Walls of Rome - Muro Torto. Part of the norhern side of the Palace of Sylla (?), B.C. 70. Showing the overhanging wall in the lower part, and the upper part vertical, in a series of niches and buttresses. The construction is of rubble faced with small diamond-shaped blocks of tufa before the use of brick, an early example of Opus Reticulatum, or net-work. The angles are formed of oblong blocks of tufa, of nearly the size and shape of modern English bricks, but this construction is before the use of brick in Rome. This wall was considered as under the special protection of S. Peter at the time of the siege by the Goths, (Procopius, de Bello Gothico, ii.29.); Rome; Photographs and prints; Cardboard

Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Subject Topic:
Rome; Photographs and prints; Italy
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