpectee! de-l11el\ 1l1It ha" bcell fonnd lIeCe"~dl} to ltmlt the numbcIl of "oml plele" thdt can be fUll1l"hed at ple"ent to "IX, eIght or tel1 I1J a "Ingle 01del but the commIttee announces that ar- I allgcl1lcl1h \\ III ~OOIlbe mdde to meet all demdnd" Dealel ~ eliC elch I~ed to put In e1goocl ~nppl) of the advertl"mg- mater-led ,ll1d } 0\\ Cdll cU t'llnl} 'mdke a 1l0l~e' In } 01\1 c0111nHlnlt} If \0\\ n"l thc"L elehell1LlgC" IIghU} J\'o need to fear mati 01 del COl1lpellt\Un \\ hUl you hd\ e the~e gooel~ on ) OU1 floor,," WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 ~ Onp of thp Minnesota Association HHelps" RPIJrodllced Front a Circular. Fi9-No 155-0ne of the most elaborate hIgh grade roc k e r S that we have ever bf'f'n ahle to nffel lit the pllee It IS a vel) heavy, nchly carved piece All the carvwg- on thIS rocker IS done by hand. and I" not f'mliossed It IS mllde of f'xtra heavy btock th ruout the arrlls are :3% In chei' \\Idl', and 17,i IOl-he,;. thICk 1h· maw post under thf' carved heads lire 1% lIlchf's thIck, apd lhe carvwg directly un der the-Illms IS three Inches thICk l'hf' top panel of back IS 5 mches deep. It IS ver~ seldom that you tind II rocker at thiS PIlCA made WIth stock of thiS Size. It IS all beautIfully made of large flaky quartered oak aud highly hand polished, and can be had 10 the golden or weathered hOlSh, or In ma hogany nOlsh. and when furmshed In mahogany timsh all panels are of geDume mahogany Has Wide, shaped arms and large, shappd Beat lInd an extra high back With ear brackets, and as the back IS hIgh "Dough to rest one's head It makes an exceedingly comfortable plf'ee. ThIS IS made especially for our house by one of the largest and most ulJ.to date factories 10 thIS hne Only the mosl modeln .uachlOen IS ubed whIch assurf'S all parts com1Og through smoothly and fitt10g per fe, tl), packed by t'xpenf'nced packels. A ery SUItable piece f(H par 101, lIvmg room or hbran, and one of the most ornamental pIeces you could have for your home. WeIght 5U pounds \Iontg-omery, Ward price $8 50 PrJce to members l"rPlght customer pays 'i5 Hett\l\g up and del1venng :n -----no F 19 No. 155 oak polished 7.40 F 19 No. 155 mahog. pl>lished 7.40 F.19-No l:i-Thl" large ro('ko-r IS madl-" uf tht' flak) q uartt-r. d golden Ul\k. It makf's a handsome rocKpr III either fillish HKS an extra high shapPd hack and a largl-", full roll -.hllp ..d ..eal, I\S )"U will notice frolll lhe IliustralilJn, Posts 1111\0" of 4 III stoch, Irlmlllt-d \\ ith LlHVllI(! HI'HIIII<" IOllg turllt-'d ;'),111<110-<' and all part;, ,1I\:' perfl-"( tl) htlpd II lid smooth \\ hi. h gl\t> it Hil artistic ef. lpet It IS high gfl\df', Rohd and com· furtable Weigh t 35 IHlunos Pnce to memhl:'rs F 19 No. 15 Gold-en Oak 4.95 \1ontgomery, Ward prIce ...•.. FreIght customer would pay Settmg up and delivery .. Net cost to your customer $5.95 .65 35 $6.95 Electrotypes without reading matter attached. , , .. , .. Electrotypes with rea.ding maiter attached ....•....... FHI-3:'00-Thls large rocker IS made of flaky quartered ~old ~n oak, 01 Elul Eng !Jsh hlllsh It makes a handsome rockel Hl elthe, tHlISh. Has an e'1(tra hIgh shaped back and a large, full roll shaped seat, as you WIll notICe from the IIIustra tlOn Posts aremadeofmch stock and neatly embossed Also has long turned spIDdles, whl\.:h give gIve It a very artistIc <'tied 1he factory that prod u ces thIS locker (,Illplo)s the I)p~t ~kIlled labol and IS eqUipped WIth the most modern lDachlD-pf' '1 hlB assures all parIs belng perfectly fitted bnd smooth be-forf> thp hmsh I~ ap p1lerl It 1" one of the hest bll rga IDStha t has eve r been offered In thIS IIDe It IS high gTade. solJd and com fortllble It IS SUItable for the parlor, library or lIvlDg roan, HI d ornamentallD deSIgn Weight 30 pounds \lontgomery, Ward pflce I,'relaht ~'tt~ng up and delivery $4. ',5 65 j;) ......... ,. Net cost to your customer Price to members F 19 No. 3200. F 19 No. 3200. 555 Oak Early Eng. 3.87 3.87 • • Fig-No l61-Thls loekel IS made of large flaky quarter sawed golden oall:, or In the mahogan) tI n Ish When fu rDlshed ID the mahogany theseat and back are made of genUine mahogany ve neer of 1he chOICest stock '1 he pohsh IS high grade thruout, - and IS made by one ot thf' laTgest factoflf's whICh ha;, the reputa tlOn of OJ!tk lflg- the v..ry highest grade uf thiS IlDe '1hey have the most slnlled labor thruout theH factor) an' DothlOg but Ihe very hIghest g'rade of Quarteled oak, ma hogany varOlsh and everythlDg about ItS conetl uctlOn IS of the very best qua!Jty The back, arm and seat are so shaped as to make It comfortable. Weight 40 pounds $69:> 65 35 PrICe to members ..•. Montgomery, Ward Pflce Freight customer would pay Settmg up and dehvery ... 35c 40c F19 No. 161 oak 5.95 mahog. 5.95 Net cost to your customer ,. ARTHUR S WHITE. PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN, VIce PreSlden' HARRY C WHITE. Sec'y T,ea, WEEKLY ARTISAN ~-.-.._._. ------------- ~~~·~sA BARGAIN No 537 28x42 top. Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thIs fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIs and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING CO. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. ---------------------------~ ~----------------- --------------------~ I , I • : I •IIIII III I Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thIrty-fIve years Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor savmg tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS 5i08-5110 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. ~ ••••••• _ •••••••••••• __ ••••••••••••••••• 4 15 --~ •III• III III III II III IIII II II II II• I I Over 850,000 Alaska refngerators sold sin c e I 878. Desirable features of an Alaska Refngerator: Small consumption-ohce. Maximum amount of cold, dry air. Absolutely sanitary pro-vision chamber. Simplicity of operation. Perfect preservation ef food. We sell to dealers only. WRITE FOR CATALOG. The Alaska Refrigerator Co. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers. I L E. Moon. New York Manager, I 35 Warren St., New York CIty. I'---------------_. .. ~ ,..-._-------------- a _ ·III•• III IIIII•IIIII II MUSKEGON, MICH. No. 592 .- ..----- ! ....... -.. I~ . ----.., I Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT (5 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. - - --------------------------------. 16 faml11es and frell:;ht tt affic con~e<;iIon occurred quite frequent- 11 herOIc the COI11I11I""IOn"v,ele created WEEKI Y ARTISAN "UBLISHEO EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUISSC"I"TION $1 eo Pe:" YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHe:RCOUNT"IES $2 00 PER Ye:AR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. A. S WHITE. MANAGING EDITO" Entered as .e~ond class matter July 5, 1909, at the post ofhce at Grand Raplds. Mlclllgan unde! the act of March J 1879 BAD FEATURE IN THE CORPORATION TAX LAW. The federal corporation tax prO\ 1"lon of the Pay ne tantt hdl Impo"es I111JUStburden<; upon the manutacturer<' ot tur-l11ture A;, IS well known the condItIOn <; of the trade I e-qUIre that the la"t two or three month<; ot each, eal be (ll 'oted to the manufacture of '3tack tor "111p111entdm111g the early months of the ) ear to como. ;:"'tocks dl e 111\ anahh larger on the first da) of Januar) than at othel pellod" and on account of more favorable \\;eather the annual 111'en tor) b usual!) taken 111the month<; of :-Ia) or June ~Cnder the new corporatIOn tax law all 111\entones mu;,t be taken On the 31st day of December, a phy"lcal Il11pO'3,lhI1lt\ \\ Ith I11dny manufacturer'3, and factor) bluld111g" and ,\ areholhe" mu s t be 1Ightod and warmed to enable the <;tock counter, to per-form their dutle<; One week I" none too much time fOi tak111g an account of '3tock 111 a factor) transact1l1g a hU"111es" amount111g to $300,000 annually and ) et there wa;, none 111 congress WISe enough to conSider thiS fact ()\\;ner" of de partment ;,tore" and other large enterpnse" \\ dl he put to great mconvel11ence and expen<;e on account of the enforce-ment of the terms of the Payne bill, \\ Ith \\ hlch no mterest seem<; to be satisfied CREDIT AWARDED TO SENATOR SMITH. The furl11ture manttfactureh of Crancl Rdp](l" tenclel ed a dl11ner to Senator Smith, which was accepted and eaten 111due form, at the rooms of the I, urllltUI e CUlld, On Sept em her 10, Oratory was pro'ided by A S (,oodman an(l E H 1,oote, Roy S Barnhart, Senator Smith and othel" \[1 (,.Godman accorded credit to the Senator for OppO"1l1g an e'C-ce" slve mcrease In the dutIes on lookmg glas" plate<;, and l-Ir. Halnhart for hI;' servIces m OppO,,111gthe Il11pOsltton of a dut) on cab met woods (The astute daJ1y new"papers declared that the senator had successfully opposed the levy of a dut) upon cab111et goods) ,\ letter slgnul h) the pre"ldent de-elallng that 1\11 SmIth "d'3 al! light \\a" re:lad, and when the "enator was 111troduced he opened the cagle '3 ca~e and let the nohle bud out L\" It sOdled through the rooms the "endtOl '-, bo"om S\\ elled WIth pI HIe and hh mU"lcal tongue unloo"ed the pent-up eloquence that hmdened hh "oul Re,tll) ;\1r SmIth I.., a <;ure th1l1g senatOl That "lead111g railway offiCIal" who blame'" the ..,tate and interstate comn1l'S<;lons for car famine.., and conge"tlOn of freight traffic may be right in hiS conclUSIOns to some extent but hiS theory IS negatived conSIderably by the fact that car I he C,,111hltl0n of L11110U.., antique fur1lltlll e in connectIOn \llth the [Tuc1~on-T ulton ann1\er,al) celehratlon 111 f\ev\ York \1111 oj-jer oppOI tU111t!e.., fOI fl11111t l11e de..,lgners tlldt <"hould !lot he neg1cctul It \\111 enable them to "tudy "0111e produc-tlOlh ot the 'old 111d"ter" that hay e not heretoiore heen .1 l( ~,lh1c. 1 he 1 et,l1lel ~ of \"lrgI111,1 wel e so well plea<;ecl WIth the ad(h e..,,, dcl1\ el ul b) () TI L \ \ el1llch.e to their a "'S0CJatlOn lecentl.' that the: expre..,..,ed their appl eClatlOn hy con fernng UpO!l hlln ,I 111lhtal) title TTeledftel, he ]j known, Mr \Ver- !llcke I11U"t he addl e..,,,ed as "colonel .. fhe ahJ1ltv to an<;wel an) que~tlOn about hi'" bu<;ine<;'3 that 111lght he a"ked hl111 "on for a tray c1mg ..,ale<;man 111 GeI-man) the (h"tl11L1lOn, duly atte..,ted by a pIlLe medal, of thc mo"t "ucce..,,,tul ..,alesman 111 the el11plle Tn"lllcel1tv In "ale"man"hlp ha, been compared to the dC t ot thnm lll~ a cup at a man and expeL11l1g hl111 to catch a ..,aucel -t he Cook Pear) FurnIture Company, when organ lied, ma, e"tabh~h a furmtme factory at the \Jorth Pole Free Furniture for a Free Dispensary. -\bout d .I eal afio John \ \ Iddlcomb of the humt!'1 (' C0111- pan) that bear" hIs name 111 (,rand Rapids, proposed to e..,tah-h.., h a dhpen<;ar) and free tl eatment for the de~el vln~ pOO' ot ut, Local pl1\ "IClans With whom he dl<;cu;,,,ed the mattu ;:>d\hed 111m to 10111"Ith the Buttervvorth Hospital -\..,;,ocla-tJon which had heen lonsldenng a ;,lll1llar pro] ect. He plomptl) changed hi'" plan<; deCided to act WIth the hospital authontle" and offered to make the necessary furmture free of lO"t HI" donatIOn wa" accepted and the furmture, whIch \\ d" del1\ ered la;,t \Ionday, grade;, WIth the finest oak pro-duct ot the Grand Rapids factone<; t he free ch;,pemary occupIes 111 the hospital bmlcltng-lO1h ultatlOn 100111 111echc111ero0111, surgical 100111and a r00111 de' oted to the tl eatment of the eye, ear and no;,e. Severed ph) "Iuan<; and "ugeons ha\ e denoted their <;erVlceb and thel e \\ III be no red tape about the manalSement or 111 '3ecunng treatment h, tho<;e who deserve It 01 are unahle to pay for It 1hel e "nll be no rule~ except <;uch a" may be nece'3<;ary to g-uard agalll" t tho"e who would mhl epre<;ent theIr finanCIal colHhtlOlh and abu"e the pr1\ J1ege'o afforded by the 1I1'3tJ-tntlOn Royal Chair Cataloguf>. I hc RO)dl CIldl1 Company of Sturgl.." :-Ilch, have ]u<,t "'ent out thCI1 catalogue" fOI 1909-10 It h a heautlful book of -l-R page" 9·-<12 and cover Tllu<;trallon" of their 1ll1e of up-hol" tered chall b 1I1c1ud111g their famon" "Pu '3h the Button clnd Re"t ale pl111ted on a buff colored back ground glV111g an eHelt that mu<.,t be ,eel1 to be appreCiated Cople!" of the com pan) " ach ertl<;e111ents that are run 111 the most popuLlr peno(hcal<; are "ho", n and also samples of advertisements furl11shed dealers for u<;e in newspapers, etc. The cover I" of dal k gray color, prmted 111 blue and gold and embo<;sec1 Dealers who fad to receIve a copy before the end of thiS month should notify the company by letter or card \V E E K L Y ART I SAN 17 Gum The Albro Established 1838. .- -, Veneers. Co. --_._----~-----_._---_._-------------------- l.'rench Bounty iOJ· Commercial Travelers. \CCOIdl11g to Con-;ul \ \ 1111al11HalClel, of Rhemh, the ~eeretaly of Commelce and 1neIu"try of I rance announces that 111 ordel to encourage young 111en \\ ho have entered 01 Vvho Intend to enter a com1110 Clal career to extend the11 kno\v1edge 111c0111111erual or 111dustllal matter" b) \ j"lt1l12, f01 el2,"n coun- Ule", the follow111g plan ha" been adopted A subventIOn has been createeI by thel French Government to pay f01 the SOJoUln In a country out"lCle of Europe, al.,o out'3lde of Algiers, of four of the apphcants who pa'3s a compe-tltlve exam1l1atlOn with the lughe"t figurel'3 of mellt. Thl~ suln entlOn 1'3111tended to be good for one) ear but, with the con"ent of the Secretary of Commerce and 1ndu'3tr), It can be granted fOi a second year. The amount of money allotted to each ~uccessful canchdate for the fir~t year IS 3,000 franc~ or $;71.) , for a pO,,-;lblel -;econd ) eal, 2,400 francs, or $46320 '1 he tray ehng expen~es are to be paid by the canchdater.;. but whel e the holder of a prn !lege for -;ub\ entlOn ab"ents hl111self 111a fal-off country a certain allowance toward defra) 111gthc ek pense" of tran"portatlOn ma} be accolded upon recommcnda-tlOn of the committee of exar111l1atlon N one but young Frenchmen v\ ho are free flom actn e l111htar) duty, and who are not less than 21 nor more than 30 ) ear'3 of age. are pen111tted to compete for the "ub\ entlOn Buck Hlother", cha11 mantlfactltrel" of l'nnceton, ::\Ia'o-;, h<\\ c plllcha'3ed what I" known a" the olel pottel \ lJllllchng, nc ar the I allroacl -;t,lt1on In that tOV\n and WIll u"e It a" a iJ111"h11lQ, depal tment. Beating Their RecOl'ds. \1001 c"\ Ille. 1nd, Sept 10- Thc 1nchana Bras", and Iron Bcd Company, l1lanUfactlller~ of high art brass and 110n bcd", (1lb" and canopies are contcrnplatlng the hmldmg of an ad-chtlon to thell plant 111the '3pnng to be u'oed as an enameltng dcpal tment 1'Ie.,ldent-Gencral J\Ianagel S 13 Nu-;sbaum re-pOl t'o the company'~ bU"lness as the largest thiS year 111thcir hl"tory The Fall Creek \1anufactunng Copmany have recentl) doubled the11 capaut) Manager Von Canon '3tate~ they have donc a larger \ olume of bus111e-;" thl!', far th!', year than In an) '3lmllar pCllOd In their hl'3tor.y Rushville Factories on Full Time. Rll -;h\ Ille, J nd, Sept. 10-The Inl1l~- Pearce Furniture Com pan) are runl1lng full t11ne and \\111 employ a full force of men all through the year 1909 The company la'3t year lmllt a SOx100 two story additIOn to their plant and which I" bemg used as a veneellng department Secretary-Treas-urer Robert A Inn1'> says they are Just bem11lng to work on thenr new ltne of chamber sUites for 1910 The Park }ur11ltUle Company, manufacturers of ltbral) and parlor tables. pedestals and tabouretes report busmess ex-cepttonally good s1l1ce July 1 The plant IS being run on full ttme With a full force of men The officer., of the coml~any are pi eSlClent. J D. Ca'3e. vIce preSident, R A 1n111s; secre-tary- tlca"luel, C f' l\lu1l1l1. supenntendent, \V M Pearce Charle~ n,ntlett IS a ne\\ unclertakel at Lnlon City. :\lIcl1 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN tII t These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Ex- ! change. Call and inspect them; it is worth your while. I I III II I THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes, ChIffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges FurnIture Co Since the opening of the Furniture Exchange many buyers for prominent houses have Inspected the Big Six Lines. By the group-ing of the lines on one floor a great deal of time is saved the buyer and intelligent, successful buying rendered possible. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, In Imitation golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets, Combination Book and LIbrary Cases. I THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. I II THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. ! Manufacturers of the' Supenor" Line of Parlor, Library, Dmmg and Dressing Tables I THE METAL FURNITURE CO. I II Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, ImItatIonquartered oak, and sohd quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and ChIffoniers In ImItation quartered oak, Imitation mahogany, and Imitation golden oak Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guardnteed Brass and Iron Beds. Cnbs, Wire Springs and Cots. ... . .-.-------- . ------------------------------------------------------------------- . ~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 t I I I I, III I \I,,• I, III II ,I I,,I IIII II , I II~----------_.._----------------------------------------------._-------------------- Made by Bosse FUlUlluTe Co I\hde by Globe Futmlure Co Made by Bockslege Furmlure Co Made by Bockslege Furniture Co II III I II ,• ••I,I III IIII \ ----_.-. t?,ll,\t \o!?,ue I hen the LI"Il\onahle and popular Turkey work l hall takln!?, It-> name fJ om the hnght colored, emhrOldered lO\ eh made tlom rug" 1111])01 ted from the Le\ ant, came Into t,t\ 01 hut alJOl1t 108,; the 'lll"h' and wood bottonwll chaIr" \\ ere COllllllone"t, the f01 mer hemg \ ,L1ued at two pound" of to]J.lCCO \\ 1111ethe lattel were \ dluecl at 15 pence each Of tIll ''In!?,le elMI\'-, the Ll\Ol1te oak pattern" seem to have heen the !)elh:"hne anll the Y01k,,1111e ChaIr" had now become \ e1\ JIllmelOth In the well to do hou"e", tll1rty-"I'C not he- 111~ an t1Jllommon numher. Che,,1-, ,tl"o, abound, [or no mattel how "canty wa" the tUIlJlt\11e ,,0111( leleptacle for clothe" wa" llnanahly l11c1uded ,md the ho" la"e che"t and tI unk wel e earl: de\ eloped and c1abOlated the"e play the mo"t Important part in collectIon", 'l he che"t wa" an artlcle of decoratn e Importance al"o, and made of ceelal 01 oak, re"tl11g sometJmes on It" own ba..,e, "0111etll11e"on "hm tIe!?, ", It.., ornateness repre"ented the wealth 'llId ta"te ot the 0\\ nel 1\ Ith elaborate key and lock sy"tem" hound hea\ II: \\ Ith n on, often WIth <;uch mottoes a" "'Come not m 1 e"t to open thl<; che..,t" they hold an Important place 111 the hI "tOl y of furnIture. 'l he later che"t" "how drawer". helommg the' 1)111 eau' anel clc"k Ihe Dutch ma\ claull the ongll1 of "foldmg tables" WIth lea\ e" I hey al e tound made of walnut, oak, cedar, pine and l:ple"" SpeCImen" of the "o\al" and 'the "dravving table" are latel 'lhe EnglI..,h authontJe" tned in vam to exclude the pu ...hmg Dutch traelel" anel carcl table" a:, <;eparate artIcle" of furl1lture were Imported Idte 111 the century by Dutch "l11p". I le\\ mg the "'pecnnen" cluonologically, next come tho"e I e\ ea1Jn~ the FI ench Renal""ance mfluence ;\Iarquetry and mld\ mg "howmg natural flower", blrel:, and anImals in ga: tmt" generall} 111 the "ame colors of the wood, sometimes e111plO\1I1g 1\ ory and mother of pearl Dutch marquetry fur-mtll! e h e"hlblted 111 the form of bandy legged chaIr", up- 11~ht clock fI ont", bm eau" and wntl11g cab1l1ets WIth closed doOl ", \\ 11Ich oftered opportu111ty for mlaid aecoration Cun es are charactenstlc, and the severe lInes of the preceding penod a1e lo"t Some home made furmture exi"ts, though It dId not \ et appear m "ufficlent quantitIes to conf01 m to the need r\ he lemarkah1c collection of "eventeenth century fUrtl1- tm e helong1l1g to Eugene II Bolle" of 110"ton I" to be used a~ a ba"l" of exh1bltIon by the museum and example" of oak che ...t" che"ts of drawel", "turned chaIrs" and wain"cot chaIr.., \\ III he "llOwn flom hI" collectIOn. GREAT EXHIBITION OF OLD FURNITURE Metropolitan Museulll of New York Will Make It a F~ature of the Hudson-Fulton Cel-ebration which Starts Sept~lllb~r 20. In the eAhllJltlOn of ohJelh of a1t to ]lC held .It the \ICt!ll-pnhtan j\ln"eul11, ~e\\ 1: OIk, flom ~e]lteI11heI 20 to \0\ elJ1lJeI I In COllnectlOn WIth the lTud..,on T ulton celehratlon the gloupe con"lliel ed mo"t ImpOl tant b: the management h thdt of furnltnre In the "eUlOn of the exhlhltIOll emll1 aC1l1g eXdmple" of the Amellcan lllClthtIldl art" fIom about 162'; to 1925 Rare :,peCllllelh wIll be '3ho\\n of the fUllllture of the e<irl} Colomal da) ..., dlmo"t all b10nght 0\ e1 h: the "ettler" from Holland or flOm r<~nglancl, a.., \\ ell a ... lllOl e dbundant "peCllnen" of the latel pelJOd \\ hen Amellcan cI,!fbmen began to ply theIr trade:, The bed wdl form the center of the e"hlhlt ot the tml1l-ture of the earher pellOd, fO! It \\ ,I:' h} tal the mo"t 1111POtaInt of the few thmg" 111the hon"e 1 he teathel bed 01 truck hed wIll plOhably be lack111g, hO\\ e\ eI, despIte the tact that It was then always 111eVIdence fhe ".tme hea\} llnpos1l1g four po..,ter that had been u"ed 111England f01 centmle" \\a" 111ta\ or 111 the col0111e:, the hell alone otten co"t1l1Q, fi\ c tlmc~ a" much as all the re"t of the 'hotl"ehold "tuft togethel The specImens show heddboaflb elaboratel} can ed often conta1l1111g shelv e.., fOl medlC1l1e bottle", books, candlestlck ... or a secret cupboard for a shllne II hen famllIe ... \\ ere at all comfortably sItuated the curta111 and \ alance ah\ a}" appeal to prOVIde aga111"t draught" 111 the then III bmlt hou"e" \Ian: old famIlIes today pnze as heIrloom" 'counterpomt,' or "counterpanes." In shOl t, the bed" of OUl foretathers were "0 Important and hIghly p.nzed that the) often figured 111lh,,- pute" and law"mb, though the poorer c1a'S"e" had to make u"e of many make"hl{ts \\ hen the: LOuld aftonl nelthel feather'S or flock In 164'; John Eaton dledlea\ mg 111the \\a\ of furl1lture "1 bed ...tuffed wth cat taIl" and rug \ttel thh cat taIl bed ...and cat tall.., nllxed WIth turkey feathel" abound-ed The ft1ll1ltlll e of that penod had no ~I aceful cun e", tOI carv111g was looked to f01 decoratIOn and cushIon" tOl com fort, ElIzabethan and Jacobean characten ...tIC" prey all ~lea t hall tables, Immo\ ahle and unwleld:, heavy, coarse, can 1111:.; and mounts maele of hammered Iron Good Ene,"II"h oak \\ a" the matenal un all ably used up to the eIghteenth centur} In the three roomed hothe at the \\ ealtln Capt Stephen (TIll 111 the nuddle of the '>c\ enteenth centm: \\ as to be tound 111 the hall one beel:"tead WIth fCdthel hed and hol"tel, t,\ () couches WIth flock beel:, and a hammock, III the chamhet one old bed"tead, one becbtead, one 'old hammock, and one "hammack" whIle III the mner cham hel there \\ el e : et 1\\ () hed:,tead" mOle. Vanous room" had not yet acqmred the ..,peClal charac-tellstIcs now prey alent, "0 man) of the al tIdes of fllnutm e hay e to be a '>'Slgned to nonde"cllpt n"es. So the (1Ill1ng loom of the penod opened from the hall and conta111ed bed and c11dlr'i a" \\ell a, table" dncl cupboard;, The furl1ltme of the late "eventeenth centmy sho\\ ... a con'>lderable advance 111 comfOlt, vallet) amI even luxmy 1he tahles are no langeI merely board:, and trestle'>, "pecI-mens of a vanety of chall.., have come down whIch were be- 'g1l111lng to take the place of forms and benche:" 1he"e chaIrs have the seab and sometImes the back:, comfortabh stuffed, hea\ y and snbstallldl rather than elegant 1n deSIgn The leathel chaIrs from Holbnd of a lIttle later, espec-ially the brown, leather covel ed, brass naIled vanety stIli known as the "Crowell chair," have some excuse for their Another Firm of Wright Brothers. i\ew York, a" well a'S OhIO, has a paIr of \V nght Brother .... The Xew York \\ nght" are not '30 famou" a" theIr Buckeye name-"ake:, but they may be even more "0 They hay e heen concluctll1g a fnrl1lture :,tore at Owego, but "old ou1 I ('cent1: and al e now de\ otllle," theIr tllne to the constructIOn of an aeroplane, wInch they expect to have on exhibitIOn at the faIrs thl" fall The lllachme wIll be equipped WIth a motor, propeller'> etc, and WIll be about 30 feet long and 15 teet wIele The: expect to gn e their first exhibition at the \\ Ilke"barre, Pa, faIr. If you want to strike a man favorably don't hit him below the belt. WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 SHELBYVILLE FACTORIES BUSY. ~-~----------~--------------- Some of Them Going at the Pace of 1907.- Building Additions and Dry Kilns_ ShelbyvIlle, Ind" Sept lO--The Davl<.,-Dlrely Table Com-pany ha, e JUo,t completed two dry kiln" whIch, wIth the three kIln" the company already had m commlS<;IOn Vvl11gIve them a total capacIty of 450,000 feet Pre'mlent Chades DavIS "tate", they ha, e also pIli chased a lot of new eqUlpment for theIr plant and expect to get out the largest hne fOI the January "ea"on they have ever put out The company s fall catalogue ha" just been sent out, and the bUo,mc,;" of thIS year "0.Ir Davl" "ay" IS kecpmg pace WIth 1907 The C F Schmoe Furl1lture Company, manufacturel ~ of kItchen cabmeb and ca"c goods are bUlldll1g a new factory addItion 50x126. three ",tone., lugh and ba"ement The ne\'. addItion IS to be used as a machme room and cabmet loom Thc company's pre"ent plant IS 62'1:110 Secretary-Treasurel :-'chmoe ~ays they WIll get out a hne In January whIch WIll be larger and more vaned The company IS enJoYll1g a large trade and domg a consldelable part of It WIth Jobber,. The Uianchald-Hamllton Furmture Company are II1stal- Img a Standard Dl y K11n, whIch w111 be completed m the next two week" and afford a capaCIty of 75,000 feet The dry kiln IS of bnck and ao, nearly fire-proof as It I'" possIble to make It The ShelbyVIlle Desk Company are gettll1g out a hand-some new catalogue of whIch ten thousand wll1 be maIled to the tlade about the fil"t of Xovember The catalogue Vv 111be l11ustrated WIth man} new patterns The company h havmg a ~plendld volume of trade thIS year The Hodell F urmture Company are bell1g kept as busy a" ever gtttll1g out orders Secretary-Treasurer A T Chueden o,tates the volume of buslI1e,,<; for 1908 wa~ almoo,t equal to 1907, both yeals bell1g far above average year". ThIS year, he .,tate" the volume of bu"ine<;" WIll be twenty per cent mOle thelll la"t year PresIdent C II Campbell of the C II Campbel1 lUlIJl-t UIe Compelll) "pent the past w(cek In Buffalo and other ea"tell1 LItle" ,1'3ltllJg the tl afle of the company In that "eLtlon :-,ecretal} -'1'1 ea<;U1el :Hal} Com ey of the D L Com l} 1 tlll1lttlle Company hd., bee11 .,pen(hng the o,l1m111 el at hel .,ummel home at \\ alloo11 Lelke l1ear 1'eto"ke} :\11Lh Will Build New Factory Next Year. E, ans, 11Ie, Ind. Sept 10-\lanagcl Peter Redfhngel of the Redc1mgel Lan lI1g \\ OIb .,[eltCo,that he wIll hulld a lle\\ plant next yeal. \'.lllLh I., to be a tWel "tOly buck hmldlllg (lOx 150 I hl plctllt \NIlI al.,o be eqUIpped WIth (hy Idln, rlhe new factOl) wlll emplo} elbout 100 men, v\ III hL e((tllppcd "lth new 1>0I1c1'odnd LngJlle and tbe late'ot fill j)1oteLl10n Ujl11jllllcnt ,ilHl WIll he 11l "hape to mdllttfaltm c ,ence1 eel roll." v. (Joel knob" Cdl, 1l1g" anel any tIung 11l thc hne of O1nalllcntatlOn. rl he Reddl11g er Ca1 vlllg \ \ ork" are nO\N makll1~ a speCIal Il1lc of claw feet table legs and \fanager RedclJnger "tate" he \\111 he glad to hd' e manufaLtm e1.., ~e11(1In (leo,lgn" on \\ b1Lb he v\ 111fml1l"b e~tlmate" The month of \ugu'ot thh ycal, he .,tate" h the hlgge"t month the) hd' e had and the Reclclll1gcl plant ha" hecn kept bu'o) all through tbe yCal Burglal" enic1ul l'lank \ Butt., ft1ll1ltule "t\llC elt \ ernon. \!lLb. lel..,t Tue"clcl\ llt~bt. clvnal1lltul thc "afc ,111d:<ot a\\ a} wtth $40 111 cd.,h and $400 In Le1lJfiLate., of dljl(l',lt "lhe e,plo"lon Lompletel} wleLKecl tbe Il1tel1UI of the "tolc, damage to "toLk bCl11g e'itlmdtccl at $2,000 1• III II I•• I• II II• THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~~frl~~N~~g II ELI D. MILLER &, CO. i EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Ii - ... "• ..... -., IiI i No Stock complete Without the Ell Beds III Mantd and Upnght. II..-- --------~~-~------------------------------- Wnte for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. --- - - I• •I• IIIII•• II ,II , I I,II• I• I, I III I II I II ... ._--------------- -- --------~-~-" -- I! I -_ . IIi•II I - - - .-- .. ------------------------------ 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--------~_.-----_._--~_._. _._._-_. -----_.--~-__.. ------ - ... ._-----_ ... ----~~ VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE BEST LINE OF DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET We will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to give ~,tl~factlOn. Don't miss coming to see the lme, It \\111pay you. Couches Parlor Leather Furniture Rockers ~ t Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. I..--_._---~----~--_._--_._----..... HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY. ----_.~_. -.- ------------ ._---_. -----I~ Capable Men Wanted to Handle th~ R~majns of a Southern Furniture Factory. The follovvmg self-explantor) letter the \\ Iltel at II hlch IS a real estate dealer, With office" 111the} Irst \ atlOllal Bank bUlldmg, Shreveport, La, IS publIshed \\ Ith the Idea that It may be read by some man or men vvho IV ould be plea"ed to accept what IS apparently a good opportu11lt) to entel the furlllture manufactunng bU'-,lne"s m the south Shreveport, La ,"\ug 26 1<JW \Yeekly Artisan, Grand RapIds, \hch Gentlemen -Your favor of the 21st 111st, adclJes"ed to the Queen City Fur11lture ::\Ianufactunng Com pam. recen eel b) me as successor to the ownership of the property whIch I ac-qUIred at recelver'~ sale, after a fire which destroyed the man-ufactunng portIOn ot the plant and put 1t out of bthmess There remalllS a two 'itory bnck \\ arehou"e 80'(100 feet (and platforms) contall1111g about $19,000 worth of goods four-tenths of whIch IS Iron, wl1IO\\, bed.., cob chair" "'pnn~" etc The factory output which IS pnnClpalh K D need" a..,sem-bllllg and reburlllshmg of the matenal on hand and offers d good fall and wmter Job for a couple of capable men to shape up for the market and InCidentally may present a de"lrable opelllng for restonng the plant BeSIdes the above there I:" 15 acre.., of land \\ Ith111 ten m111utes walk of the bU'ill1es:o center. and hlo bloc\.., at the electnc belt car'i It l'i c:lntered by tV\;o raJ1lOad 11l1e:"connect Ing With eight other'i dn erglllg In all chrectlOl1" The bOller and shav111g house" both of bnck, are llltact, also the blowpIpe, recelvel, and pal ts and a 100,000 gallon cemented cistern 1h<. foundatIOn:" of the factor) 88x180, WIth the debns of a tlVO story and basement bnck are awaltmg reconstruuctlOn and the 250 If l' Corlls:o eng1l1e IS resting on Its foundatIOn "hghtly damaged by fire and exposure All located 111tern-tory four-fifths \ ug111 forest of the vanous classes of pille, oak. gum, ash, poplar, sycamore, maple, magnolIa, holly and othel hard and -,oft timber, 111 whIch 111numerable saw mill plants al e be1l1g 1I1stalled and operated I deSire the trade to know the plant here IS partIally de,,- troyed and out of bus111ess, to save them waste of hterature and postage a~ well as to SOllClt the attentIOn of the men needed \dv-Sept 11-18 Very tlUI) and respectfully A. CURRIE. Two Flourishing Lumher Companies. JnchanapolI", lnd, Sept. 9-1 he '\atlOnal Veneer Com-pan) and the \\ alnut Lumber Company, both located at 1633 \\ e"t )'llchl~dn '-,treet JnclIanapoll'i, are two of the best known compame" 1ll the \ eneer and lumbel busine"s In Indiana 1 he \atlOnal \ eneer and Lumber Company was l11corporat-ed With a paul up capltal of $2S.000 two and a half year" ago They make a 'ipeClalty of quarter-"awed oak. The officer" are pre"ldent. B F Swam, v Ice preSIdent, C J Roach "ecretary and trea'iurer, \\ G Bass The \\ alnut Lumber Company wa'i establIshed eIght \ car" ago and I" a branch of the D IIeur & Swam Lumbel Companv, Se) mour, I nd., manufacturers and wholesalers of hardwood lumber, quartel ed oak and sy camore ThIS com-pany 0\, ns the l1lJII at Sey 111011 r and ha'i a Widely estabhshed trade The officer, are preSIdent, n F Swa111, secretary, C J Roach, tl ea:ourer, E A. Swam WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 ~------------------------------------------.-----.-.--_.---_ ... -----------------------------------------~ ,I I I II• I• I• I MOON DESKS are 19°9 styles. Made to take care of the demands of progressive business men. They are not stand stills-but "Mara-thonian" business getters. I ....~ II~-----------------------_...._----------------------------------------------._-----_._-----"" MOON .DESK CO., Muskegon, Mich. Testing the National Liability Law. rl he wIdow of Chare" Robert}. blought SUlt aga111st the Ene RaIlway Company, askmg $40,000 damages for the death of her husband, who \i\ a", kIlled v\ hlle workl11g as a sWItchman, hel claIm bemg based on the hablhty law passed by congl ess In 1908 The ral1way company entel ed a demurrer on the ground that conglE:ss had no power under \rtlcle 1 ~ectlOn 8 of the Umted States constltutlOn, to pas" an employ ers' ha-hlhty act, whIch, It h urged I" 111no sense a regulation of commerce among the several states It 1'3p01l1ted out that the act does not prescribe any rule of conduct or any duty upon the part of the master whIch IS 111 furthel ance of 111terstate commel cc or thc protectlOl1 of the emplo}e'3 engaged 1ll such commercc, but IS merely a leg ulatlOl1 of master and .,ervant, c1efimng the hablhtles of the former to the latter and IS an eff01 t to gOvell1 the rela-tIOn between them It IS also InSIsted that the act chscnml-nate" aga1l1st the nghts of the defendant, cIemes to It the. equal prote.ctlOn of law, IS partIal 111It., operatIOn and IS not founded upon rea",onablel or Just claSSIficatIOn It I" added that anI} the states can enact such a law a" the hablhty act, and then It Il1U"t applY to all employc", not merely to a cer-taIn clas., 01 to cla,,'3es engaged In ccrta1l1 occupatlOn'3 '\Igument" on the demurrer were heard bv JU'3tlce 1om pkm s of the Supreme Courts at 1\ ewburg, ~ y, last \\cck. and IllS rL1hn~ I" a\i\alted WIth grcat llltue'3t b\ em-plo\ el sand employ ees ahke ,\" the ralllOad managel s are determll1ed to te.,t thel \al- Hht} of the habJ1lt} law the ca'3e w111 be catrled to 11lghel courts If JustIce Tompkms upholds the law The supleme cowls m \ev\ York ha\c the sal11e jl11hClJc tlOn a" Clluut com ts 111111o"t othel .,tates May Raise All Western Freight Rates. RLpresentative" of COl11l11ecllal Il1tere",t" 111 \ cw YOlk, Phdadelphta BaltlmOl e BOe,tOll, PlttsbUl g and Buffalo ex-pect to hold a conference In '\; ew York In the neal fUtUl e to ch"cuss the Spokane rate SItuatIOn now before the' Interstate COl11mlSSIOn anel whlLh It wJ11 make thc .,ubJect of numerous hedfl1H?,s 111Pauhc Coast CltlCC,cad) next month It IS fcared that the COmmlS.,IOll \\ J1l ac1hel e to Its pre VIOUS dptelll111latlOn to reql11re a reduction of irelght rates flOl11 U1I<-ago to Spokanc and as a rec,ult the blankct rate No. 1333 applymg to we:::.tbound traffic from all pomb In the East w111 be WIthdrawn It would compel all busmess movmg through Trunk L111e and Central FreIght ASSOCIatIOn \territory to take a hlghel rate than now, hence all shIppers 1ll the east and mIddle west as well as those m the west, and on the PaCIfic Coast are interested If the comml"SlOn shall approve the propOSItIOn of the western hnes, eastel n seaboard 111tere",ts WIll need to file- a complamt The outcome IS regarded as uncertalll m the face of the decIsIon J11 the J\llssoufl RIver rate cases whIch stnp-ped the COmml'3",IOn of authoflt} to exercIse control over h eIght rates and afforchn~ the ralh oad'3 the pflvllege to make am rates they deem proper Car Surplus Disappearing. ] he f01tmghtly report of the \mencan Radwa} ASSOCIa-tIOn for September 10, sho\,I,,, that the number of surplus cars has been reduced more than 40,000 m the past two weeks and I" now helow 100,000 for the first tune "mce Decell11ber 1907 Plesldent Halc of the '\"soClatlOn "ay" 'It IS Important to note that thIS "cason'" reductIOn IS SIX weeks ahead of last ) eal S , 1l1Chcat111gthat c,hortages thIS year wl1l be much great-el than a ,ear ago" ---~._------------_.....- ... Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave. Grand Rapids. Mich. We are now puttmg out the best Caster Cups WIth cork bases ever otlerea to the trade. These are timshed m Golden Oak and Whlte Maple m a ltght timsh These goods are admIrable for poltshed Iloors and furn- Iture rests Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES. SIze 2~ mches.... $400 per hundred Slze 2~ mrhes . 5 00 per hundred T1y a Sample Order FOB Grand Raptd, ~--------"_.-_._._._--_._------------_.._.-..---- 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE All STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ Each Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis Mr. Hill's View of the Northwelott. Jame,., J HIll, head at the ("I eat \orthern ralh\a\ "\,,tlln after a ten da)" Lltl1 111 the gTcat n01 tln\ e"t I etm nee! to Xc \\ YUlk last 1\ ednesda) and appealed to be 111 an optl1111"tlC flame of m1l1d, though con"el\atnc a" tl"ual llc decLl1ce! hc had ,.,eul thc hal\e"t field" 01 thc \a"t tUlltm\ tllbutal\ I() 111" raJ1load alH! "el1d thc uop" \\UC gooel "plln!.!, \\ hc,ll though not eAac1h a humpu uop, \\ a" abO\ c thc el\ l1a~c ,lnd uthu "mal! !.!,I,un" had tmncc1 uut \\ell llc (It I not kl1O\\ much abont the UJln ClOp, a" It I" not l111jJOltant In that dh tJ ICt llc "aIel hc h,ld foune! thc \\ hcat uop much lJetLu than held bccn lookcel £01 ealltu In thc "c,,,on '-,c dll1L!, \\ d" late, and that ga\ e II"C to feal" of LZl1ly fJ ost, but the \\ cathll hael hecn "0 fa\ olablc ,lHcI It oncc \\ almcd tlp that tIle !.!,j()\\ th had hecn unu"uall) lapld [he IWl \\Cathll 111the cady pellt of \ugl1"t hdd fcn ecd thc IlpU1111!.!, ,lnd ]11 d le\\ "u tj()lh thc \\ hcat hell \ hael llpel1u\ hdolC It fl1!h hlled ()lJI I hc IC \\ou\e!. thuefc))c, hc "ome "hlt111kcn and lIght \\u~ht \\hc It uut the Cjl1antlt) \\ oulcl ))( onl} a S111dll PCI ecn!cll?,C ()r thc e 1 up \fl HIll I" ,.,tlll 01 the OpJI1IO,l thdt the ploduel1on of \\ hClt and othel fooebtufL I,., not KeepJllg pelll \\ lth thc c]ume"tlc ulIl'oumptlon, V,lllCh h glO\\ll1g ,lt thc latc or I~OOOO()O 10 1 'i,000 000 lm"hd" of \\ hcat d ) edl and thdt tIll" ((ll111tl \ \\ III "oon ha\e no C"-POlt "uljJh]" II hCI1 a"kc \ \\hat hc th()lJ!.!,!ll of the 0lJl111on exple""ed h) l'lOje~"Ol II hlLllC\ oj Ihe lllllC,ll1 of "od" at \ \ a"hlngtoll thdt thc "01\ \\ ,1" not hUll!.!, c"hdl1"lul \It [1tll mud) "hlnl?,gu\ Ill" ,.,houldu" and Icpltcd ,[ h cen~l1" wtll "ho\\ \Ilchdd.J 1 (l"- h,h bccn ,1]J]J(nlltul1UU\ U [()\ Ihe 111111 Il Loci) & :\IeUlldc f1l1ll11111C deedcI" III \ d,l1 ll" \1,1"" llic fil m hd,., been dl,.,"uh ed ,llld the blhllle ,,-, \\ Jl! be c!lI"ed lIlll Winnipeg' lot Buildiug Boom. \ Ice 1mbU! (,enela] Lad R loop of \111111lpeg, rejJOl h th,lt thc totd] l11lllc!ln~ pert11ltc., l""ULCI dUllng the fil"t "e\en 1llo11th" ot lC)oe) cue c"t1111ated to entad the expenclltmc of '--{),00 OuO Ilil llC\\ "tll1LtlllC" 111 \lalllto1Ja" capItal Clt\ '1 Jll" I" dlll1hlc thc lCUlld ot Ihc "dlllC jJenodlast \ear There alC hll11" UCl1u\ 20 \\ alchou"e', L\cim Ie" dnd adell 'IOn,." 11 "ch()"],, 'll1d U\\1C,It1on,tl 1I1"Ut\1UOlh 20 h11"1I1e"" alld c ffice ,t! \1cl\lJ c" '\11d ~2 elpaJt1J1c 11t 11O\1"c, "u el,d or the le\HU ((J"t- III ,(1)lI\11 j;~\ UGOU c,lch ~Incc the fil "t of thc ) eM ah J11t 1 700 hl1c IC"ldcllec" hel\ c elho hecn cleeLcd UI alc IJllllellng 111 1\ 111 11I]J((, What to Buy and When'. the \It)1() \ C11(U (mlljJan) clf LI11C1I1nall OhIO kl\e III .,[ lck 1,0 1],\11IJ" IJl, UUlchc-, "a\\cc! 1-20 1I1eh uel) \allct, III '1,,\11 e ,11](! "I/C I he \\ ,dtll l1c\1k \ UllU (0l1l1MI1' 01 (,land ](apld II Jch k\\ c J cdd \ fOI I1J1111Ull,lte "hljJ11Jcnt 1.'iOOOO feet uf 1 (Jtdl \ C\1t (11111 111 1~h48,mcl 18x'i2 "l/C" lhc IICIll\ " IIo\dell \CllCU LOmpd11), (rlalle] Rapld" IIlch hel\( :'OOGO ch()Jcc lllcaS"lan ,wcl 100000 ])J1el's e}c \cncu" ICelCh fm ])10111pt ddnu\ \1,,0 1l1"t IccclVcd a Idl~e "t( cL Of lJ1lch cJ(h,,-haJlcllng 111 1 28 1 24 al1d 1-20 ,111C\ IOtal \ CUL Oell-. 111 1 20 dl1([ 1 1( Started Their N('w Buildiu/1. I hc \t\!Cllel ~ '-,L\ek Lo III jJ,11l) , \\ell known manu[ele-t\ 1ICI'- or \1p]w]"tuu\ flllll1tUIC (danc1 KdD1ch \flLh" hd\c 1\\dl(\U\ thc contl,leL 1m the UJIl"UUc110n of thcll new huJlcl- 111" hCILl"fOle 111CI1I11lllU\ ,\1](\ \\olk heh becn "t.lllu! on thc !()llll\!dllull WEFKLY ARTTSAN 25 II If You Want One Crate or a Carload of Rotary Cut Plain Oak Veneer Write us. We have it, red or white, crated and ready to ship. 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II Additional Notes and News. \ \ \ Ball,a, of :\10nro\ la, Cd , l1cl..,moved l1l'; hou "ehold 1111pOllt11l1l1l the 1)e..,t "tore In the be"t lnh1l1e".., hlllld1l1~ 111 the 10\V 11 \\ 111lam J and Herny Edelhrock, of Chafin, 111, have bought the hardwa1e and fml11ture hlh111e,,, of \ 1 Com1l1~'; of I[t Ste11ll1~, III fhe Cacltllac (:\11Ch,) \ enee1 Companv are Iehmlcl1l1g the11 dry klln \', hKh wa" 1ecentl) de"troyed by tll e The ne\\ lH1l1d1l1~1"< 111be con..,tructed of cement blOlk" The 1 raverse C1t) (:\11Ch) Ilathe,;,; and Becld1l1g C0111- pany has been 111corporated WIth capItal stock ll1111ted to $-1-,000 of ""111Ch$2 ~OO l1d..,been ..,uh"'cnbed and $2,000 paId 111 I he PhoenIx I, ur11111ture Com pan) , Ltd, of ,,)hro epol t, I aha" "ecured a cha1 ter 01 permIt to clo hn"Ine,," In 1 exa'3, dnd h expected to e"tablr"h a ,tore at Dectt1mont and ]lerhap" 111 other town" fh0 D \ & F \ \ altel Company dealer" In furnIture, hon"ehod Roods, etc, 111 ~an I'ranchco, S111ce 18~8 mOved 111tOtheIr new clown town hmlclrng durll1g the la..,t week 111 \u~u"t and had a Rleat ope111nR on ~eptember 1 Judge f o,;eph R Clarkson who,>t; St1anRe actIon" 111 led'111g hI" home and fnends to vhllk 111a button factory at ~abula, 10wa, caused a "en'>at1On a few vveek,; aRo I'> now em-plOyed a, dn a""emblel of bra"" bed.., In a factOly at Keno'3ha, \ \ 1S l DeWItt 11ar,;h, of the \n,,0111a (Conn) Fur111ture Com-pan}, ha" been promoted to the po,ltlon of manager tak1l1g the place of ~ E. 'fontague, ",,110 resIgned a week 01 "0 aRo, to accept a po';ltlOn WIth LudWIg BaU111an & Co, of Xevv YOlk cIty ... -- .. . ----- __ .,_._._---------.----------~ I RECEIVER"S SALE. In the District Court of the United States for the West-ern Dlstnct of MIchIgan, Southern DIviSIOn-In Bankruptcy. [n the m,ttter of the Venty Caswell T'\b1e Comp my, bank rupi, notlec 1'3heleb) gIVen that the asseh of s,ud bankrupt, e01hht1l1g of rnal1ufacturl11g plant dnd mach1l1ery, 11111shed ,md unhJ1l,hed table", unfiJ1lshed ,tock, finv,hee! ,lnd unf111 l,hed dothe~ hanger", lumber, supphes and ,ccount, Ie-eUI, tble WIll be offel ell by me for sale at pubhc auctIOn, ac-eorchng to the 01 der of sdld court, on Tuesday the 14th day ot Sept embel , 1909, at 2 30 111 the afternoon of ~ald day, at lhe fdctory of s,lId bankrupt 111 the VIllage of POItlancl, J\1Jch I he sale WIll be "ubject to confirmatIOn by the court Th," Ill, cntorv of Sdld ,Issets may be seen at my otfice, at the FortI,me! J\f anufactunng Co, POItldnd, J\Itch, or at the office of the Hon KIrk E WId", Referee 111 Bankruptcy, 11 ou,em,l11 bU1lchng, GI and RapIds, M1Ch Wm W Tel Iff, Recener Petel Doran, Att'v for ReceIVer D.ttecl dt Portld;1d, IonIa Co, Mlch, September 1. 1909 I Sep 411 -- .. rod I l (T lle.., a lJloneel fUrll1t111e 111anufactul el of lJurl-l11gton, \ crmont, '>uJiered cl "troke of paraly"'ls last June wl11ch re"ultec1 III death on ~eJlte111her 2 He wa" 87 yea1s old S1l1ce 1880 h" bad glVen 1110..,tof l1l'., attentlOn to cotton 111111" and rhe bank111e; bU"1I1e,,'> \T J Gronber~. who ha'> been 111 the retaIl furmture hU"I-ne"" at F""ex, Xehr. S111ce1880 ha.., ,>old hh ,;tore and qock to :-'ellengren Brother" who have a fur111ture "tore at :-,tanton, ~ ebt and one of the hlOther" wrll move hi'" famtly to T",;,ex and manage the (Jranberg store The :\[organ-Atc hIe) r ur111tur( Company of Portland, Ore, WIll ,;oon occupy a new bmlchng that IS be1l1g C1 ectecl for them on the cornel of Ea'3t Stalk ,;tleet and Grand avenue 1 he IH:W hUI1Jclng h 90xlOO feet ii, e '3tone" count111g two that are below the leI el of the maIn entrance 1he T'Old & Johnson lompany, the large,;t chalf manu-tactullng conce1n 111 the Llllted State" vvrll make San Fran- CI'>COa llr"tnhutl11R POlllt for all telrntor} we'3t of Denve1 three floor" of the Cole I 11\ e..,tment Comp,lny', bmldmg, 984- Howal d "t1 eet, h:1\ 11112been lea'>ed as a bten ehou"e and offices ~--------------- I,I Henry Schmit 8 Co. HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS Cincinnati, Ol.io makers 01 Upholstered Furniture for LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and I CLUB ROOM t .. . _-.--._... __ ... ....., BARGAINS ~N NEW MACUINERY I have on hand for ImmedIate shIpment the follov.ing brand new machines whIch I WIllsell at reduced pnces 4-Two spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from 1,7.(to 18 inch centers. 3-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from 1to 12 inch centers. 2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' lathes. 1-Sixteen inch Cabinet' Makers' lathe. ---ADDRESS-- -- J. C. DeBRUYN, l~lO Page St., Grand Rapids, Mich. ..- ... ...... - --_._.-._.-------------... -----~--------------------------------- 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN ._-----------~•IIII ~ _. _ . ._~~--._------------- IIIIIIII IIt II Iff f I II• II II III ~--------------------------------------------------------------- The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. BLAMES THE COM~IISSIO:NS. How a ""Leading Railway Official" Account", for the Annual Congestion of Freight Traffic. The 110ntreal Gazette of Septell1be1 4 ha" ,In mtel I le\\ \\ Ith a "lead111g- rall\\ a\ offiual \\ ho"( Hkntlt\ h not ell" c!o<,ec1, but v\ ho 1" <,uppo"eel to be umnecH e[ II Ith the (J1 ,llHl 1'1unk S) 5tem, who IS quoted as "a\ 111e, "If there h eln} congc'illon of tlaffic thl" jell \\ hen the h1" I u"h of Int"111C"" that l'i lookec1 tOI al fl\ e" It \\ 111110t he. the fault of the rall\\ a\" "0 mue.h d" the. ullltl11ual 111tu je 'UlU ,111c1bother the\ al e put to 1)\ the. ,t!1l10"t 11111\1111Udl11e el 111 111IS510ns, whIch are une!eltelk111~ to Iet;ulelle ane! lun the11 bU:'111elS~for them "v\ e are bothered \\Ith 'iuch a 1J1111tlphut\ oj CO,111l11" "ton'i, eae.h \\ Ith It" ov\ n Idea" of \\ hat "l1Clule! he e!one t1ut many of the lead1l1g- offiuell" ha, e to eleI ote ,I 1a1ge p,ll t e)I theIr ttme to finel out \\ hdt the I ()de! 111a\ or 111d\ l10t r!i 1 llJ cel tam chStllCh to the gredt e!1<,aehant,lge oj th' ,lclu,d \\ Ol], of coneluct111g the raIlwav "Telke the Glancl1ll1nk 1<11"1 of dllIt h,I" the. l'lluch'l11 e.01111J11<,"lon 1'hen 1n the l1Jltul \t,lte." the \ ,ll e ill "t UIJlle the. 111tel<,tate e.0111111,,,"IOll \\I11<J1 keep" p1ett\ h 1"\ 11 111<1111" out I 11ltng". 1 he11 thele I" the.' Ill1J101" Ci)Il11111""lil11 ,wcl ,,1111 leu boelles III IIIc.lll~,lll "e. \\ ') (JJ k \ U 111ilnt \ <..1\ 11,1lnp shIre and JVTalne ~ae.b of the."e Ulll1111h"hl11" h,I" 11" ill I Icle.a'> ,l1Jcl luhng'> fOI loe.al Lill1ChltOlh \\ Ink the. iI\ I I 1( du ,d e.Ol11mJ<,,>lOD,,I uIe the ,\ hole lor)"t "And thb w011ld !Jot 1)( "0 IM(llf It \\ U e. Dot 1kLt "ll]nL ill the. luling:, absoluteh ela"h "0 tlut the. bIg 1,1lh(leld" ,LIe kept 1m'>} le.uJl1uI111~ the dlftel1l1~ lc.gl"LltlOll 1 (J1 11h1.\Ilee, unde 1 l.allclehan l.\Vv a Pl1\ ate "lCl1l1g e.an be. ]\11t 111 [01 ,Ill mdu"u \ and the e.O'it whlLh h pellCl III the. III "t lll"t,llle.e. 1)\ tll(' 111 ,IJll1 LILtl1l er, Celn be I cbatul out 01 the. 1 e.\ U1\]e j J ()JJ1 tll( bU"lllC ", It '>upplte". 1 hI" 11l11l1~ I" elnec.th e.Olltl ell \ to tl'e hll(!Jll-'; (J\ the 111te1:otate COl11mue.e COll1lJ1l""J()n that no 1e.1Mte." 11ll1"t be. ,t!IO\i\icd ullclel an) e.o!JehtlO!J" \\ haie. \ el "Another cltfficu1t\ l'i that 'itlhOlcllllat( (I±hu,t!" ,Ue. "il lllueh Imple",:,eel \\Ith the \\ 01 k of the"e e01111111""lillh lh,ll the; arc aftdlcl to take the lllltJat1\l 111all\ m,ll.tu dl1<lo,tUl con<,tllt clJreet \\ lth thl COmml'i"lOn~ \l1"te.acl ot i Jl! )11 lllL., 111 ,>true.tlon,> lee.en eel thlough the agu1al e.h,llllle.1" 'lllcl 1 ,1\ Ill" the "11pe1101 offie.el'> oj the 10del to de.al clne.c.t \\ l1h the L0111 llJl""lOn r\ hat me.an" IUll!Jl1l~ the It"k oj h,t\ 1l1!.-.,I" 11',111\ jlUllUL" (J1l the. lo,ld ,l" thu( ,ll( (dh( l,tI" \llel elll 11111(1] tunette fedlul t I:' i1Jdt tIll" lekd 1:0.,LjJIJd1Ul1h UILUUl d,..,ul 1)\ Our Large New Line of I I IIIIII•• I •II• IIIII ,I I I II•• I, ----------------------------~ DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the Amencan market when pTices and quahty are conSidered. STOW 8. Df\VIS FURNITURG GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. City Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg "1111e. o[ the e.0111I111<,"IOn'i who, for leason<, of theIr own \111\c.l1 ,ll e llilt \ e1 \ c1e.al. seem to ene.ourage appeal'i from e111 plO\ e" 1111eterene.e to Cjue:,tlOn" of r111e~, etc, 1l1stead ot c1eal Jll!.-., dn e.et \\ Ith e'\.penene.e.cl offiCIals who have :,pent then \\ hole In e.S 111dealtng II lth these questIOns. for lll"tdllce the "ew York C0111111ISSlOnl'i lu1Jng hO\i\i 111,11\1 lllUl ,,]wuld g-o on e\ ery tram and how often they ,,!lould 11e.]1,ud \\ hIle. the. l.'lIlelc!Jan (0111111I'i'il0n IS tak1l1l{ ad\ 1<..e£tom the. el11plo\ e." a" to the rule" to gOl ern the hanc!11l1l{ of tl,Ulh I hI" \\ hole thll1~ ha" hee.ome an abu"c wlllLh I') \ U v "e.IIOU"h lllterfuIllg \\ Ith the b11s111es:, of run11lng rallrodc!" tl1r1 \II (Jldha111 "poke. the truth the other clay "hen be ,>aH] the PU1IJ!c. 111 l11l!,lanc1 \\cre a\J\,akel11n~ to the fact that tlJe 1,11h\ ,1\ " Ilj the \e11th \111elle.an conttnent \\eJe bel11g "entr- ,1111111h"]()Jlec1 I h,lt h \v helt \ve are "uffellng from, and IV" a1 e ke.pt "0 h11'>\ jolle)\\ 1Il~ all these C0111111IS<,10n., that It oftell kU]1'> u" from attene!lng to our regular bU'il11e"" ! he. Candellan I'elufic ha'i el en more to conte.ncl \vlth t h,111 the (,1 and I 1lll1k thloUl{h t11e]r ne\\ l111e 111the we<,lefll "Utc" \\ hell tllC\ ha\ e among othel'i to face the l!lIl11e"otd «(lllllllh"l()n \\ hle h h 011e. of the mo"t rachcal III It" lIltel fLl-lnet \\lth the. \\olk111g of the laJl\\a\,> It I" commg to ,I "Llge. \\ 11Ue \\ e L,llll]()t lUll a pIpe. unclel the trelck, OJ el \vll e en U It \\ lth 1Ut ,ljJjJe.,dllll!, 101 all orelu from <,ome e.0ll11111""lOll J'L1 h,\]h ,l lh( U",lIle! 111Ile." hOll1 the' "pot \\ lth all t11l') to e.OI1 tel1d \\ 11h 11 thue. b ,111\ 1epetltlOll th1" fall ot the ]J1elkc!o\i\il1 111"(1 \ Ie.e. ulldel e.()J]t;e."t!011 of ttatfic 'iuch a, oe.e.1111e.cl,I few \ e.,u" d-';O Jt \Vlll he JlJd1nh clue to the L011"tdnt 10"" of time. ,we! e III J g\ e.elu"e c1 1l\ thl<' C011l111l""lOn Intel fel liKe " l)oilll! W('II at Marion. \I,Ul011 111<1 ",ept C)-I he !kdlbolll 1)e"k \1'l11ufactu11m-; (1)1I]jJ,1I1\ 1" the \oul1l,e"t f1l11l1tu1e malluf,lc.tl11l11l!, C011e.<..111 111 \j,ll ](111 hut I" t;11J\\ l11g to h, a "tl11eh \OUI1L;"tel ! he e(j111p,Ll1\ 1" llldLllll!, ,I '>UOI1l!, l111c of cle.'>k<' ,llle] hel\ e ,1 1111(' 1I,ule III the. "(ll,t1l ,11lc1"outh\\e.,t c.,euetalj-treel"ulC'1 l'hlJ1]! '-, Ch,111,,, lep01t<, ])u"lnes" vel\ "dtl'ifelc.tOI) \\Ith the. UJlll p,\11\ "111e.e.the, "tallul 111Jallllelf\, l(01) [he U11llpan\ ha\ e jU'it mallecl five thOtl"dl1d of thul Idte"t L,ILtlogUl'> to the.n tlelde IhL LIlltecl ",[elte." ",peualil l 011lp,lll\ hd" be.e.n 11111III11~ lull t1lne ,dl thlilUl!,h th1" leal \f,l11dgel IIall\ lkcldl ",1\" h1" j,tc.tOl \ I" ]JUllt; td"ul to ItS e.dp,tClt} all of the. tUlle, \11 tl1,lt t;!Jttu" 1"11t l!,il!<l, hut "0ll1C' 111Ln dIe. <:'atl"hul \\lth bhltcr WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 ..- ,••• •• •• ••• ••I• •••• ••• I• •I• •••• •••• •• •• •• ••• .....~---.-~-----~------.-----_._---------_._._------_._._----_._-------., Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN ..._. ... ------------------ EVANSVILLE HAS A BUSY SEASON. Will Have a "German Day With an Address by Governor Mal'shall.-Personal Mention. E\ dn.;;\ die Ind., ~ept lO-September 1'-, pr0\111g to be one of the be~t month" of the) edr for the runllture mallufacturc1s of E\ allbv111e \101 e 01dc1', are com111g 111and the general tonc of the tlade IS better than 111 \ugust 1nqullles eon-tlllUc to 111CI ea"e dnel the outlook Jor future tl ade lS bnght 1\etal1 trade too l1d.s pICked up dl11111gthe pa.;;t week Ben]d111ln Uos.;;e, of the C10be FlIrnttLll e Company, IS at thc head of a C011ll111tte1eto lal"e mOlley for the lJig (Ierm,m da.' celcbrdtlon here for September 29 alld 30 l'p to t111'3 tUl1C he ha" ral"ed 0\ el $2.000 CO\ el1101 'Ial "halL ha'> ac-cepted dl1 111vltatJon to C0111ehel e on the 29th and make an dd(lJ e"s ::\llke I\1egor of the SpecldlIt) FU111ltLlle Company, \',ho \\a" lIlJU1Ld 1Il ,\11 ,mto111obllc eo111'3lon .;;evela1 \\eeks d~U, 1~ 110\\ able to be at hI" work 1'1U",ldent Kan~e", of the Ka1ges llHl11tlll e (ompany. IC-port" bU",111e'3'ogood and on the muease Iie "ay ~ the plant'3 (lj the Big ~IX Cal1oadll1~ \,;;"oclatlUn dXe 1l111111ng(Ill lull llme. J (lhn 1I R,)h"uI bCI ~Clot the Bueh ner Lh dll Lomllctll \ hd" lctLlllle(l fJom ,1 "ncee,,~ful bU"llle,," t11P on the lo,Hl "1Iu!' Dud<,>tLge of the Bock"tcgC1 [Ul111tl11C LOmpally \\ho "pent "UC1,11 week" at \ladonae l"land \lJeh WIth ]11" \\ Ifc. ha" ~one to the J1clufie ( oa"t fOl cl \ 1b1t and \\ 111t"ke 111 the "I~ht" at the ~edttk expo"ltlOJ1 \1 \ \\ e,lthub) who tld'vd" thJ()l1~b "L\Udl of the "()nthuJ1 "t,Ltc" 10] the "I\l~ \"'1)",L,1l1o,l(ll11g "\""Ou,ltlon' \\ cl" hel L ,l fe\\ d'l) " ,lgo \It,,,, Ee"'ole IJa110\\~, of tlw I"al~eb [l1rJntl11e lOll1]JdJ1), \11',,, Rlttu of the Globe I Ull11illlC Company, \11"" Sto1t7. uf thc 00\\ n Chalr Lompal1.' and \\ ,l1te1 K1a"h of the lJoek- "tege Furl11tllle LOJ11)Jdll) have letUlned hom a trIp to ~l,'£;cl- 1a I all" ~II Kra"h \\a'3 dccompal11ec1 h) hI" "-lfe. lIdlly 1:-1 ~chn, of the Cle~cent rllll11tnle lompam and the L'11lted State" lUll11tllle Lomp'll1y re)JOlt" h )th pLl11t" 1ulln1l1g fnll tIme nu, el'-, frOl11 all pal t.;; ha\ e \ I"lted the 1)\[~ lunlltme L"ehdll~01J111ld1l1l2, ILeentl.' \ few d,l.''' ,u~o the fil"t bUYlI hUIll the htltmub uf t',llldmd dPlJCdlu1111 the PU"Oll of MI" ---~_. -----_._._-----_._---- •• I••• •I I• I I• ••!• ! !II i• II . ~ l' A. Lynch, whose husband owns and manages the only hUl11tlll e store 111 Lolon OW1I1g to the fact that her husband \\ a.;; needed to operate the store, Mrs Lynch came north to do the blly111lS ~he say" that Evansv111e fUrt1ltllle 1';;In much demand 111that pal t of the country Other recent \ ISltOf'l to the F'urnltulc Exchange Well' ex F Myerb of the \her::, & \Lurphy Company of Bor~ersvllle, 1nd , Paul Flchert of Larml, III J. U SIJ1lp"on of Hoonvllle, IllLl , C T Land of ralrfield. III and LdWl enee LlI1bley of MarlOn, 1ncl All made la1 t; e pU1cha"e'3 of ~\ dUS\ Ille fur11lttl! e and stove" (IUS "ltolt/, of the Stoltz-Schmitt Fur11lture Lompdny, ",IV" rep01h recel\ed hom Texa" and the southwest dre \cry encoul agmg and that he look<; f01 the E\ am\ dIe manufdctur-el'-, to get a bIg tlacle !rom that beLllon ] ohn ?\ un en hel n, thc fUl mtm e dealer on the vVe"t S1de 1'3back hom a bus1J1e'ob t11P to ChIcago whele he spent ,;;cvclal na'.;; Llh"ard Ploegel of the Do~",e Furllltme Compdny who h al"o 111tere"tud In tll(' IIendel son Desk Company, at Ilen-duson, K, leports thc de"k factOly runnlnt; On full l1nw With d 11 1e lot of bU'3111e"~eOl11ln~ 111 "tIU'" Xonweller of the ~\anb\llle lurmtule C0111pan), "ay~ he has no compla1l1t to make about hus1l1c"" eonllltiol" and that hI" pldnt I';; lwl11~ upelatul on full tIme and they a'e "till LnJOylng " 11lee lt111 on thor cololll,tl "tyles r--'--~-_._----------------------- ----.., ; I • I I I. I! I I : t I \ I ! I ! i l _ 1: ". . ..--_ .. ---- ---------------~ PIONEER MAnUt AnUKIn~ COMPAnl DJITROIT, MIC.H, Reed Furlllture Baby Carnages Go-Carts W F1lll lwe ",holt}) Oldy a{ Ihe faclol Y This ~ ~51III III ,, t I 28 WFFKLY ARTISAN -~----.-.------------ ". . --_._----------------_._._. _.--_. --._. _. _. _. _. ---_._._._._.---------~ .. Billies in Politics and Business. From The Seng Company ') Good I Ixtnre,,-11l1l10h has a new Lmted ~tate" Senator He I" one of the Bllhe~ at the world A Hill) I~ a 1\ llham who ha" fnends anc] stIcks to them. 1\ henever yon know a man called . [\Ilh" tell )onr~e1f there IS a rea",on for It l ~ualh a man 'v'vIthont a 11lckname has to hunt hIS fnends In"tead ot \\ alUm; \\ 11l1e 11l~ !llellll" hunt fOI h1l1] It he has a mckname they al\\ a\ '>kno\\ \\ helc to find hun Senator Bllly began awa'v back to make tnend" and keep them I-Ie came to thh countl J trom England. 'v\ hen he was five or .,IX yeal,) aIel-and no doubt e\ ervbocl'v on the slnp f1am the captam down wa" hI') ±IIencl befo;e th~ \ 0) age ended A-, a young man he pn"hed a \'vheelbancJ\\ In the stockyard~ In Chicago-and made ±ntllel.., Later he \\ a" d street car conclnctor m the old hor')e-car day.., \'v hen the ..,oual amemtle" between crew and pa""eng el s \\ erc gl eatel than they are no\\ If a patron got aboald vvlthout hI') pnlse 1111h paid hi') fare and got It back neAt tIme He h"'tenecl to cl!,,- cu"",lon.., of the \Veather, and the slCkne..,,, 01 tht balY\ and the \VIfe s summer tnp, and of happ111e..,..,and tl uuble-and he lh-tenec1 sympathetically So he made tnenc!-' '-Ien of that dl..,- pOSitIOn df! ft mto pohtlcs V\ hether or no It '" a"n t long until lhlly wa", a pohtlcal advI')or, then he went alollg- step b) '3tep nntll he was sent to Congles" ~lld no", he ha.., been macle Lmted State') Senator by vote') from Repnhhcan.., and Demo-clats Some folks 111Il11l10ls cntlcl-,e the mannel ot hiS elec-tIOn, but laymg aSide tho qne')tlon ot how a man ~ets there the test of km comes In what he does after he get" there .. _ _ _ _ ••• _ _ 'P _ • __ • • - • • • • • • •• • - • - • - .. JUST A COOL NIGHT'S RIDE IN A LARGE I AIRY STATEROOM between on the boats that have every convenience Leave Chrcago i -!) eve} y e, ellmg Leave Grand R"plds \ n G R G H & M Ry 800 ever} evenmg, connectJIlg WIth boats at Gl'11Hl Haven 9 l) P m ----~FARE.----- $2.00 one way; Group for Solid Oat{; French PLlteSj Any Fmish Desired Wardrobe Dresser Combmation L'resser Commode Dresser Chiffonier Bed - $1800 650 400 8.75 775 6.00 FI'J15HES -Golden Oak Gloss Dull Golden. Early Engli,h. Weathered or Flimed F.O B. Mant.tee Manistee Mfg, CO. MANISTEE, MICH . ---_._._._._.-_._----- ...~.. POll1t we are nldkll1g 1.., that he made He "tuck to hh tnend'3 and they [hat I..,up to liIll) The fllelJ(l.., and kept thcm "tulk to h1111 There h pohtlc" In husll1e"s. )nst as there 1.., bUSiness 111 pohtlc" The ..,ucce".,ful 1m ..,me"" men al e pohtlclans. They ma} not realve thl..,. but stud} the career of an} succec,,,ful bU..,ll1e..,,,man and \ ou wIll ..,ee that he madc fnend", Thought-tulne"" con..,ldel atlOll "'y mpathy lo} alty-the'3e attract and hold people to \ au L he nllhe~ of pol1tK'" wIll tell you that d "'ucce.,,,tul pohtlclan mn..,t be on the ')quare Hl'3 plonllse must be "'acred. hiS performance prompt A temporal y ael- \ antage 1" an ultimate boomerang fhg man, httle man 0\\ nE:r ')ale')man ",holesaler. retaIlel-all ot us may profit by lon'>ldenng the BIlhes of the pohtKdl field, how they ~row -\ fJ lend 1"-, a mall who ",tICk" to yOU thl ou~h thIck ~nd th1l1 cUll! ±unll"he.., hi" 0\\ n glue New Furniture Dealers. Fnnh & DUI \ hay e opened a ne\V fl11ll1ture storc at ]\i[ld- (\]etll\\ n III L H Bragg. Will open a fnrnlture and haul\\ are store at ()kanogan. 1\ a')h 1he L -\ Rublccht Company wIll open a new furlllture ..,tOle at 1133 '-lam .,treet, \\ heelmg, \\ Va The School Supply Company lecently orga1ll7ed at El Centro. Cal . \\ III handle "chool de"k", chan s and "eat"> D \\ Collms and J C Skeen tormerly of Dallas, Tex., hay e orga11l7ed the 1\ e"te11l Bank Supply Company to open a complete Ime of office furniture and fixture'3 In Oklahoma CIty,Okla J T and ,1aude Jones and C. P and Maggie Knudson hay e 1I1corporated the Jones-Knud..,on Furmture Company to e..,tabh"h a store and deal 111 furniture at TIllamook, Ore Capital stock, $15,000 Chal1es :\1 Stevens, James R. Duffin, C. B. Norderman and R H \Yhlte')lc1e of LOUISVille, Ky, and W A Pierson of ;\ ew Albany. Ind. have mcorporated the LOl11svllle Fur-l1ltnre Company to buy and "ell furmture, household goods, etl . 111 LOtu,,\ Ille. Capital stock, $30,000, debts to be hmltec1 10 the "ame amount The trouble wlth the famIly skeleton IS that it is never as dead as 1t seems. WEEKLY ARTISAN -----~--_._---_._--_._----.j.._.-~.-_. r" Ij II II I• I I II• I I I• III II I..---~-_.. _--_._._--------_._-_._.~-----~_._....---------- Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oak Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Maple Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum Oak New Buildings in tbe Far West. Re"l(l cnce;'-l\ L< ), ledalander, ::-anta Barbah a Cal $20000 L C. Iro"t Lo" Angelt.s, Lal $4000, E 11 '\lc- (,IHen, Los \ngeles, $4,500, "\ 1111amT Tha) er, Lo" \ngeles, $11,000. J " \\ Ilham", Lo" \ngeles, $; 500 \\ L \\ ebb ~anta ~LonlCa, Cdl, $16,OQO, J) \\ eldon, Santa 11onl~a. $10.000. Hotel,,- '\ lalge summel le"ort hotel I" to be uected dUllng the comIng WInter at Little Beal Valle} Cal. J A. RICe and Edwald h.m.,ton ale to buIld a modcln hotel m San Diego. Cal, at a co"t of $60,000 H C Goeb. 1043 Thud 'otlect. ~anta ::\IonKa Cal, hotel 1111;,"lon stylc 60 100111S, $44,000 The Shepherd-Clarke Heltel Com pan v ha:o filed al tides of mcorporatJon at '1he DaIle". (h e. It wl11 opel ate the nevv $85,000 hotel which h now neallng completIOn 1heatres-Arthur J \) lew, 01tho who I ecently pm cha<,- eel the" eyada theatl e at rJ onopah ,::'\ev . anounce;, that he Will Immechately beg1l1 to I cmodel the bl1llchng cnlal e;mg the capa-uty and pUtt111g In nevv seats E B Campbcll vv111blllld a modcrn theatre at Long Beach Cal, on the "Ite of the nyde-a-\\ )le, vvhlch he plllcha"ecl recentl} John D. Spcckcls IS to llllllel alai ge model n theatl e on the .,Ite of the Diamond ;"tablcs Los \ngele". Cal L'nbhc Bl11ldln>;"-Plan,, have been accepted f()l a $35,000 cot\1l hOll"e at Y U11la \117 1 01 t lJeflance. \IIZ I" to build ,l high -,chool to co"t $30000 Dom:;1a". \11/ h to 1m est Foreign and Domestic Woods. Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. 29 Furniture Fires. :I I I: I I• .~ $32,000 In a new lugh "chool bUilding Ca1e"Xlco, Cal, has voted $35 000 for a new Clt) hall, VI;,aha, Ca1, 111gh school, $45,000, ::,an Diego, Cal, n01111al tra1l1111g schoo!, $50,000 (,dman & Emerson, furl11ture dealer" of Bangor, 11e, lo;,t a fe'v'v hundred dollar" by fil c on Septem bel 4. fully 111- "llied l H Ja;,pel"on's fUll11tme "tOle at HOlton, Kans, was completel) de;,tlOyec\ l,y fire lecently L()~". $5000, msurance $'" 000 \hral11 Biandw1I1e s mattre,," factor} elt 2343 State street, UlIlago \vas damaged by fire to the extent of $3500 on Sept-emhu :2 1n a fire that c\e'3tro} eel sev el al hUl1dln~;, and cau;,ed a 10"" of about $1 :;0,000 on Septem her 3. the Shannon & Sleadd Compan}, ftlll11tme dealer'3 of She1b) Ville, Ky. suffered a lo~s e;,tJmated at $12000 to $1 :;'000 With $9,000 1I1surance The plant of the ::;outhel n ~1attl e.,s Company of ;{ ew 01 lean", La. which hac, been 111 ltq1l1datlOn and lttlgatton for "ome time, 'v\ a" destt oyed by fil e on \11e;l1st 2 I The h1111dmg Vv a" 1I1"mcd but there Vi, as no 111"urance 011 the" tock On wluch the 10.,,, lS e"tlll1ated at $S 000 '.Ianv a vvOn1<11p1Ub evel \ thm>; on hel llct( k to llldke a gLlod front ---_._-----_._----- ---------------------------------------- . _.. _ .. •j It I I I I II I II• I I• II I II II iIII I I I t--- -. -----_.-.--------~._----. --.-----..------ -- .. -... ..... .... _... Mo. 57 Flat Arm Rocker RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the late..,t and best method of double seat1l1g. Catalogues to the Trade, Richmond Tablet Arm Chair No. 100 30 -------------- IIII II II II II I \V P P K L Y .\ R T T ~ A N SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY ________________________________________________a._~._.~ Many New Featurt's Added for the rail Sea~on Everything for the Bedroom r M,dlllm 1nd flOe QU1hty J Offi
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