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- Weekly Artisan; 1909-11-20
Weekly Artisan; 1909-11-20
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and --------_ ... --- - ..---------- ---------------------------------------~
'"_ ..
II Makes the Strongest, I
I! most econonn•cal and II
! most accurate case 1
! construction possible .
•J It is entirely automatic. I
II It t clamps. mortises and I
releases, completing the I I post in less time than the I
I material can be clamped I
I N~ 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. on other machines. I
I I ! We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that I Iare proving extremely profitable to the chair manufacturers.
Ii Ask for CATALOG"E"
1\Wysong &. Miles Co.,CS:.·:~·K:dGreensboro, N.C.
• - - a.a • - a.a. - - • a. __ •• - • sa -_... • ••• _ ••••••••••••••• ~
Our Multiple Square Chisel Mortiser
CO_j I
in Mahogany, Circassian Walnut and Oak.
If you have nol one in yOurstore, a simple request will brin" yoUourma"uificeut new Fall Cataloliue of 12>;:16inch pa"", groups, show-in"
suites to match. With it, even the most moderale sized furniture slore can shoW' the best and uewest furniture satisfactorily.
.- -...,
The Chief Factors of Your Selling Success
are: your goods, how and where shown, and your "ways."
Look well to these and business will come to you. No
need then to murder prices or do the "knock-down-and-drag-
in" act.
It's the same as to Exhibition. Exhibitors come to
Thirteen Nineteen--The Big Building
because of its superior space, its unequalled attendance and
its pleasing "atmosphere." They know these are worth the
price. Trade comes to lines in 1319because they are in
1319. Show your line here and have business brought to you.
Also: the Chicago furniture market, already the world's greatest, is taking the high
hurdles in record time, nor nothing, nor nobody on earth can stop her, because it is
Destiny. You want this growing trade---you can't deny it--~but you've got to come to
Chicago in order to get it. Your live competitors are here getting it.
Manufacturers' Exhibi tion Building Co.,
1319 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.
~ ..._ ..._-_ .•.........•. _------ ....
• 81II
-----~----------------.. -_ ...
Many New Patterns m
Dmmg Room and Bed-room
Furniture for
the Fall Season.
Catalogue upon request. .. .. .--- _. .---------- . ...------------
___ • ••• __4 I
,,"' -_ ...__ . -._.- -------._._~-_.__.--_._._. -------_. ------_. _ ...._- .,
Reception Chairs and Rockers,
Slippers Rockers,
Colonial Parlor Suites,
Desk and Dressing Chairs
You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor. East Section. Manufacturers' Buildmg, North Ionia St., Grand Rapids .
•~ .....----..__ ._ ..........•.•.••.... ---_ ... _------------- ..- ... ----------
In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Buch. Blfd's-eye Maple.
Qyartered Oat and Clrcasslan Walnut
.. .._ .....
Pnnl 'L'Bn P"y ~~~lv 1 lL _
30th Year-No. 21 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• NOVEMBER 20. 1909 Issued Weekly
Effect of the Federal Courts Decision Overruling the Interstate COIIlIIlerceCOIIlIIlission
in the Missouri River Case.
Intc1e,t m the final outcome of yvhat 1:0be:ot known a:o
liThe ,\11s",oun Rn e1 Rate Ca"e" 1" be111g" aroused by the
effot ts of vclnous ou:;al1lZat10n" of sh1ppe1'3 and manufacturers
m easte1n terlltof} In th1" ca"e 1t YVas the dec1s1On of the
Inter",tate C0l11111erCe Comm1""lOn that the rates from sea-boa1
d p01nt'o to \I1"SOun R1ver pomi', v\ ere unrea"onably
h1gh and that the long" e"tabhshed method of basmg same
upon the rate" to and from the ~11""lSSlPP1 Rn er crossmgs
:ohould be dl.,contmued The CCl111111.,:OlOo1r1dered the m-sta11at1On
of proport1Onal 1ate'-, from the 'It"SISSlpp1 R1ve1
cross111g s to 'It"sonn R1ver pomts appheable to the Sh1P-menb
onlSmat111g m eastern sedboareJ terntory that YVould
matena11} reduce the through 1ate, thus placmg the burden
of the reduced late entnely upon the lmes hanclhng the
bu",mes" we"t of the 1\lt.,,,lSSlPPl R1ver ] h1:ohowever c!td not
reduce the rate" from pomts mtermecl1ate With ea'-,tern sea-board
potnts and the ,\11S'-,1".,lPPl River "uch as Plthburg,
Detr01t, Toledo, CJeveland, Incl1anapohs, Lmemnatl, etc, and
the manufdciunng ll1tere",t'-, 111 that tel11tor} were greatly
d1ssahsfiec1 y\ lth the order of the LommlSSlOn fOl that rea-
Cnc1er the pre"ent ddl11.,tment th10ugh rate" to all pomts
we"t of the ::\1lS"lSS1PP1 RIver from ])0111t" In Indldna, Oh1O
and J\1leh1lSan ale ba"ed upon the rates pubh"hed from "ueh
pomt:o to the \11S'-,1»SIPPI RIver, plu" the proportlOnal 1ates
from the \11S'-,1"SlPP1 1{lve1 to de"t111atlOns dnc1 the manu-facture1S
v,lth1n those .,tates contend that 1f a readju"tment
may be ordered by the C0111m1"S1Onthat wIll matellally reduce
the tlnough rate" from far ea:otern pomts .,ueh 1eadjustment
"llOulc1 also he made benefiual to all pomt., east ot the ::\11S-
"I:oS1pp1 Rn er 1he raIlroacb hov\ ever appealed from the
decl:01On of the commhSl0n to the L:111ted States ClrcUlt
Court and therem obtamed cl cl1""entmg op1111on, by a major
Ity of tv\'0 out of three reversmg the dec1 S10n of the Intel state
Comme1ce Commh"10n, wh1ch wa" p1achcally to the effect
that the e,Jstmg adjustment of through rates was unjustly
d1"cn111matory ma"much a:o 1t offered a few p01nts the ad-vantage
0\ er all the 1e,t of the country The deC1"lOn of the
L:mted States C1rCl11t Court yvas pract1cally that the Inter-
,tate Comme1 ee Comm1slOn has not the power to correct
"uch a concl1t1011 of affairs
It 1:0generd11y under"tood that th1" case \\ 111be appealed
by the Interstate Commerce Comm1sslOn to the Supreme
Court of the L;mtecl States YVhose decls10n In the matter w111
determme the jUnSd1ctlOn of the Interstate Commerce Com-n11S:
010nover :ouch cond1bons
The transportatlOn depal tment of the Boston Chamber
of Commerce has 1:o"ued a Clrcular letter addressed to the
vanous commerClal organ1zatlOns throughout the country sug-gestlng
that 1f the deCls10n of the Umted States Supreme
Court 1:0agamst the Inter"tate Commerce Comml:oSlOn m this
ca:oe all manufacturers and t.l11ppe1s m the 1111ddle and eastern
states should co-operate towards the remO\ al of the dis-cnmmatlOn
made apparent by the findmgs of the comm1ssion
and that the pnnc1pal cliles m such tel ntory should be repre-
"ented at a meetmg to be called as soon after the dec1slOn of
the Supreme Court lS rendered as may be poss1ble
DOl ves who lS manager of the tl ansp01 tatlOn depart-ment
of the Boston Chamber of CorIlmerce SOhC1t:oan expres-
"Ion of the V1ews of md1V1dual sh1ppers and representat1ves
of manufacturers and sh1ppers assoClatlOns The matter lS
one that "hould be of v1tal mte1est to all fre1ght payers in
J\I1clllgan terntor) a" the final ac1jl1Stment \\ ill matenally af-fect
the fre1ght rates upon theIr p10ducb m future years
The maJ011ty of the pre"ent adju:otments of it e1ght rates w1th
1n the terntory de"cnbec1 vvere e:otahh.,hed twenty -five or thirty
} ear" ago and 1t h admitted hy a great many students of
transportatlOn affdlr" that 1t 1'-,but a questlOn of tIme until
a readJu"tment 11lU.,t be aceomphshed
The comparailvely 1ecent orga1117atlon of the M1ch1gan
Sh1pper:o \s"oc1atlOn wa" w1th the object of aecomphsh111g
such a reclc1justment for the benefit of .,11lppe1s of Grand
Rap1ds and the "urrounc1111g tel ntory and many other center"
of manufacture 1n the stdte" of :\1Jch1gan, Inc11ana and Ohu
have either flIed or are prepanng to file w1th the Interstate
Commerce COmml".,lon complamts c1eahng w1th the present
adjll"tment of late" to and from theIr terntory
Buyers Looking for Bargains.
A 1,V Cleyeland of the K ew England Carpet and Furm-ture
Company, I\11nneapoht., \V G Brandt of Orchard & W11-
helm, Omaha, and J A Hall of Montgomery Ward & Co,
Ch1cago have been 111 Grand Rap1ds dunng the past week
10ok111g for bargam:o m fur111ture. J\I r Rothery, buyer for
::\1eek111t., Packard & ~Wheat, Spnngfield, Mass, and J A. Ma-lone
of Jordan, Marsh & Co , Boston, were also here for a day
or two early 111the week
"\1r CI ane hay ll1g lately resigned the place :'IIr Tompkms
~en ed crechtahly a" a member of the Ul1lted States Industnal
Commt:,,,10n under :l\IcKmley and Roosevelt. and IS a man of
hIgh character, po:ose,,:oed of the kmd of ablhtles sUIted to the
offiCIal work and dIplomatiC duties reqUIred by the PO~ltlon
named He IS kno~n as bemg broad, self-conta1l1ed and in-
____________ • _. __a __• - _. • ••• - - - - •••
Low Profits in Water Power Electricity.
J R McKee, "upenntendent of water pOV\er 111:otallatlOn
for the General Electnc Company, declare" the pubhc cal ne"
a wrong nnpreSSlOn a~ to the profit,; that are be1l1g made or
have been made by the corporatIOns ownmg and operatmg
watel power electnc plants "A-, a rule the compame" whIch
have mvested enormous sums of money m them pay 10\\
dnndends,' say" Mr :\IcKee "::\ot one of the plants
at NIagara Fall'-, has ever paid a dn Ic!end, although c\ en bit
of theIr power IS ~old because the cost of m:ota1lll1g and mall1
tam1l1g them I" so great, and the competitIOn \\ lth '-,team 1'-,
so c1o'-,c The development of :oteam and ga'-, engme~ ha"
been so rap1l1 and ha'-, brought about '-,uch Increa'-,ed economy
that the electnc compal1le:o hay e found great chfficulty 111
competmg vvlth them Very few electncal ~ater plant, 111
the lJl1lted States have ever been m:ota11ed at a co"t per hor'-,e
power a" lo\v as modern "team plant" The water lX)\\ er
generator has not kept pace With recent de\ elopment-. In
"team eng1l1eellng, particularly 111 the economy of In,,tallatlon
and mamta1l1ance A modern up to-date '-,team plant for
generat1l1g electnClty can be 111:otallec!for $75 pel hm 'e po\\ el
whde \\ ater power plants for generatll1~ elcctnut\ \\ 111a \ cJ
age $:200 per hor:oe pm\ er, and perhaps mOl e, but they are a
nece,'-,lt} V\here fuel cannot he obta1l1ed, or \\ here It ha'-, to he
hauled a long chstance
"Take the great plant on the Susquehanna Rn er. for ex-ample
It \\ a" el ected at a cost of more than 58 000 000 to
develop between 40,000 and 50.000 hUl'-.e po\\er tOI tlan'-,
miSSion to Baltimore, Phdadelpllla and othel Cltle, m Ulln
petltlOn With steam plants operated by \\ e'-,t \ lr~InJa and
Maryland coal It ~a'-. as bold an ll1\a'-,10n of the coalmalket
a" evel ~as made, but the e"tlmate'-, ot the co"t of con'-.tnll
tlon anel mamtenance \\ ere too Im\ So the company \\ a'-,
compelled to reorganl7e, to scale elm\ n It-. '-,eCtll1te" and to
secure more capital"
Tompkins for Minister to China.
Ec!lt011dl 111 Amencan Indu:otl1e" for '\ 0\ embel-1 t IS
announced that :'IIr D -\ Tompkll1" of Charlotte " L 1'-,
strongly '-,upported and recommended by the '\atIunal \'-,"0
uatlon of \1 anufacturer" d~ ~ ell a" b) the -\melllan Cotton
l\IanufactUler,,' \""oclatlOn to -'ucceed IIon L R Lrane, of
ChICago, to the P0'-,lt1011 of Cl1lted State" \I1l11"ter to Chl11a, ~_..._---- iII
$20 CbIna Closet
$14.25 ~r-w.~...Famous $85Four Room OuUiI .liW~NJ~R,!.
'f_~%._~~'",.P1¥c '" OUUflsAre 0 urSpeelaJly I~4Rf(oOOoMMSsFFUaR»RISNHrEsDHCEOMvcPLoEMTE:PI.ETE $$7855(111»)..-..$..1$fC!,lOOOODDOOWWN N "~": '''.'... ..::..."" .. '"'." " •• 1.5& &>061$
;: '::' -." "" ... "ROOMS FURNliiHED COMPLETE $12ll (l()..-$lUQ: DOWN • , =....... .."' .....~ ....~,. ,,«;::: .se..t .. )"DIU_ ......Je1"" 5 ROQMSFUR:NlSHEDCOMPLET)!: $l0000-$UOODOWN:;; '" "'850
on ".. .._ ~ .. -.11 y_ • _plet .. Pili ql;...... 5 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE $19000--$20.00 DOWN • uo C _ m"" '""" • --" to.. ..0 _tIl"' ...WtIlf:Ulllelll .... eu,. 7 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE $2!lOlJO.-.$4QOODOWN~" Ir50
.':_'"\.":...d..0' no'" w..s.a7P.we.laUtc...... 7.ROOMSFURNISHEDCOMPLETE $325ll1)..-$5()OODOWN ::"':t«J=- ...,"'i575
Come In and let us
01 80 brings any &rUele to
yOW' bome any plaee
In lhe s1Ille
A Sample Advertisement.
tellIgent-a capable negotIator and a successful busll1ess man
He h a manufacturer, an edItor, a pubhclst and a member of
the controlling coml111ttee of the Eqllltable LIfe A ",;urance
<"'oclety He 1-, firm He makes fnend" and never enemies
[he app01l1tment of ,Ir TompkIns would be very pleasll1g
to the people at the "outh a'-, well a" satJ,factory to all
other '-.ectlOn" of the countr)
No. 57
Flat Arm
"SLIP SEATS" - the
latest and best method of
double seating.
Catalogues to the Trade.
No 100.
I -..-._-....-.-.--------.-.-.------.-~._.---------------.-.-
The Beautiful, New
Udell Catalog
15 ready for all Retail Fumlture Dealers. It
will help sell the line that of its kind has no
superior. It contains 88 pages Illustrating
41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks,
48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Piano
Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record
Cabmets, 11 Disc Record Cabinets, 19
Medicine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9
Foldmg Tables.
No. 679
..... --_ ........•---- -- ..--------.---------- .- .... j.------
These Will Need Furniture.
Re:Oldence'i-Charle" Slater, 88 Ogden avenue, Columbus,
() , $3, SOO,E J 1\eal, S6 \\'ooc!ruff avenue, Columbu " $4,000,
\Ir" \\ B Kemp, 2931 Gen Taylor "treet, i'iew Ol1ean." La,
$4, SOO,Thomas Valtz, 270 Pearl street, l\ew Orlean", $3,000,
John lIIeckenm'i, 1718 Boulevard, SIOUX CIty, Iowa, $3,600,
J E Davlcbon, 3829 Vmi1l11a "treet, Kama, CIty, 111o, $4,800,
C \\ 'l'nder1)lll, 3814 ::\lal cy street, Omaha, ~ ebr, $3,000,
\I!"" Ola Thomp:oon, 14 18 l\lechal11c street, Atlanta, Ga,
$21,000, i\Irs J Clarke, 521 South Moreland avenue, Atlanta,
$3,000, J W WhIte, Spokane, Wash, $7,000, Ida:VI And
ehon, 106 )J Elder "treet, ImlJanapo1Js, $3,500, John G
CeCIl, St James court and Magnoha avenue, LOUl'iVllle, Ky,
$8,500, ::, B A.ppleton, 3542 BlaIsdell avenue, .:'I1111neapo1Js,
1\1111n,$4,500, A \\ Carl, 4211 V1l1cent street, M1l1neapohs,
$3, SOO, 1\J E J acob,on. 3432 Second avenue South, Mmne-apoh",
$3,600, \\ \\ Spnnger, 4S1;- Xerxe" avenue, ::\lll1lle-dpO!
J'3, $4,000, V 1-1 Troendle, 1640 Twenty-"Ixth "treet,
::\1111neapoh", $13,000. Han" Peter:-.on, 127 Ort111 avenue. 1\1111-
neapoh", $4,COO, \\ \\T Graham, 806 Ga"ton "treet, Dallcl",
Tex, $6,048, ;\Ir ... Ida E \\ Ither", 12Y Limp -,treet, Dalla'i,
$3,500, Joseph Struther, 44 Ea"t S3rc1 "treet, Kdn"a ... Clt},
\10, $4000, F J MIllen, 716 \\Te"tcott "treet, Syracu'ie, N
Y, $3,800, C,eorge J Metz, 605 Cortland a venue, C:;yraClbe,
$4,000, ::\Ir" G H Regar, 5bt street and \Y)nnefield avenue,
PhJ1aclelphla, Fa, $6.500, A ~ Toun'ion, J I , SedgWIck rarms,
PhJ1adelpllla, $11,000. R C Sutton, 1405 Harbert :otreet,
1I1emphh, Tenn, $4.000, ::\lr" "Doc" Hottum, 1726 J\Iadhon
street, J\lemphh, $4,000, E C Ga.,,,ett, 1001 Ea"t 2d 'Otreet,
Ol<lahoma CIty, $5,POO, DI \YIllJam Tappan Lum, Bay
..,treet and San i\ntonlO avenue, Oakland, Cal, $13,500, Mr'i
Emma '1' JdLOhl. brand 'itreet and C1111tonavenue, Oakland,
Cal. $4,889, EmIl l\Iarb, \\ arren, Anz, $7,500, Mrs A E
(Jndley, Glendale. Cal, $6,600, J '1' \\I yman, 1315 Mount
Curve avenue, l\11l1neapohs, $2S.000, J \\ Aylor, 5022 Broad-way,
Kamas CIty, ::\10, $30,000, L M Grave~, 205 \Ve:ot
Oread avenne, Kan"a ... CIty, $5,500, l\Irs E PIerson, 827
L111coln street, Evanston, Ill, $3,500, AbbIe K111g,2762 Stan-ley
ave, Evan"lon, $4,000, John DIebold, Broadway and 40th
street, LomwJ1le, K) , $7,500. Andrew DIebold, same address,
$6, SOO, J ame" H Ros'i, Breck111nd~e and J ackson "treet~,
Lom"v Ille, $5, SOO,Alex PhlllJppl, 3215 ::\Ic)Zart avenue (\7\ est-wood),
Clllunnatl, OhIO, $0.000. B A S1ll1on, 1004 Dougla;,
street, Omaha, ~ ebr , $10,000, Earle E Llewell} n, Bayndge,
Pltt'iburgh, Pa, $41,000, \\ A \\ oodward, 3216 \\ oolwO! th
avenue, Omaha, \eb, $5,500, Flora Elder, Arkan ...as and Race
'itreeh, Dem el, Col, $3,600, Ethe11l1da T Dodge, FaIrfield
No 354 No. 1239
avenue, Hartford, Conn, $4,000, Jo"eph1l1e Cn:oe, 1540 Locu"t
:otreet, Terre Haute, Ind, $3,000, E L Cuthrell, 323 Fall
Creek boule\ ard, Indlanapoh.." Ind , $7.500, Ben] J Darling,
93 Gal n"on avenue, J er"ey CIty, ~ J, $9,000, Theresa G
Epp1l1ger, 161 Cambndge avenue, Jer,ey CIty, $10,000; Juha
C Poeschel. 610 SPlll1g street, West Hoboken, N J, $6,000;
Adam Proppe, 17 J achon street, PassaIc, N J, $6,500, Isaac
Hertz, 17 Bnnkerhoff place, PassaIc, $4,500, Lom:o Abram
"on, a\ enue, D and 28th :-.treet, Bayonne, N J, $5,500; Mrs
Hulda Velander, 3557 Plea"ant avenue, M1l1neapo1Js, Ml1111,
$3,000, l\Ir" IIaaga, 347 North Montgomery street, MemphIS,
Tenn , $4,000, \\' C Doan, Glenwood avenue and Anderson
street, ::\Iemphl", $S,OOO. Grace L \\Tlght, MIS~isSlPPl boule-vanl,
St Paul, l\1mn, $5500, Mrs. M Pranke, Sherburne
avenue, and Dale street, St Paul, $5,000, J D McDuffie,
J acksonvJ1le, Fla, $4,500, Charles Gro",s, 6854 Euc1Jd avenue,
ChIcago, $9,500, A H KIte, 3040 Dent Place, Northeast,
Wash1l1gton, DC, $7, SOO, Geo P Hale", 1864 Park Road
NO!thwest, \\ a'ih1l1gton, $5,500, J \\' Bryden, Ke11llworth
place and Lal-e Dnve, l\lJlwaukee, WI'3, $6,600, J F Da11lel,
1C)3Lee ..,tleet, e\tlanta, Ga, $5,000. J\lrs 0 H Car"ey 1110
1111nol" 'itreet, Inc!Jandpoph", $6,000, Robert Sharp, D~nver,
Col, $11,000. P Bdkewell, 4484 vI, e"tm111lster place, St
Lom~, :\10, $15,000, H r. FI"her, 1142 Vance 'itreet. Mem
phIlO,Tenn , $4,050, ~ettle E Dever, 260 Clayton street, Den-ver,
Col, $3,600, l\Ir ... A \\ Re} nold", Dow11lng and Tenth
"treet..., Denver, $6, SOO, E T Collm.." 1901 Games street,
LIttle Rock, Ark, $3,21c), Frank111l Set1lck, 32 Clarendon
place, Butfalo, 0< Y, $6,500, Sylvanu" B Nye, 97 Dorchester
Road, Buffalo, $4,500, Geo F Blackner, 111 Penhur-,t Park,
Buffalo, $10,000
MIscellaneous Bmlc!Jng'i-FJ1lmore, Cal, has let the con-tract
for a school blllld11lg of re 1l1forcec1 concrete at a cost
of $33,600, Los Angeles ha" JU'3t let contracts or two ward
"chool buJ1d1l1gs , one to co"t $30,500 and the other $28,000.
a company caplta1Jzed at $100,000 ha~ been 1l1corporatecl to
buJ1d a thedtre fac1l1g the Plaza de Armes at Tarnon, Old
::\lexlco, the Ma-,on" are bmld1l1g a temple to CO'it about
$30,000, at BI"hee, Anz , Grace Pre"bytenan Church are
erectl11g a chmch at a co"t of $38,000
Howard Goes to Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
J A Howard who ha, represented the Grand RapIds ChaIr
Company m the we'it for :oeveral years WIll represent the
Grand RapId ...FurnIture Company after January 1, 1910,111 hl<;
old tern tory .:'IIr Howanl IS a very popular gentleman and a
good sale..,man
.... ...- .... .. .. -------------------- _._._._...._._. _. __ ..._._._._._--._-------------------
..... - - .. _ --_ ...
Also for all kmds of records.
1319 M,cLil!an Ave., 3rd Floor., I
Space 10, 6tL Floor.
! Mechan~~.~~~~tureco·1
..._-------------------------------------------- .----------- ----------------. -.. .-,. .-----~
Furniture Fh-es.
E C Barn.." turl1ltUle dealer at Lmlllcncc Tenn le-ports
a 10'S'i of $5,000 b) fire In hI'i ..,tOll
The P H Gla, es Compan), furl1ltme dealer" ot \\ alt-ham,
.Ma~'i, lo"t $5,;00 b) fire 111te "tale on XO\ember 11
Fully 111sured
Ell1e"t H Pedlej, dealer 111furl1ltnre, hald\\are and halll-e"
s at \\ 111fred, S Dak, ,va" burned out complete em \0\ em-ber
10 Los" $3,500
The "tore "tack of C \ \
was completely cle"troyed b)
$20,000 In"urance $1,000 on
rradel at \!al1ltov,oc, \\ IS ,
fire on ~O\ ember 10 Lo%
the bUllc1111g-notlllng on the
Pennsylvania Still Placing Orders.
A chspatch from Altoond, Pa, ddted \0, 17. "a}" 1he
Pennsyhal1la RaIlroad ha.., Ju"t placed an Older for 73 loco
motn es WIth the JUl1lata Shop" here 1n adclItlon to tIll.., an
order v, a" placed fOl 4,000 ~teel hoppel bottom coal CeU.., IV lth
the Pre"sed Steel Car Company at \lcKee~ Rock" and 1000
sumlar cars \\ lth the ~tandarel ~teel Car Compan) at Butlel
Geo E Harlow ha~ pUl chased the furnIture "tore at
Korthampton, :Uas'i. that "va" estabhshed a fel\ ,ears a2,'0
by the \\ alnel Furl1ltnre Com pan} and relentl) managed h)
Oscar F Ely for the owner, C \Z Flth \Ir Ll) take'S the
undertak111l.; depal tment and WIll mm e It to another locatIOn
Victory for Kindel.
\ppdl enth the radroads that advanced freight rates from
Gah e"ton to Denver lao;t 'iummer have met WIth ~uch
'lgOrolb Oppo"ltlOn to the same through the efforts of George
J 1'c111delof Dem el, that the) are not amuons for an InVestI-l.;
atlOn by the 111ter"tate Comml%lOn m respon"e to the com-plalJ1t
filed b, \[r Kmdel and the Southern ShIppers Traffic
\ ""ouat!on
\t am rate the) have deCIded to restore In 30 days the
old 1ate of $1 80 \\ hlch wa" ral"ed to $205 It IS assumed
that by domg thlo; they WIll remo\ e all cause for complamt
and head off the prospectIve Inqmry
MacN amara Goes to the Ottawa Furniture Co.
D E :\1ac \ amara formerly sales manager for the Gunn
r11l11lture Company ha" Jomed the "taff of salesmen employed
bv the Otta" a FurnIture Company
Charle" R Cha'ie, presIdent of the Chase & West Com-pan)
retaIl fll! nlture dealer'i of Des .l\lomes, la, teache" a
BIble clas'i, compo"ed of hIS employes, In the store every
Thursday l11ght He declares that thIS method greatly 111-
crea o;es the trustworthIness and rehabl1Jt) of the employes
The trouble \11th some fello\\ S IS that they never have any
"ober 'iecond thoughts
~-.... ... -. .. ----_ ----_._-_._.-----...------ I "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST"
BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other.
SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work.
Order a small lot; make tests; you WIll then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture
and Chair Factories, Sash and Door MIlls, RaIlroad Companies, Car BUilders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also
Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams.
H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
"'----------- .. ---- -----------_ __._ --. _._.__ __ -._._-_._._--------_._-------._-----.. .---.- ••• -----_ ... -._---- •• -_4
Factory at Medina, N. Y., Over Sold for the
Remainder of This Year.
1\ledma, t\ Y, No\ 17-0ne of the mo~t enterpnsmg
m"tItutlOns 111 thIs CIty, as well as one of the youngest, h
Ithe MOnItor Clock \Vorks, manufacturer" of clock move-ments,
clock cases and mIssIon furmture specIaltIes ThIS
company wa" establIshed five years ago startmg wIth a force
of three men At present they have "Ixty employes and are
now oversold up to January 1, 1910 The company doubled
ItS bUSIness In 1908 and dunng the present year manager P,
A Chubbuck state", they have been buned wIth orders Dur-
Ing the present year they ha\ e been operatmg another factory
50 x100, three :otones 111 addItIon to theIr ma1l1 factor), a
structure of tVy0 floors 50 x 1SO 1 he trade IS comIng to
them from all sectIOns
The MOnItor Clock Company make all theIr own mme-ments
and wood work as well The Mom tor :\11""lOn Clocks
are the IdentIcal clock~ that recently made such a tremendou<"
sensatIOn m the furnIture trade, and are the first relIable,
well made, well furl11"hed, full SIzed, solId oak, real VveIght
hall clock::> ever offered to the publIc at a pnce such as has
made them mo\e by the thousand" Vvhere dozens had pre-
VIOusly been sold The SImplICIty of theIr movements and
the completeness of theIr equIpment are the ",peclal features
of the Monitor 1\11"slon Clocks
Prosperous Young Factories.
Rochester, X Y, Nov 18--The Rochester Bra,,, Bed
Company, manufacturer~ of brass beds and costumer", are
planmng the erectIOn of a model plant to be completed wlth-
111 the next three month" VIce-presIdent and sale:o manager,
:\1 J Isselhard, "tates theIr trade ha" grown beyond theIr
pre:oent capacIty and the new plant wIll have a capacIty of
from three to four hundred beds per week The new struc-ture
1:0to be two stones and of bnck and IS to be provided
Vv Ith all of the latest Improvements mcluclIng new machmery
The plant WIll afford a floor space of twenty thousand square
The Roche:oter Bras~ Bed Company was establIshed a
) ear ago and are shlppmg all over the East, also South and as
far \iVest as ChIcago
Charles K Newberry, manufacturer of chairs, at 36 Aque-
Schultz & Hirsch Co. I
I Manufacturers of
Feathers, Feather Pillows, Downs, Etc.
Upholstered Box Springs and Curled
Hair Mattresses a Specialty
1300·1308 Fulton St. CHICAGO Corner Ehzabeth St.
Branch Factory, Hammond, Ind,
.......... --- -....
duct street, has had a "plenclJd bu"mes::-, ever "mce startmg
operatIOns Apnl 10 Manager V J Rood "tate., then trade
ha" con"tantly mcreased smce the e::-,tabh"hment of the bU:::,I-ness
and extend., through the East and the MHldle State"
Mr Rooel 1:::, an expenenced deSIgner and wa" formerly a"-
"oclated for :::,e\eral years WIth the Colomal FurnIture Com
pany, of New York Oty
Busy days m ~ew York for furmture men-January 17 to
February 5, and all bU..,l11e'iSdays 111 between Then the New
York ExpOSItIOn wIll be open
.,. .-- --_ .. _ ...--------------- --------
~----------._...._-_ ..-.-._-.-
.... _--_ .. .,
of j !
CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY . ........ - -..~~ ---_._.- _.- _ - . . _l
! I
• •
•I• II I I
~----.._ ..._.-._------_.--._._._-----_.--.------------------~ I
Near Woodward Avenue
Amencan Plan, $2 50 per
Day and upwards
European Plan. $1 00 per
Day and upwards
Hot and Cold Runnmg Water
10 all Rooms
Rooms wIth Bath extra
A High Grade Cafe.
Restaurant and Buffet In connecllon
Philadelphia's Exposition Vision.
Ph11ade1ph1a, N ov 18 ~ The furmtl11 t and Ot11(:'1tl adc~ h Il
are gettmg together and expect to el ect a pelluan\.nt n.jlo~!tt n
bm1d111g. The project IS be111g fm thel ed b\ \b, or Rl\ bl1ln
and other prom1l1ent manufacturer~ and bus1l1e~- men It \\ on]d
be known a~ the "Trades B1111d1l1g' 1he g-reat ~IKce~~ attend
ing the furmture expoc1tlOn" 111 \; e\\ ) ork (Jrand RapId" and
Chlcag-o, ha~ "t1rred them on to do "ometh1l1g here
The furmture a'o"O~latlOn ha" not taktn up tht nlclttt 1 bIt
the need of such a b1111dlng-h recogn17ee\ and It 1, e,pected th( \
WIll all fall 1111111e\\ hen someth111g- e\efil11te dt\ e10p~ '\ 0 ,!tl
ha~ been "elected but there are "e\ C1aJ g-ood onc" 111 \ le\\ I he
success here of the HOt1r~e fO! mdchmtr\ (,hlb1tOl' ,me! the
Bt1l1der~ Exchang e he1 e IS \\ ell knO\\ n
The Ph11adelph1a r unuturc and Bedehng \Llnu t,lltl11 U '
ASSOCIatIon met 111the Bourse 1a"t \\ eek "C\ ffdl J1l,llllltac
turer~ c0111p1allled of the practIce of reta11el" \\ ho \\ a1t JlI 01 bU
days and then lllSlSt on belllg allen\ ed the 2 per cent ell'C0l111tbe-
SIdes refu"ing to pay collectlOn charge~ to the banks '--oomesend
back apparently used or damaged fUrl11tllle to the manutclcturer,
and the latter have to pay freIght chal ge~ rt l' nO\\ thought
that all the manufactmels should get tm:;lthe1 ,lilt! letlhe )I)
sell to these retaIlers. Theil annual dmnel \\ 111be gl\ en Dec
16th, which Will be 111charge' of \ R Ro,,"ell "t fohn Pase
and J J Keenan Laches \\ 111be presLnt
Shipping Reforms Favored by Taft.
The Nat1Ona1 rndustnal Traffic Leag l1e Iu~ notified the pres
1dent that the ~11Jpp111gpubhc represented b, the orl:;1.JJl/atlon
favored g1V111gthe inter-state COIll111erCLC01111111,"1O(hn"cretlon
ary power to prohibit the takll1l:; effeLt uf ach auu'" III t'd"tll1g-
- ..- ..---------.,II
4- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore I
from I;{ to 18inch centers. I
3- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore I'
from I to 12inch centers.
2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' Lathes.
I -Sixteen inch Cabinet' Makers' Lathe. !
.... - .-
I have on hand for Immedlate shIpment the followmg brand
new machines whIch I Will sell at reduced pnces
- .. - ."
Comprises three artIcles
for the price of one
Need not be moved from
the wall
Protects covering by turn-
Ing cushIons
Is so SImple and easy a
child can operate It
Has roomy wardrobe box
under seat
Is hUed With fellEd cotton
Has LUXUriOUs Turkish
Is always ready With bed-ding
In proner nlace
Is absolutely safe-cannot
close aCCidentally
Saves rent by saving space
l~~-"-' I ~"'!=-~- fel
,I~-..., _.
._--_._CH-IC-AG-O---N-EW-Y-O-RK-_TOR.O.NT_O. .-~I
1dte~ \lnt1l 111\ e~tlg,ltlOJl by th, COm1J1L~lOnand dCCIShJ1lther~to
lnder the pre~ent method of ]1lOcedure the aclvanced I ates
dl e put IlltO eflect b\ the rallroac1, and rema111 untJ1 compla111t
b\ the -hlppel" and un e"tlgatJOn by the C01111111SS1Ofonl,lowed
b) a c1eclslOn
It the C0111l11h"Wnorder the rates restOl ed, there 1~ hkely
to be a IDnl:; telm of htJgatlon 111 the com 1,'0 Should the ~hlp-pel
_ sam thcll POll1t the1 L 1" no \\ ay to "ecure adequate repara-tIon
tOl the. montl tclken f1 0111the shIpper,,' pocket" 1111m)tlv
1 leIL1 "' it \\de, al-o told that thL league b,Oh gl\J1lg
the ,hlppel \lnc1el the Ia\\ the ab~olute lIght to route hIS own
fl ell:;ht [he benefit<, of thl~ to the 'ohlppel can be ea"lI} recog-
l'pon both of tht'L ~l1bJLct~ the pre:01c1ent 1 In accord \\lth
th, 1ea!.;l1e clnd 1t I" 11l1der"toocl that pJOper amcndments to the
L\\\ e111boeh1l1g the"e fcature" \\ 111be recommended by the pres
JClent ,md b\ the COIll:;ll""lOl1<llC0l11l11lttee [he 1ecll:;ue will
brmg- clIl lh pem el fuI mfluence to beal to obtam the pao~age of
such d111enr!menh at the "0111mg seSSlon of the commlSSJOn
Imperfect .Jointer Tables.
-\ 1alge furmturL mannf clc±unng corporatIOn 1I1~ta11ed a
1 J1l<..l I te.~nth 011 tndI ILI\ lnl:; te"tec1lt and 'icltl'-ofiec1them-seh
e" of Its utlht} , a nnnute l11'3pectlOn was 111ade, follcJ\'\1I1l:;
the lom -,c usua1h pl11suer! when pnrchcl"lllg- maCh1ner} The
t,lblc. \\ a" tonlld to be one slxty-folll th of an lllch untrue, clnL!
the p111e.hd~l \\ as held up The company then proceec1ed to 111-
~pect J01l1ter, of other nukes, but J1l eve1Y l11~tance the table
~hO\\er! the same defect HOIv CDu1d tIne, cone1ltlO11 be ac-counted
for - The expert" emp10} ed by the company \\ ere un-clb1e
to cIetel111111ethe questlOn
I'-------------- -------- .~----~
five complete lines of Refrigerators
Opalite Lined.
Enamel Lined.
Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined.
Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank.
Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank.
Death of a Popular Furniture Salesman.
On Monday last the ::,hgh Furlllture Company rece!'ved
a telegram from J \\ Caldel, buyer for D N & E \\ alter &
Co of San FrancI'3co, adVI'31l1g of the sudden death of Arthur
Arthur F. Switz
F SWlt7, PacIfic coa"t representative of the ::'11gh FurnIture
Company 1II1 SI'.ltz I'.as the "oon of A ).1[ SI'.lt/, who can
duct'3 a furl11ture "tore at KearnC}, Neb HIS early year"
wel e delated to learn111g the fur111ture bU'3111e:osfrom the
angle of a retaIler m a rather "omall town \s he longed for a
iarger field, he naturally took to the road Dunng the pa:ot
IS year.., he sold many good Ime-, on the coa..,t For the pa..,t
year or "0 he has gIven practically all of hIS t11ne to the S11gh
F unuture Company He wa", a regular attemlallL at the ",eml-annual
sale.., III Grand RapId, where he had an exten:Olve
acquamtance )'Ir SWItz wa.., popular In a large CIrcle of ac-quamtance,;
He leal es a WIfe but no chIldren
Exclusive Lines in a Department Store.
Newark. '\ J, 1\01 l7~The Hahne Company, the only
department stOle here calfy1l1g a 11l1e of fur111tme. have
changed the floor space and the chsplay shows up better than
before They draw trade from a rac!Ju,; of 2:; mIle", and have
a most complete assortment of house, hotel, dmmg room,
office and other lllles, and every pIece IS one by Itself There
are no duplrcate" m the bIg lrnes sholvn They have the ex-clUSIve
agency for the Berkey & Gay FurnIture Company,
\\Iddlcomb tt11l11ture Company and Stickley Bra,; of Grand
RapIds Twenty-two sale'3men al e employed and all are
bu,;y A warehouse I'; close by hdl lllg three floors, full,
v"here the dehl enng, finbhmg awl recell111g IS done Then
"'mdol'. dIsplay h made\ pal t1ullar~y attractive Illth the
qua1l1t art"o and claft:, de"'lgm made by Stickley Bros The
buyel. John Stagg, 1'0 now III (rrand RaDlds stockmg up and
he also buys for O'~eJ!I A.dam" & J\IcCreery's, 34th street
",tore, 111Kew York H B Conavlay 1"0 assIstant buyer and
IS m charge when .!\Ir Stagg IS aWd}
Returned From Foreign Markets.
I'redenck E Hoffman of Hoffman Drothers Company,
£' ort \Vayne. Ind, ha:o returned from acro-,:o sea after "opel1Cl-mg
:oeveral weeks m the tlmbel markets of the old world
He made many purchases of chOIce logs, whIch v"lll be manu-factured
at the company's plant 111 Fort \\ ayne
_ ..- _._ - _---~
"When m doubt where
to buy the best Blrds
eye Maple goods,
Hitch Your
to a
and get results Would
a pnce of
for this
Interest you) Do not
buy until you know
the pnce. Ask us for
how much Ie,s than
$12 we sell I!, and m-
Cldentally ask for a
Michigan Star Furniture Co.
.-..-. _-._--.._. . --------------------------~
Loose Leaf Catalogues Condemned.
"I don't place much value on loo"e led1 cataloc;ue" le-marked
a manufacturer of man} ;. eal" t "pellenec ln the 111111
Iture trade "i\ at mfreqnentl) I hay e notIced loo"e leal e~
mlAed wlth news and trade papers, cIrcular" and othel pnnted
matter a foot deep on the top of the desk~ ot fnrl1ltm e bu} er-"
reqlllnng tIme and patIence on the part of tho~e llldn Idual:-,
when seekll1g for one of the lo"t or hunecl IOO~L" "heet~ I
prefer a sohd b111dmg \\ hen the bm er e"amme" ~uch a
catalogue for the purpo"e of 10catll1g a certalJ1 plece he hd'-o111
m111d lt lS mal e than probable that the catalogue under 111
spectlOn wlll remlnc! of a number of good thllH;-S he oU'iht to
ha Ii e In stock .,
January 17th e\ erytlllng \\ 111 he 111reacll11e~" at the '\ c\\
York EXposltlOn Fthrtlal) Sth lS the c10'o111gday
Doubled Capital in Ninety Days.
\\ eekly \rtIsan,
Grand RapJ(l~ ,Itchlgan
(-;entleman -
Your I"sue of Jnl) 31 through what wa" e\ldently a t.}po-graphIcal
errOl placed 01.11capltal at $S,OOO 111~tead of $50,000
\\ c opened for bU"lne'-,,, '\ug 1 ~ and becau~e of the much
larger \ olume of bU,,111e'-o~bel11l?, offel cd to u~ than we had
planned for, \\ e recenth ll1creased our eapltal "tack to $100,000
all at \\ hlch lS full} paId up, and would a"k that.} au kl11dly
fa \ or us wlth notlCe to that etfect 111.}our "\ ate" and News"
depal tment Thank111g Ii all very much, 111alh ance we are,
Vcry trulv your",
,",cattle \\ a"h \m 10 1909 l\[ i\ Gotbte111 ['tun Co
Factories Running Night and Day.
}\led111a,X Y, \ov 17-S i\ Cook & Co, manufacturer'S
of automatIc rec111ung chall '-0 and upholstered "peclalt1es, are
runnmg thelr two factone-, on full tlme and al"o three mghb
Made by Delaware ChaIr Co, Delaware, O.
each week ThIS condItlOl1 has contlllued SInce January 1,
and they nol'. have orders sufficlent to keep them runl1lng up
to ;\Iarch 1 The trade extends from coa"t to coast SlI1ce
Jul} 1 the company have fitted up an exhlbItIOl1 bmldllng
neal then office and the same has proven to be a c1rawlI1g
feature VI lth theIr trade ----_._---------~~--------------_.--_._...._~_._._._.-- -_. _._._._------~~-_._---...,
Since our enlargement we have the largest and best equipped Veneer and Panel plant in North-ern
Michigan. Weare prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds of veneers in native
woods, and especially in birdseye maple and figured birch. Weare also makers of panels, mIrror
backs, drawer bottoms, etc., and are prepared to ship in car lots or open freight as desired.
~ _._----------- -_._._ --_ _-----_ _-----------------_.-.------_._._------~
How to Treat Shabby Furniture.
rashlOn changes 111 furmture a" 111 dre"s, '" Ith, however,
thIS con"o11ng prm 1:>0,that-If genume and well made-good
fur1l1tme mu"t alwdys be useful If not decoratlVe or exactly
faslllonable, and when the Whlr1gIg of change places IS agam
m vogue It WIll nse con"lderably In value
Good modern flll mture, got up m the ChIppendale and
Sheraton "t) Ie", IS made nowadays to look \ cry pleasIng In
fact, a lIttle ta"te and care may furnIsh a house even fashIOn-ably
at compardtlVely "mall cost But when the housewIfe
ha" cho,en her {urmture "he "hould see that It IS kept m
good conchtlOn
:\ othmg make" d hou"e look "0 deplorable as furmtUJ e
whIch hd" lo"t It" polI"h and ,,0 long as It h not chIpped or
broken It Cdn WIth the outlay of a fe", cent;" a httle tIme and
tlOuble, be made to louk ne" dgall1 A lIttle rea"onable care,
a" between con"tant fth"ll1g mer It on the one hand and utter
neglect on the other, wIll keep It fre"h and bllght
A wa"h"tand ",h1ch has been m use ten or twehe years,
and whIch, If real mahogany, had the glos,.,y surface that
dI"tIngu1she" the wood but thIOll~h repeated splashes of
V\dter ha" become mottled and patchy loohmg, can eaSIly be
rest01 ed to Ih ong111dl beauty All It wants IS a JUdlClOU,.,
cour"e ot French polhhlng, WIth a plentIful use of "elbow
J n the ca"e of a "Ide board of mahogan), rosew'Jod or
poh"hed oak the same treatment "hould be apphed If the
worker ha" the patIence to rub It With find "and-paper be-tween
the fir"t three apphcatlOn" of poh"h, "he V\Ill be re-warded
WIth a refiectll1g "urface whIch Will almost an..,wel
the PUIpo"e of a nllrror
In rem1\ atl11g Japanned deal It WIll be necessary to re-
"tam the artIcle before pohshl11~, and for thI" pm pose evel y
vanety of "tam Cdn he bought 1eady prepared 111 bottle..,
The method of apphcatwn 1" to apply the \ armsh WIth a
"mall cdmel" hair bru"h, tak111g care to V\ork It over \ ery
qmckly 111 one chrectlUn only At lea"t tv\ eh e hours "hould
be alIa", ed to eldpse bef01 e the poh ,hl11g proce"" Is com-menced,
In order that the undelneath varl11"h may become
thoroughly hard
Drawl11g 100m chair", WIth V\ood flames and padded ,.,eah,
Cdn he made to look 11kI' new b) poh,.,hll1g the frame", e"'pee-
Idlly the leg" and footr dIl", V\hleh get "CIatch ed, re COVellI''r
the "eat'> With furnIture brocade, tapestry, pnnted veh cieen,
o etonne 01 plu "hette Of cour"e, great care should be exer-o"
ed In 1emo\ l11g the bl a"" naIL whIch huld the old co'e1 III
place, and ,,,hen the ne'A matenal 1" fixed It h better to have
some new one" the "dme "I/e and ..,hape to ,.,uppleP1l111 them
Endmeled fur11lture can easll) he 1el)d'nlcd 8t h0111e, belt
to !11"ure "llcce"" the artIcle mlht be gIvCll three tllln coat".
'l ](1 be allO\,;ed to "et halCl between each CO<l~
13a"ket and \\ 1cker fll! mture should be thoroughly cleansed
\\lth hot ,.,oap ..,uds, and 1f stamed, gIlded or t1 (atee! vvlth th(
nu,v faslllonahle green var111sh, the artIcle,", will 1)e n'ade to
look a" ne"" As f01 the covenngs, they a12 no\\ so I11111Jtr0l1S
;}11e!offe1 ..,uch a vallet) of cho1ce that It I" (llrf1ntlt to ~l\ e
,. ....
Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE
---- up to 5-16 thICk. ----
Repalrlng •••Satlsfaction guaranteed.
CItizens' Phone 1239
27 N. Market St., Grand Rapids. Mich. .. ....---.- -.... -. - ------- - .-. ..-.. ..- .. .. ....
13 r---
-~------------ --.~. --_..._.-.-.._._._--~
""There's I&'the Button"
_~ __ • .40I ------------
an) gUlde Show111ess, however, "hould ag,l!'1 1)e cll"ca1 clec
11l Javor of geml1ne ""orth, ,.,omethmg :-,houlrl he .,elected that
'AI:1 Ieally wear well and not qll!ckly fadf', "ometll1llg, 11101e-over,
that may harmo111ze m color WIth "t1l1(l1l1lJ11lg"
10 put the foregOIng "uggestlOn, 111to successful prac
tIce, howm er, requnes cCln"lderable knowlecL:;e, ,.,kIll an(1
even e'Cpenence, a fdct that "hould be well conSIdered before
trymg them \\T1thollt knoV\ lee!ge skIll and patIence it may
be more profitable to "end the furmture out for reJllVenation
and that cour"e m not alwdy' satIsfactory, because the 1el'alr
man or refilllsher may 110t "uccee(l 111 gett1ng the result;,
deSIred ane! If he doe" ::>ucceecl IllS b111 may be more than
would be 1equn ed to buy new £111111ture
~ ..... ------- ... - - .- .--... - .- .- -- - .- ..-...
I I :fK1:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~x~~vk~~g
.. •••• - III _ •• . .~ • • • ... ... .... ..... ... ... .... • .....
so louel that a crowd began to
\\ Ithout ShOW111gthe least of-
Stranger Tests the Science on the Heads of Three
Commercial Missionaries.
Three commercIal mh:Olonanes 1ll the "ntmg Ioum ot
the Jeffer.,on Hotel at 1\lacon, Ga, "ele dl"cth"lni2, e,tn
thmg under the .,un
"I,I, onder why we ne\ er :oee an) phrenologl'its on the road
any 11101e), "dId the grocery man 'The) used to be a-, thIck
a., campal(;n lIe~ "
(Oh, the people got on to 'em," responded the a~ent t01
Kentuck) wlll"key ,( fhey are all fake" 1 had one ot em
tell m) fortune once by foolI11g ,\ Ith my bump", :O,lId I d
make a gCJod par.,on \ \ hat do ) On thmk 0 that)'
"Over 111 Lmn count) a plll enologl" t came to to\\ none
day,' saId the typewnter .,ale~t11,U1 'and the\ put up a lob un
"There vva:o a murderer 111 the lount, JaIl 1 hel dIked
hIm out 111 a nev, .,111t of clothes, made 111m "" ear to -,dl\
wood and took 111m up to the hall \I here the nadel ot top
plece:o was sho\\ mg off \ \ hen he lallul tOl ~ub1el t-, tht \ Ie t
hIm fool \\ Ith the mm del er'.., head
'The profe~"or .,ald It ,\ d., the be-,t head III the bUllch
that the bump., of g enero"lt, and goodne'-,~ "el e \\ ondertulh
de, eloped. that he "ould make a goud ml.,.,IOlldn or d leadel
m the Sah atlOn ~rm) The) hdngeel hun betO! e the \ edl
"as out ,.
"Sen eel hIm nght,' put m the ~Iocel \ man -\ mall
\'v ho WIll tIY to decen e people b) I eaclmg hedel~ ought--
"Get out, ' cned the typewnter man, 'Gn e the de'll hI"
due It ",asn't the hedd readel the) hung-
"The) ale all fraud.,,' "alel the herald ot Kent11lln '~A
, ReadI11g head" h a good deal lIke telhng tht VI eathel YOll
don't knO\' a uI.,sed thmg abollt It u11 It hdppen-,
"Beg pardon, t;entlemen, but) Oll ,t! t \1 j()11~ PhI tJlolo~,
I" an eAact SCIence ..
A tall black man" Ith ~lO\,mg black e) es anel bushy hair
"toad ~lmhng elO\\n on the tlll ee ~ceptll'"
"Ye"," he said, 111glatlat111gh 'Jt 1-' d.l.,u onl 01 the 1110~t
I11tereqt111g at all "tu(he., I knO\\ thert ale lot~ at qlldlk" but
.,0 there dIe In all pruie"'''IOn.., \u\\ "hl1e I (Ion t pI etend to
be a ma.,ter, yet 1\ e £;1\ en the :oub1ect some con"HleratlOn
and I feel confident] can demonstrate to ) ou gentlemen that
there I" .,ome ment III phI enolog\ If ,ou '11 let me tl) ,
"Don't behe,e a \lorel of It glO\\leel the glolel, mdn
"And ,et~--'
"fhere aln t no ) eh about It I eAclalJ11ed the ~rocel \
man angnh "[t\ a humbug, buncombe. 11100n"h111e dnd
nonsense, d fool Idea got up to "eparate :'llh people from
th elr elollar'- '
The grocel" man talh.ed
gather alounel the debaters
fence the dark man Sdld
'Perhap., yOU don't know, but IS a tact that there are
leI t,un corel., elIIeetl) connectmg the mmd WIth the surface of
the head, and a., the J11It1d works m certam dlrectlOn~ these
l!1J1nect111g cord., de\ elop the .,urface llldICatlOns so that III
properly "en"ltn e hedds the enlargement may be detected
ur redd WIth "urpnslIlg accurau "
"'hulk.,! '
I 1'.., true pehhte(l the dark man, "a "clentdlc fact"
] 11bet \ uu tl eat-, tor the crowd you can't examme our
head" dnc! tell d thmg about them," cned the grocery man
"1 11 take the ,\ ag er, though, as 1 told you, I'm not a
ma"ter and J11d\ fall' "aiel the "tranger pleasantly, "Please
mo\ e \ our lhalr alounel thl ~ way vve'll leave our fnends
hu e -111(!IcatI11g the crO\, cl-"to deCIde the wager"
lhe defendel ot phrenology ran hIs long fingers through
the ~ruCll) man., sdnd) lock~, felt 111:0 head as If he was
knead111g e!out;h. tapped the forehead anel rubbed the neck
\11 the \\ lllle cluud" of cl1dgnn gathered 0\ er hiS face F1I1ally
he ,ln1l0Unlee! that he \\ oule! hke to eAamme the two other
men hetUl e gn Ing lll~ 0p1l110n The t) pewnter agent and the
\\hhku man l\e1e .,ubJectecl to the ~ame thumping process,
and then the head artl:ot qUIt ,\ Ith a SIgh
[ P a "tump eh) .,ald the grocer) man, gleefully
1 m a1ral(1 I am, ' said the dark man, whereat the crowd,
led b\ the t111 ee ~ubJect:o, Jeered hIm
\ \ hen the, had qmeted clown a bit the skull SCIentIst
\ ou people \I 111 bear me out I ..,ald phrenology was
l)d~ed on the theor) that the bump" were a development
irol1l the hi dill '
\ e-,. \ ou "a1(l tl1dt, ' aelnlltted one or two 111 the crowd
But 111 the..,e thl ee head~, ' o,ald the dark man solemnly,
the1 t h ab"olutel) no e, Idence of a developmg agent"
rl he three commerCIal tom l.,t~ .,at "tudY1l1g for a moment,
and then ,\ 1th one dccord they ro"e In their mIght, but the
opel atol had \\ hell executed a retreat through the laughmg
11 o\\Cl
\." he \\ d~ settlmg hl~ bill next mormng the grocel y man
a-,keel Ldl1Cllord [homp50n \'V hat had become of the phre-nolot;
"Pll1 enologl.,t)" repeated Thomp:,on
'Yes that tall, clalk complected man who reads heads"
( Oh' \ \ h), that ~ Hled~oe, the coffin man of Rock Island
I me fello\\ Dld.\ au meet hUl1 ?"
Y e", but I c1 lIke to see hun agalI1 There's three of us
hel e who'll gn e him a chance to u"e ~ome of hiS own goods
If he ..,ho,\ " up'
... ------- ...... '"
Oak, Poplar
Circassian, Mahogany,
I......... - _ .
The Albro
Established 1838.
Veneer Co. IIi
_.- .I.
Good Equipment Means Better Work
Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products;
you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work
turned out.
All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the
best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing
but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not
possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has
taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing
of our product.
918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Michigan
that ,vhenever It appealS to the seller that the buyer I:', remISS
111payment of the ll1:"tallments and "how" a dhposltlOn to evade
its obligatIOn, then the fm111tme may be taken away from the
bu} er, even If It IS nece~sary to enter the house by force to
get possesIOn of it,
.l\Irs Smith testIfied that she had warned the men to keep
out of hel house, b11t that whIle one of them held her at the
1ear of her home, ,\ hel e ,he had been puttmg out a washmg, the
other 1\\ 0 men went mto the house by a front entlance The
men adrmtted that they (lId not ISo mto l\f r" SmIth's home by
1m ItatlOn but clalmerl that they had not been forbIdden bv her
to enter There was a conflIct of te"tlmony on thIs pomt
Juc,llce Depke held that when ::\11 s SmIth forbade the three
men ±1 om entenng her hC)l1se, she 1 endered vOld that clause of
the contl,lct gIV111gthem such prIVIlege and that they "hould have
,ecured a search warrant 01 a writ of leplev111 He found the
men g mlt} of tre~pass and Imposed fines of $1 each and costs,
,me! then employer" rein"ed to pay fhe} gal e bonds and
appealed to the Clrcmt conrt
Testing An Installment Contract.
A case of mtel est to mstallment dealel s IS pendmg m the
court.., of DanvIlle, III It mvoIv es the nght of a dealer, hI:"
agcnh or employes to enter a hou,e for the pmpose of remov-mg
~oods on wInch pa}l11ents alt due On compla111t of :\1rs
Killed In An Accident.
E D Bolger 1;\h,o repre:oents the Hoffman Brothers Com-pany
of Fort \\ ayne, Incl, "pent a pal t of the current week
111 (Jrand Raplcb He reported the cleath of Mr E G
Schulze, the secretaI}, clue to an aCCIdent Mr, Schulze,
v\ 111le nd111g a hIc} Ie, collIded WIth another nder and was
thrown to the pavement WIth .,uch vlOlence that hIS ..,kull was
uacked and death follo1;\,ed a tew hour" later .!\Ir Schulze
was a popular gentleman, thoroughly tra111ed 111 bus111ess,
and a devout Chnstlan Hl:" death IS greatly mourned by his
as.,OClate", 111busme,," and by hIS many fnends
Made by Mechamcs Furmture Co , Rockford, III
l\Targalet S111lth, thlCC men, 0 E. Slulp, Thomas Baum and
J 1\1 Flann,>, "elC anested f01 tIe'pass, the alleged offense
COnsht1l1g 111 theIr hav1l1g entered hel honse and 1 emoved t11rm
ture that ,he had bought all the l11stal1ment plan anel faIled to
make the pa}ments reql11reel by the contract There 1<; a clause
in the contI acts of the furmture firm "hlch specIfically state-
needed furniture \va" po"tponed mdefillltely and expen~es
were cut m every directIOn The occupant of a "ulte of five
room" felt obhged to u"e but two, and If the eXigenCIes of
the time" reqUired that a "et of books be posted upon a
bairel head the barrel was u"ed Letters were wntten with
a pen to ~ave the wage" of a stenographel and plam statIOnery
wa" used to "ave the cost of prmted stock Happily days of
pro"pent} have returned bnngl11g an abundance of bu"mes~
fen the de"k maker" and statIOnel s
b.ntered as second class matter July j, 1909 at the post office at Grand Rapids, >'{,chlgan
under the act of March 3 1879
AttentIOn I" agam called to the career of John 'II ::'m\ th
Chicago'" mo"t "ucce""f111 pIOneer fUi11lture merchant \v ho
died on );0\ em ber 4, b) the filmg ot a petitIOn f01 admllli"-
tratlon of hh e"tate, \\hlLh I" \ aluecl at 0\ er a million dollal"
\Ir Smyth left no V>Ill, thelefore a third of the propel t\
vvJ11 go to hi" wldoV> and the remal11der \v III be dl\ lded
equally among three son" and fi\ e daughter" \v ho 11l11tul In
the petition for the app0111tment of Thoma" 'II Sm) th the
eldest son, as adml11l"tratOl The career of John 'II '-,m\ th h
surely V>orthy of cOlllmendatIOn It "hould be held up as an
example to he followed by boy ", ) oung men and hU"l11e"s
men who are eager to achieve succe"" \fl ,",m\ th came to
thiS country when a boy-a poor In"h 11ll111lglant He
worked at the pnntel '" trade and "a\ ed h1::>money \\ hen
he had a few hundred dollars-less than $300 It I" "aid-he
1l1vested It 111a httle fur11lture store, an e,ceuhl1~h mode,t
affair, V>hlch pro"pered from the start He \\ et" mdu"t1iOl1"
thnft) and econ0l111cal, but he V>a" not "t1l1g) 01 penUiiOU,
HI" economy wa" not of the ml"erl) "ort He \\ as vI,i1ll11g
to use hIS money In an} way that proml"ed legitImate re
turn" HIS busme"s methods YV ere hone"t and clean and hh
Judgement "0 "ound and cleal 'Ightecl that he lareh made
an unprofitable mO\ e or lll\ estment 'II r '-,\11\ th took an
earne"t l11tere"t in mumupal affaIr" and tor man) \ eal" he
wa" qmte acine m pohtlc" In the field h1::>duect re\\arc!"
were not great He "ecured more hon01S for other", than for
hUl1"elf and m that way made mfluential friend" and "ecured
advertl",1l1g for hmbelf \vhlch had a good effect on hI" bU"l
ne"s 1here ne, er \\ a" even a "1.1:opIC1Onof graft m an\ hU'il
nes'i or pohtlcal tran~actlOn \'11th which John 'II '-,m) th "a"
connected At the end of hi" long, clean, honorable busme"s
and pohtlcal career he lea, e" to hiS Widow and chllclren an
estate worth 0\ er a millIon dollars, not a cent of \\ h1ch 1"
"tamtec1' He dl"prc1\ ed the assertiOn, often heard, thett no
man C\ er became a millIonaire by honorable mean"
No cla,," of manufacturer" 111 the fur11lture mdue,try V>as
hit 'io hard by the pal11C of 1907 a'i the desk maker~ The
bottom ot the mal ket not only fell out but dropped out of
",Ight A fC\\ of the factone" v\ ere operated on a moderate
'icale but It 1" ;,afe to "ay that none earned dll Idencl" The
conditIOn of the 111dlhtry 1'i much imprOl ed ",0 far as le~ard",
"ale" and lf the y eat ~ to come contmue prosperou" and
the manufact1.uer" can summon up coura~e to charge pnce"
for goods that wJ1l yield a fair margin of profit, a mea;,ure of
~atl"factIOn wJ1l be ~a111ec!by tho"e who",e capItal I" 111ve"ted
In thIS branch of productiOn \\ hlle the pal11c cont111ued
bUS1ne'i'i men economized m their office" The purchase of
\ [em ber" of the NatIonal Furl11ture J\!Ianufacturers' A ,,-
"oclatlon mailed notIces to customers on the 10th IllSt of an
a1\ ance ot ten per cent upon the hst pnces for goods, takIng
Immediate effect 1he advance scarcely co\ ers the addItional
CO'it of matellal" u ~ed111 the bus111es'i and wJ11 yield nO larger
percentage of profit than the manufacturers receIved hefore,
the co"t of looking glet"" plate", hardware, lumber, fil11sh111g
~ood" and other matenal" was boosted Labor IS dbcon-tented
becau"e of the constantly growmg cost of hvmg and
lllghel \\ age;, are demanded, expected and 111 many mstance"
granted -\nothe1 ad\ ance 111pnces of furmture would :,ur-pn"
e no one when the tendency of the markets IS conSidered
\\ lth the exceptlOn of the cost of glass it costs about a"
much to make an office desk as a chamber smte The differ-ence
In the amount of lumber reqmred 1'i not large whJ1e more
haldware and fi11lshmg matenals are necessary The con-
~truction of a roll top desk, WIth Its costly curtam, pigeon
holes, dra\\ ers and files reqmre" as much matenal as a cham-ber
"uite and ) et there are many manufacturers of desk'i
\\ ho \\ ould not dare to advance pnce" on their goods ten
per cent The) al e hetter manufacturers than merchants
The diSCUSSIon of the Payne revenue law as affecting trade
relatiOns \\ Ith Canada recalls the fact that when the pa11lc
of 1873 occun ed dutIes were not leVied by the CanadIans upon
fur11lture Imported from the t:'11lted States Many sales were
made m that country dunng the long penod of dullness fol
lov\ mg the cra'ih of seventy three One of the -\mencan bene-fictanes
of "uch sale" 111recalhng hiS expenence stated that
Canada \\ a" the only "ectlOn of the western contment that wa",
ahle to pay ca"h for good", reasonably prompt
Common 'itock III the Sedrs-Roebuck Company took a
~lump 111the ChIcago market dunng the past week, breakmg
more than three pomt" on :l\Ionday The decllne IS saId to
hay e been due entIrely to "tack market condltlOns, and as the
"hares are "till "ellmg at 36 to 37.% per cent preml1.1m, bona
fide ovvner~ are not eager to (llspose of then hold111gs The
busme"" of the concern is reported fully as prosperous a" It
has been at any tune "mce the fall of 1907
Conditions on the Coast.
The furmture market h m good shape With prospects
of fair profit" throughout the coast, prOVided manufactm er"
and Jobber" V>III handle the que'itlOt1 of pnce" In a ratIOnal
manner, protectlllg theIr trade, 'iays the PaCific Furl1lture
Trade, publl"hed III San FranCiSco There I'> no good reason
why better pnCe" could not be "ecured by both whole:'>aler~
and retailer" III San FranCiSco ancl other POllltS 111 Callfornia
PaCific (oa",t manufacturers are extremely busy and some
ha\ e difficult,; m fillIng fur11lture orders for prompt shIpment
[he trelght ..,ltUettlOn 1" faIrly ",atl"factory from the ea"t, but
there are :'>ymptOlh of a car shortage that may develop any
time CondItion" In all of our l111e" mdlcate the Importance
of prompt buy ing
-----,----------_._---------------_._._-~-'------ ..... ,II
I1·~:c::.~wWnut Quartered Oak
Walnut I Curly Maple
, Bird's Eye Maple
I Basswood
'I Ash
Letters Relative to Dry Kilns Recently Installed
by the American Blower Company.
V\ 111(hor, Ont, Ncn 8, 1c)()c)
American Blower Company DetrOlt, 1\1Ich
Gentlemen -'\bout 'L\en months ,IsO you 111<,ta\ledfor 11S two
dry kilns", hlCh we are pleased to ~t'lte are 111 perfect "'ork1l1g; order
and g;n 1I1g entire s,ltl~LletlOn, and ,tll claIms you made for them have
been verified Tiley have proven a succe,,<, and we at ewell plea"ed
wIth them x ours truly,
GranJ Rapld~, Mlch, Nov 8, 1909
The American Blower Company, DetrOlt :.\1Jch
Gen tlemen - YOl!fS of the 6th recen ed Weal e pleased to ad
\ he yuu that the dry kilns'" hlch you 111stzJled for us nearly d ye,H
Made by MechaulCs Furmture Co, Rockford, III
al;o have far exceedcd your statemenh as to ",hat they would do
VVe <Ire thoroughly satlshu1
X ours truly,
Fer C I Sweet,
Locked Out.
\Valter Langle}, of the Her70g Art lurmtme Company,
ha" been unable to enter hI" home In Grand RapId., dunng
the pa~t five weeks on account of quarant111e re~ulatlOn~
HIS lIttle daughter "uffered a mIld attack of a dl"ea"e of a
Foreign and
Domestic Woods.
Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. --------------------- .--~I
contageous nature and after summon111g a trained nurse
and medIcal "kIll he left the premhes .l\1r Langley talks with
the lIttle one through the w111dow e\ ery day, but he I" not
permItted to enter Quarantme wIll be raIsed early 111the
Lom111g week, when ~1r Langley WIll leave hIS hotel to re-sume
the enjoyment of home lIfe
Desk Company Improves Factory.
The MIchIgan Desl1 Company (Grand RapIds) have
completed very extensIVe Improvements m theIr factory
whIch IS now convement, sal1ltary and so dIvIded that goods
may be turned out Iapldly and economIcally The plant I"
In full operatIOn and I" prospenng under the management of
J Arthur \;\ hltworth and hl'o able as"I"tant, H Parker Rob111-
We take pleasme m mttoduclRg to you our new Saw Table The base IS similar to what
we have been uSIngon our No 4 Saw Table. only we have made It larger on the Boor The
ralsmg and lowenng deVIceIS the same as we have on the No 4 Machme, With lever and
PJtman The lever IS made of steel
The arbor IS made of 1% Inch steel. runmng 10 long nnR 01hn8boxes. and IS for t ~mch hole
10 saw We furmsh one 14 Inch saw on each machIne It WIllcarry a 16-mch saw If deslTed
Table IS made With a center .llde 12 mchee Wide With a movement of 21 mches It has a
lockmg deVIceto hold It when you do not Wishto use It. and has a detachable mItre guage to be
used when usmg the shdlng table Can cross cut With table extended to 24 Inches, .lso np up
to 24 Inches Wide Table has a removable throat that can be t-tken out when uSlOg d.do It
also has two mItre guages for regular work and a two SIdedTiP guage that can be u~d on t"lther
SIdeof the saw. more espeCIallywhen the table IStIlted also a tIltmg np gauge to be used to cut
bevel work when you do not WIShto Itlt the table The top IS40x44 mehe.
CounlelShall has T & L pulley. 10" 14 mehes, and the dove pulley 16x5 mehes, eounter-shaft
should run 800 MakIng 10 all about as complete a machme as can be found and at a
reasonable prIce Wnte us and we WIll be pleased to quote you pnces Addref,S.
I I ~-_._--~---~._---_-.-------------- ..~-~-_.....--~
ALEXANDER DODDS, 181-183 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
--------- I
---------------- - -- ------~~----
Smte No 889 by Muskegon Valley Furmture Co. Muskegon, MlCh
.........- - ..-. _. ---_..-..-._. --- ---_.------~~._-_. .. ..
Northward the Course of Business Takes Its
Way on Manhattan Island.
New York, J\lov 17-The caslldl VI~Itor to New York of
the past, even of comparatIVely youthful years, can remember
easIly enOlu.;-h \vhcn a11 the commet cIal tran~actt{)ns of thc me-tropolts
were cal ned on 111lh dm\ n-town (h,tIlCtS and when
hI' bU'111es~ Vhlts, 01 htS 111spectlOn of goods and ht, purchases,
111vohed d Journey do\\ nward~ of more or les~ trouble and de-lay
Older Vl,ltm s, dnd more partIcularly perhaps man) of
the reSIdents of the uty, can remember \\ hen the upper boun-danes
of bu,11le,s "'ectlon \'V el e on "'tleets \\ hlch now ~eem fal
to the ~outhward
Of course. New York had only one \\ a) to grow, and the
development of It, conllnerctal 11ltere,t~ led to the fm matlon of
ne\\ center, of trade actIVIt) alway <; further to the north The
Made by Delaware ChaIr Co , Delaware, 0
constructlOn of the ~uln\ a} s, \Vlth theIr promotlOn of con-
\ entence, dnd the exten",lOn of rapId tran"lt routes and surface
car "en Ice, hay e been both an effect and a cau"e of the chang-
1l1g locatIOn" of the"e centet" fhe bUIlclmg of the Important
new termmal "tatlon of the ratlt oad" 1unntng practIca11)
e\ ery whel e are a £tu ther mdlcatlOn of the tendenc} and dn
encouragement ot Its exten"lOn
Important factone~ and warehou..,cs now occuPY ground
once u"ed a.., the "Ites of d\Vcllmgs, no less nnportant stote ...,
whether v\ hole..,ale or retaIl, "tand 111 the place of the re"l-dcnce"
erected long J ears ago These commercIal structures
now enJoy not only the a(h antages of vnder, ltghtel streeb,
but the \ ery great advantage of closel aproxllmty to the
homes of the re,tdents an(l to the hotel" preferably patrontzed
by VISItors
The recently announced l11tentlOn of \1,7 & J Sloane, the
WIdely known carpet dealer,." to bUlle! a largc "tructure for
theIr own bU<;11less u"es at FIfth avenue and 47th ...tleet IS an
Important case m p0111t ThIs fil m was founded 11118--1-3,and
began bthmes ... at 2--1-;Broadway, now way down town In
1855 the bU~l11e",.,\\a", moved to 501 Broadwa} , next, to 591
Broadway , 1111866 to 6S5 Broadv\ay andm 1882 to Broad\\ay
and 19th street-all the change" repre<;entl11g moves upward
m 10catton Furthermore, announcement has been made of
the firm'" l11tentlOn to bUlld \V01 krooms and wareroom s on
,\Test 29th street
From the pomt of VIew of a New Yorker, or from that
of the VtSltl11g furntture man, the sItuatIon of the new home
of the New York Fur11lture Exchange at Lexmgton avenue
and 46th street., h not only not too far uptown, but \Vas othel-
Wl"e cho",en happIly. and It may regarded as fortunate that
the locatlOn was made a\ allable b} the Important changes and
Improvements 111and about the Grand Central statton ,\Then
the Exchange \'Va" establl.,hed twenty yea1 s or so ago, there
were to be sure, surface car" runn111g along the ma111 avenues,
and act as" 42nd street, but even WIth these, and WIth the
elevated road a block away, commumcatIon was very l11con-vement
as compared wtth that "\l:,ttor" to the new butldl11g
wtll command That the New York Fur11lture Exchange
de\ eloped so remarkably was due posstbly to the ObVlOUSneed
for tts extstence, a" It certa1111y wa", to the l11telhgent manage-ment
and contmued enterpllse of Chas E Spratt.
The Exchange 111ItS new butldmg may be reached so
eaSIly and so conve11lently, that It WIll save the v1sltmg
buyer" or manufacturers' repre~entatl\ e any large expend-
Iture of enel gj or ttme 111the performance of hI,., bUS1nes,.,
dutle" Any attendant at the Exchange WIll be close to the
bU,.,111ess 111tctesb of the ctty, to Its pleasure place,." It,>
hotel", and to all ItS ma11lfold attractlOn,,-\'v III be 111 the very
heart of the town, mdeed
The Vel) locatIon gave Ml Spratt full Vvanant to proceed
to elaborate hIS plans for the con",tructton of the extraor-chnary
butld1l1g", and for the eqUlpment of the Exchange WIth
e\ ery poo;slble faclhty for the transactIon of Its affalfs and
the proper entet ta111l11ent of It" bU,.,111ess VISItors How ad
l111rable and tar-reach1l1g these plan,., are wtll be demonstrated
by tIme and practIce
-----------------------~ ,
_ .. ---------------
Give your men tools that are ac-curate
to the one-thousandth part of
an inch. Tools that are straight and
true and hold their cutting edge.
No matter how expensive and per-fect
your machinery may be, if the
cutting tools are not of the best, you
can not turn out good work.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we
have manufactured only the very best for
thirty-five years. Write for our complete
catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine
labor saving tools.
• T • •• • ...
10\\ "cale ot fee~, to render perfunctory and maclequate ser-
\ Ice 1 he "tIIllulu", ot domg hIs best to wm the confidence
oj edch patIent a" well as hIs famIly and frIends, h no longtr
telt On the part of some of the m"ured It is alleged there IS
a tendenC\ to abn"e theIr abIlIty to command the "erVlces of
a cloctor to an almost unllmlted extent and to summon 111m
at dl1\ hour at the da} or nIght on the sllghtest pretext
~n nnplea"ant featurc of the phYSICIan's dutles h lIke
\\ he the nece"slt} ot a"summg the role of detectIve, 111 order
to effectnalh combat an} tendency there may be toward
malmgennlS, \\ hlch h d gray e problem m connectlOn WIth
\\ ,)1 knlcn" In"urance
~" legal d" the hnanllal re"ults of compulsory insurance
to the medIcal protc"~lOn a'> d whole, It IS felt that the reform
hd" ])1 ought abont a clI"tmct lo~ enng of the total compen-
"at Ion for pI (lte'>"IOllal scn Ice It 1" true that a large number
ot mdn Idua]" \\ ho \\ ere formerly treated a~ chanty patIent">
al c under the nc \\ conc11tlOns, enrolled m the ranks of the
11l-.ured and a cel talI1 remuneratIon fOl theIr treatment IS
no\\ 1 eCll\ ed b\ the attendant phySICIan But It IS also
vlalmed that a' much larger number, whose mode~t fee'>
tOl med an Important part of a doctor'" Il1come, are now furn-hhed
\\Ith tree tl eatment a" msured, and that the chfterence
In COm]Kn"dtlon no\\ I ecen ed bv contract phy"lclans for
tIll" cate£;on ot patlent" much more than counterbalance the
1I111 ea~ecl receIpt-. ±10m the fil "t-mentlOned cla'>s
1hele I" d "tud) mcnement forward to mtroduce the
a(h antage" of "tate compul"ory msurance among clerks and
emplo} e" recen me, 111s;her ~alanes than the maXlmtlm fi:xed
1n the pI e"ent la\\ ($-i7()) Each '>tep In thIS dlrectlOn re-mo\
e" from the lIrc1e of cu"tomaly patIents a large group
fI om \\ ho"e lIfe the 'famIly ph} ~luan" dIsappears"
The membel" ot the medIcal plOfes'>lOn m Germany are
probabh a" generou" and self-saclIficmg and a" devoted to
humane Ideal" a" theIr colleague" 111 other land" It h feared
ho\\ e\ LI that the ne\\ h estahlIshed relatIons between pa-tIent'>
cwd ph) "ICIan" are "uch a" to tend toward a lowenng
ot ploJe"-'lOnal "tcl!Hlal d" and an abandonment of the tlme-honored
tra(l!tlon" of thl" mo"t Important factor In modern
j he plohlem I~ deemed a senous one In Germany, and
h \\ 01th} ot attentIOn In allcountl Ie" study mg the de"lrablllty
oj COl11jlUI-.0l\ m"urance untlel state chrectIOn Accord1l1g
to "OI1lC a I1lo(lIficatIOn of eXht1l1g regulatIon" vvhlch will
PC11111tthe benehllane" of the System to hay e a free chOIce
of theIr mcdlcal ach Ic;er" would "eem to be neces~dry If the
dre,nlt} u"efulne"s, cl11d hIgh standard" of the phY~lcIan are
to be "ategualCled J Ie ,,11Ould be freed from competItIOn 111
thc mOl e purel \ COI1lmelclal "elhe of the term The compe-tItIon
~hould be 11l111ted,d" In thc past, to the de\ elopment of
prote,,-.lOnal "kIll and of tho"e qualItIes of head and heart
\v hllh contllhute dlnlO',f d" 111uch to the ph} '>Iclan'c; "uccess
a" hI" techmcal atta1l1l11ent"
Said to Have Had a Serious Effect on Family
Doctors in Germany.
PeculIar effect" at Germany" compulsory 1I1t1u"tnal In
surance law" are reported by fhoma" H '\ orton ~111elllan
con"ul at Chemmt7, who declare" that compuhor} In"tuancc
affects the morale of the medIcal profe""IOn a" \vell a'o that oj
the msured \ \ ntl11g on the effect of com pulsar} msurance
on the doctor" 111 c,ermany, Con"ul l\ 01 ton "a} s
Undemably the prm l"IOlh for lompulsor} In"mancc
aga1l1"t "lckne"" and aCCIdent, as \\ ell d'> the m"tuancc t,11
old age, novv 111 operatIon for 0\ er 27 } eal ", ha \ e clone muc h
to rabC the le\ el of comfort for v. 01 ker" a" the} fdce the un-certamUe"
of theIr occupatIOns and the lIabIlIty to pm trt\
m old age, freemg them from much of the an'oet\ clnd actuctl
suffermg whIch are concomItants of the tOIler ~ lot In othcl
countnes where SOCIal legl"latIOn b le~" ach anced
"There 1", hov. e\ er, a pha"e of tll1" organl/c(l, ,,\ "tematlc
automatIc method ot pro\ Id111g to meet the re,ult:" of c;lckne""
and chsa"tel \"h1ch I" attrdct1l1g attentIOn 111 Gelman\ \ 17
the effect upon the medIcal profe""IOll
"A large "hare of the populat1(lll h no lone,el dblt to
'>elect at \\ ill mec!Jcdl ad\ hel" Pln -'llIan~ dl C en£;aged 11\ tht
officIal" of 111surance (J1 gamLatIon" on hAed contI act tCI m"
whIch are u"uall) far helm\ the mlnl111um late fi,ed b\ Idn
for mechcal "en Ice" 1he old-tIme relatIon, bet\\ een ph\ "I
clans and tho"e engdg111g then "el \ Ice" relatIons o! 111utual
confidence and respect, al e gl\ mg \\ a} to a j1ureh 1m~lllC"-'
connectIOn, III whICh the personal equatIon I" of dl111lm"hlllg
Importance 1here h keen c0111petltIOn to "eUIre the pO"h
of medIcal officers of the ddrerent lll"urance ±ull(l" and tho"e
who secure them may be tempted, on account of the \ en -~-_._--~..-.. -
,,- ..
Here is
a Rocker
a seller.
Write for
the price.
f5 CO.
~-,--_._-_._._---_._-_._._N--o. _592, .__._-_._.__ .. - .--
Fne;agement" to go el"ewhere shouldn t be made for the
day s between January 17 and February 5 (next) Then the
doOl" to the 38th SemI \nnual New York EXpOSItIOn WIll be
open and the new and comprehen"lve l111e" of 250 maml-facturel"
open for the 111"pectIon of enterpnsmg fur111ture
i\f atm all} enough, the \vIdO\\ doe"n't feel her lo<;s so keenly
It It -. tulh CO\tree1 \\ Ith I!l"tUance
If you don't beheve that It" the unexpected that happens ask
the weather man
The Boycott As a Luxury.
From J\foody's l\Iagazme-Laymg aSide the que"tlOn ot
nght or wrong a" cons1C1erec1m the matter of ..,tnke~ and boy-cott",
and rev1ewmg the"e expe(llences from the ..,tandpomt of
re~ults, the history of the whole matter "ugge~t" the actlOn
of a ~lgantIc boomerang \\ hat greater proof of thh could
be exhibited than the e~tabll..,hed fact that the la"t five b(Treat
~tnke" thl:'l country ha~ ..,uffereJ have "wept aWdy 92 per cent
of the savmgs of the workmen 1m oh ed ~dd to thiS the
awful e'<pense that orgal1lzecl labor ha" broughl on It"elf,
money that ha.., come out of the "'age" of ItS members, that
I" an add1tlOnallo,,~ to the 10..,s of the "avmg:'l
The 1906 I eport of the Federation of Labor, gl\ en m
September of that) ear, recOId.., 887 ..,tllke.." l11volvl11g 91,53U
"orkmgmen and co"tmg tho"e :'lame workmen $3,982,86566
In the matter of the dlvl~lon of ')uch expen~es, the Typo-graphical
Un,on ~tands at the head of the hst. w1th 1tS tax
of more than a millIon and a half dollars The LT l1lted Ml11e
\Vorkers qualfeled away almo~t another million, or $920,-
895 IS The Iron Molder" depleted the1r trea:'ll1fV $452,-
03159, while the J\Iachll11';t'-. 1.]111on threw $143,06958 into
a "'UlCldal "trugg1e
The followmg yeal, seemmgly un",l1hn~ to learn by "uch
d1..,astrous expenence, the FederatlOn of Labo1 reporh 1,433
'3trlke.." mvolvmg 130271 of 1t-, 111e111ber~ The re..,u1tant tax
upon thclr 1esource" amounted to $3,290,35320 For the
yedl ending Septembel 30. 1908. the \mencan I~cderatlOn of
Labor ~how~ a clecrea~e 1n the amount of lts tubute pal(l to
the caU'3e of ll1du<.,tnal d1,.,,.,en"10n, two and one-half 1111lhon
of dollar.., bemg glV en a.., thc extent of the finanCial dram for
that year Perhaps the member.., of that body are awaken1l1g
to the fact that they ha, e been their own greate"t handicap
~nd what a power for gOOL1they could become 1f they de
voted these vast sums, that have formerly been used m way s
that brought them (11stre"" and oftent1me" p10\ ed a menace
to their countly and a blight upon the hopes of their commg
generatlOn'), to mvestment 111 enterpn"e that would raise the
effic1ency of them"e1ve~ and the1r ch11(lren
The Typographical L1110n ,.,pcnt on stnke,., and their at-tendant
actlvlt1e", accord1l1g to the'r own report, dunng the
year endlllg m ~eptember, 1(01), $1 ,61,729 lO-and they lost
ground Dunng the followmg year, that endl1lg September,
1907, also accordmg to the1r own repOl t, the Typograph1cal
Ul1lon thre\\ mto the ..,ame whirlpool $1468,841 52-which
aho failed to pay dIVldend~ 111 p()1nt~ gamed \V1th a dogged
tenac1ty of a 111anwho does not knovv he 1S defeated, a c1eter-m111atlOn
that would be laudable 1f employcd1n a mOle nght-eous
endeavor, thl" U11lon contn1Lle" to stake 1t.., hope of the
future 111 an unfair cau"e
Of the fortune~ labor ha" expended 1n 1t" altercatlOn:.,
not the least Item of expense ha,., been that of the boycott
The real and tragic co,.,t ot thl.., wrongly conceiVed ll1"tl;utlOn
can ncv er be reckoned That It ha" mown down the hopes
and prospects of thou'3alHb of s11lall merchant" that It has
turned upon 1t" perpet1 ators to the1r harm, can be "hown 111
countIes.., 111stance" A boycott, first, la~t and alwa\s, 1S a
luxury It 1, an cndle~s cham of destructIOn that m~lst ever
complete 1h CirCUit before 1b force 1" expended
5amples of promlse-prol11lSe of plOfit-W111 be shown bv
the two hundred WIde awake furllltl1le manufacturer" at th"e
next New York r:AposltlOn Janllary 17 bthllle".., I" to begm
sharp and early J< eb1na1 y j 1" the c1o~lng day
A man cannot serve two ma~ters any more than a woman
can serve style and comfort
Are very popular with the Furniture Trade.
No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net.
We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs.
SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis
~Iinnesota Retail
OFFICERS-PresIdent LoUls J Buenger Ne\\ DIm Vice PresIdent C Dalllelson Cannon Falls Treasurer, a A 0 l\1oen, Peterson Secretan W L Grapp JaneSVIlle
EXECUTIVE COM\lITTEE-D F RIchardson NOlthfield Geo Klme Mankato, W L HarTIs Mmneapolls, o SImon .. Glencoe 1\1: L k.1111eSt Peter
\\ e wI,;h to announce to our member" that tll1'"- depart
ment 'NIl! be run regularly once a \\eek flom no\\ on and \\e
hope to brmg to o'lr member,; Intelc" t1l1g mdttel \\ 111lh 1\ dl
be so full of good thm~s that thh department \\Ill he a I\( i
come vI"ltor to your office \ \ e mtend to del ote th' j r'"-t
few weeks to the extreme th1l1g:o that happen In the I e2 n ot
mall order eVIls and shall endea \ or to "hem and keep OUl
members In touch V\ Ith the latest 1110\ es of am compet1 ']
whIch affects per"onallY the ..,mall dealeI Thh depart nUl
has been made pOSSIble anI) thIough the medltlm lit u
operatIon and) our officer.., \i\,ant to recell e "uch help ch e, c 11
member can gl\e In mak1l1g thl" c!epaltment d'"- ne\\~\ all,]
full of busmes.., help~ as It I" pO'"-'ilhle to make It J j \ 'll
have made a ..,ucce"s of an) partIcular method ot 1)\1\11H., or
have any good sales Idea", gl \ e them to the "eeretal \ ~o '11~t
they WIll help the other member" You may thmk that \ ) I
Ideas do not amount to much and the\ md\ not be \ fl,'
\ a1uab1e to ) au but If ) au v\ III let u~ puhlJ"h them the) \>111
probably sugge"t good, practIcal ldea~ to "ome of OUI hla))1\
member" whIch Ideas 'NIII C0111eback to ) ou In anothel 101111
all worked out and read) to put mto pI actlce It \ ou \\ III do
'Nhat you can, all the good Idea" thu" accumulated cannot
faIl to accomplJ"h a great deal
Competitive Buffets.
\Yhen the expreS~lOn "competlt!\ e pIlce I'; used, lt 1"
generally conceded to mean a \ er) c1o"t pIlle becau~e or a
certam phase of local competItion \ \ hene\ er \\ e, ln our
a,;soclatlOn work, u"'e the eApre"'lOn 'c0111])etltlon pI Ice \\ e
mean that the al tIele,; refel red to hay e hecome unIversally
competitive through the agency of the maIl ordel hou,;e Cdt
The magazme.o of our country ma) be ahlc to e"tahh,;h
a unn ersa1 competItIve pnce upon certam artIcle" but the)
can never create the competltlve pnce,; on ..,0 many lme,; of
merchandIse as these catalogue.o do whlch are "ent tram :\Ia1l1e
to Caltforma 111\ esttgatlOn of thl" mattel ..,ho\\" that the~l
catalogue" are publtshed and clt'itnbutecl at a co"t not much
greater than the co"t of publt "h1l1g se\ el al l","'ues of a hIgh
c1as" magazIne 1hIS V\ III cau"e ) au to rea!JLe as \ au ne\ el
have before, the Imschlef thIS causes m the e,;tabhshed routme
of bUSIness
\\ e mamtaln that, were It not for the wHle dl,;tnbutlon
of the mall order hou<;e catalogue there \i\,otl1d be no univer-sal
C'.)mpetitive prices because the overhead expense,; of the
average dealer of today vary accordmg to the conc!Jtlons m
Vi hlch he find,; hlmself, such a<; elJstance flom the market,
rent, etc Then too, were It not for the quoting of prices
without the many selling expenses, whIch a dealer mLht add,
our cu<;omers would be petfectly "athfted \\ Ith the home
pnce,; Then, after we have made OLlr ..,ale, here comes along
the mall order house catalogue WIth 0\ el dra\'\ n pIcture,; and
g'lowmg descnptlOn,; bnt the con"nmel doe.., not con"lder
that thIS pnce does not mclucle eleln ellng e"pense.., freI~ht
and settIng up
\11 thl~ kIndle" ~tl"plClOn anel In man) ca"e" the confi-dence
\\ 111ch the Um"nl11fr h,1" 111 hh home dealer I.., <;haken
\\ l muq not torglt that bU~1l1e..,..,method" are raplcily chang-
11l~ and If II e tll( "'mall dealel <; fine! ourseh e,; m a posltlOn
1\ hllh \\ e, a~ lllclli Hlua!", l,l11nol 0\ ercome, we mu"t work out
our 0\\ n ,;ah atlon thron!Sh the mec!Jum of co-opelatlon If
\\e do not, the mall order hon"es WIll always have the ae!-
\ antage 0\ el u" 111 the matte! of quantity, cash paymenb,
the cuttlllg out of all bu) Ing expen"ec, and the protectlOn gIven
the 10bb'1 b\ the a\ erac;e Ime whIch, 111 Ih finer analy<;ls,
mean'"- that the) are dble to bny the,e same buffet'> £tom 20
to 30 pel lent cheaper than the) can be bonght by the small
\em thh h perfect\ le~lt!mate If the "ma11 dealel who
lannot n"'e a larc;e quantlt), I" a"kmg 30 to 00 clay" tllne and
nldke~ thc mdnuLlcturer "el1(l exppn"n e ~alee,men to 111mbefore
he place~ hI" order He naturally mu"t expect to pay, 111 the
end for all that It co"t,; to do tlll~ \\ e helle\ e that thl'; one
thmg has helped make the maIl oldel house succe,;"fu1 be-
Cdnc,e \ au can ea'"-Ih see that dfter the small dealer ha, palel
all the<;e nnnece"c'an expense, be"ldcs the first co,;t of hIS
melchanc1\ "e the addItIon of hI" legItImate profit naturally
make~ the pllll lllghel thdn the one quoted by those who, by
adoptIng modern hU';111e,,, method" hay e cut out all thl<; extra
e:Apenchtnre 01ganl/atlon ha~ de\ eloped to such an extent
that It Lan no\\ command a volume 'Nhlch v\ III enable any
facton to make a certam amount of these competItIve Ime<;
or merchandI'ie, ()nh made aC, the) ,hould be, and at a pnce
\\ hldl \\ III enable our member.., to make at lea.ot a faIr profit
Of conr,;e It h no plea"ure to be ob!Jged to sell mer-chandl"
1e at such a close figure yet we belt eve that the merchant
"llOuld absolutely predommate over the condition in which
he finds himself.
ThIS catalog competitIOn I" not of OUl makmg yet It
h \v Ith u,; and un1e<;s we are bIg enough, broad enough and
busy enough to 0\ ercome It \'\ e shall have to ,;uffer the con
c,eqnence<; The belIef of ) OUI commul1lt} III your ablltty
to meet thl'; pha"c of competItIOn under all condlt1ons IS of
~uch \ a1ne to ) OU d" a hus111e"" man that It Is 'North cnItl-
\ atmg to the \ en ltmlt
Therefore \\ e \\ ant all of our memher.., to pnt 111at least
a fe,\ of the<;e buffeb and mark them exactl} \\hat they are
"old for by the cata10gne house". not only that, but each
member onght to make It hl" bu"lne".., to sprinkle a goodly
number of the"e buffet'> through the commumty surroundmg
hIS bU';111es" "0 that hh hU)111g pub1Jc "ees that he 1<;really
0\ ercommg thIS catalogue competitIon The bUY111g com-mlttee
wdnt to a"<;ure you that It I" not a \ely ea,y matter to
get compet1tlve Items at a pnce low enough for onr dealel s'
1herefOl e the thl<; matenal f01 all It I" wurth and help 11"
demon..,trate to the factonec, who are help11lg liS that our
a""oClalJon account h \ alnable, and we can do It, if each
member WIll hut Lhe a few
Your" trul),
Made of Large Flaky
Quartered Oak
IF 2601&
Splendid Values
in High Grade
Very Attractive and
Relined Buffet In
Quartered Oak $15~!~ in Indiana
DeUyered Prices
.. Man} persons haTe an exaggelated ldea. of
the fIt 19ht charges on an artIcle of thIS kmd
..0 III ordt'f to conV!D'C(l tbem. and al.~o to allow
of a. ('loser compa.t"lwn of ~ah\es v.e vrmt
bE'10\\ pUles whIch mclud-e freIght paId to any
regular rallroattR~gtt~ l~rlM~;fijes D&ID€d
We WIll deltver this buffet, freIght pre
paId In 111mOl". IndIana. '\ilch ..gan or
OhIO for • ., $16.71)
~?a~O,Dnib~~1, I~v:,~. If{' flalD'!s M1'
N,r Y. Pa, R I. Va, Vt:W Va: WIS for • ....... .. . 173;:;
In Ala Ark ~Ja. G&, La MISS,
l\eb. NCar N Dak, SCar, S
PuakCa~~fo~"':.~· Js~nlana "oregon or 18 80
\, ,sJunglon for 21 :;1)
artT.h. i,s!< haingdh reglriandeed bthuaftfet"&is hmovildeee,eorf lsaeregne af.ln~k ~ qua:rrt ed oak In I:'olden finish. The de_ill'll Is one of the most
keep e..-Iean). It is albo ver room a d oes no oontam Blot (.f (heap showy ~arvinJ,;8 (which are hard to
Illed ,,,(1\ doors an'! the gla.. Is our sYeC1~1,'Ql:'OOd prac,t1C;t1 .'7e. It I- 4S in. long and 21 In. deep has two cupJoards
the latest and most .artIstiC d€(''Olaiwn ro be- hw uee,j%Anne a glass The de"lgn IS ground 1n the glass and W1ll not come off It IS
thcndmg tht' enhre length of: t1lP hufff>t It nIs!} hac; llieb~~:c:¥l~s?ttO1rlemumlh bl:l.OOdrawel"S and an extra larJre linen drawer ex·
t e enhre Ie~th ot tne bnff'Ct 4lld IS fitted WIth a ) reur 1 elOt";WI carved claw feet The top "'has a. shelf runnmg
~~e \yllll"nar'1ntee It 0 nIt {se YOUas. It is made by a 1f~~~; ~a~i~~ ~he:xcellelntl Ql1ahty It IS a hiJt.b KI'ade ple{'e In every respect and
A.&.~ pac ~ed by exnet need nac.K-ers1 a- goot'! lIt I h .... e rem a lOn ot turmng out the best goods In thIS !lUe and IS
'tel6 Q de-a on tlflS Btl~t ~:::y ~clude fr~~g~t c;:t3 to n;nym~~le~ ri~l]tng Ht~i~,!1e condlt..on. "'.elgbt about 175 lbs Pnces
1<I£ue c\.Stamers SIe to pay frel"M from. pOmt of shIpment mentlouej" 5' ,on In e ."nee ll&med. 0 .. all other BulIets m tbts Ctlta·
ReproductIOn of Buffet altered by Montgomery Ward & Co Note dpln ered PI Ice Our prIce to
mpmbers $12 45 1111~ Buffet No RI'26015 furmshPd our member~ f01 ~12 45 1h'" largp ad\ ert1Smg
cut ",thout deSCrIptIOn attached 7')c WIth deScrIptIOn attached H 25
F7 No
10 ThIS
's gotten
up for
men In
large fla-ky
W , t h
qua rter
sa'~ ed
front and
flms he d
m golden
It has a
good SIZ
ed mirror
16,,24 Note the exten-
SIon coat raclz the trou
ers holder on the door
and shoe rack at the bot
1'7 No lOb ThIS hIgh grade oak
buffet ha" a hmt of the colOnIal
v. hICh gn es ,t a \ ery plam refined
appearanc e It IS made of golden
oa < and has pxtI a hpa \ y pillars of
finp quarterpd stock
Price at our store I Price at our store
ThIS No 10 wardrobe cut WIth
deSCrIptIOn attached furnIshed f01
40c Catalog house prIce $1890,
furnIshed our members $1475
Th'" No lOb cut "Ith dese rIptIOn
40c Catalog house prIce $17 95 fur-nIshed
our member" for $1375
Send all orders to the secretary and comply with association rule.
1'7 No 0202
solId oah artIstIC
buftpt " gottpn up
In a plaIn rf'hTled
de,H(ll ancl ha~ a beC1ut1ful golden
oak fimsh It has one e"tla hrgp
clrT\'\ el thr 8( medlllln SIzed ura \\ er<.,
and tv. a large cupboa1d~ Three
mll ror<., In ton
Price at our store
fhl'- ",,0 0202 BuftE't cut VI 1th de
SCrIptIOn attachE'd furmshed to our
members for 40, Catalog house
PllCE' $13 9') furmshed to our mem
bers bv u~ for $10 80
F7 No 102 ThIS
umque and art,stlc
])uffet IS made of
g a Ide n qua1tered
oak It ha'3 one large drav. er and
t\, 0 medlurn 91ZPU dra ,vers r-rhe
Iv. a cupboa1Cl~ ha\ C' door'3 fitted w11h
alt gla" It aho 1", French legs
Vlltl) calHd claw feet
Price at our store
1'111<"No 102 Buffet cut WIth {1p.
sCllptlOn attQchell furnl-,lled to our
mem!>e1' for 40c ('atalog hou~e
pllce $16 9" furDl"hed to our mem
ber~ b\ u~ fOI $131)
P7 No 203 Th,s up to clate buf-fet
1<;made of golden fint"h oak and
ha,s a \ery plam attractlye canopy
top v. hlch IS fitted WIth a 14'<32 be\ el
mnlOr at <;uperwr quality 1hIS IS
a \ PO practl cal buffet
Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers' Ass'n.
w. L. GRAPP~ Secretary~ Janesville~ Minnesota.
1'hl<; No 203 buffet cut WIth de
SCrIptIOn attached, furm ~hod to our
meml)ClS for 400 Catalog house prIce
$15 90 ThiS No 20Q Buffet fur
mshed our membe1s for $1235
Will witness the greatest number of visiting furniture buyers this coming January
ever known; not less than 2000 buyers will place orders in FOURTEEN-ELEVEN
during the January market, and another 2000 will buy here during the spring
months. That is 4000 opportunities for you to do business it you will exhibit your
samples in tbis Great Furniture Exhlbition. Chicago, the Great Central Furniture
Market, needs your line to help supply tbis army ofbuyers, and you need the orders.
Contract for your space immedi-ately.
Make a big exhibit in Janu-ary
and the buyers will do the rest.
Floor plan showing space avaIlable for 1910 sent on application.
1411 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO.
Francis Lenygon on FU1'niture and Decorations
From Charles I to George III.
An ever elH;rosslng ~ubJect IS the one of the mtenor and
hV1l1g arrangements of the great palace,., of the Se, enteenth
and EIghteenth Centt11le<;, t11the splend1d rooms of which the
ImagmatlOn lS fond of p1ctunng the court1ers of James and the
cavahers of Challes I, the dandle., of the RestoratIOn or the
sllk-coated nobles of the long re1~ns of the early George~ A
recent addItion to the books upon thl,., subject 1,.,an authon-tatlVe
pubhtatlOn 11l1ported b} Charles Scnbner's Son., by
FranCls Lcnygon "The DecoratIOn and } url11ture of Eng-hsh
::\ldnslons Dunng the Se, cnteenth and E1ghteenth Cen-tunes"
These} ears coy er the \,01 k of lt11go J one~, Slr
\I"'G ,nJEHIG<\.' 'lO'.G'lBFR 5 19!)!)
FR1DAY 11 ----
Consls!IOl14"fM"SlOn Oe,k Table, M,ss,on Oe,k Chair M,SSIonMa~az1J1eStand and Ml5s10nAnJl Rocker
$ 95i~~~r1'-' ~
.!.- Cash, I
Montbly --
Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial
ThIS four-p.lece mISSion set, as shown In the IUUS~
tratlDl1 \V 11be placed on bale Saturday at all four of our bIg
stores fhe sale begms at 8 a m and closes at 9 p m It
IS one of the best if not the best values we have eyer offered
Each and every pIece s made of solid oak fimshed m a neh
earl) Lngl sh The Desk Table has large drawer letter files
etc fhe Arm Rocker IS upholstered m fabncord leather
1.nd IS 1 rge roomy and comfortable 1he Magazme Rack
and Desk Cha r are neat In des gn and strongly made ThIS
"et \\ III make a complete fUffilshrng for )-our 1 brary or den
Saturday ijome Outfit Special $62.50 TERMS a~:~::th1Y
Sold on Tlurty Day~' Free Trial
2023.2031 Mllwoukee Av
Near Armlt&gl!> A'i
N W Oe;;;;A."hland tv
oud ~tb St
2023 2031 Milwaukee Av
Near Arm.lta.ge Av
N Vol Corner Asbland-Av
",d 48th St
91339135 Oommerclal Av.
91339135 OommereJ.&1 Av I South Clueago
South Chicago
A Sample Advertisement
Chnstopher \\ ren and Grenl111g GIbbons, \V 111lam Kent, the
brothers Adam, Chippendale, IIepple\\hlte, and Sheraton, all
the great figures 111thIS world The pecuhar \ alne of the
book to the modern house-owner and bmlder b to be found
111the fact that much progre"'s has been made of late} ears
not only 111the stud} of the arts of the RenaIssance 111r.m;land
but 111the1r apphcatlOn.., to modern condItIons of hfe
The improvement 111archItecture, furl11ture, and clecOl-atlOn
dunng the last ten years 1,." to a great extent, oW111gto
a better knowledge of the st} le,., wh1ch prevaIled dunng the
best penods Dlfte1 ent branches of the :oubJect ha, e been
dealt With by vallOUS authors, yet cel ta111 aspects seem to
have been overlooked, and the, alue of 1\Ir Lenygon' ~ work
hes 111 its a1m of embrac111g the treatment of walls, of cel1111gs
of floors, and of furmture, 111short, the de, elopment of the
whole scheme of 111tenor decoratiOn 111 England dunng the
two centunes outhned before 111the iltle
In the book espec1al attentIOn has been focu"'ed upon the
Over 8 50, 000 Alaska
refrigerators sold sin c e
I 878. DeSlfable features
of an Alaska Refrigerator:
Small consumption of Ice.
Maximum amount of cold,
dry air.
Absolutely sanitary pro-vision
Simplicity of operation.
Perfect preservation of
\Ve sell to dealers only.
The Alaska Refrigerator Co.
Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers.
L E, Moon, New York Manager,
369 Broadway, New York CIt,. • . .~
vexed questlOn of adequate photographIc lllustratlOn, which
111th1S case has been solved qmte satIsfactonly The chapters
follow first the vanou,., schools as they developed and then
turn to those aspects of the 111ten01 wh1ch only too frequently
are neglected or sum manly treated, such as the plaster orna-mentatlOn,
the velvets and dama,.,ks, wood pane1l111g, ch1mney
p1eces, the hght111g, carpets, and, finally, some reference to the
early use of lacquered furmture and the nOw nearly forgotten
gesso ware
The speCImens of eally lacquer 111England were ongl11-
ally obtamed 111 Japan by the few favored merchants who
reSIded and traded 111England at the beg11111lng of the Seven-teenth
Century and the1r use spread dur111g the RestoratlOn
penod The Engh"h 1m1tatlOns appeared dunng the penod
of the fi1:>t two Georges Gesso work 01lg111ated 111Italy but
became common 111 England dunng the re1gn of W1lham and
Mary The process cons1sts of the formatIOn of a coat of
hard depOSIt, Wh1tl11g, glue, etc, upon the subject to be
treated, thIS was then carved away 111to a des1gn and the sur-face
gIlt all over \v hIle poss1ble of only hmited apphcatlOn,
ma111ly to m1rror frame., or table tops, the treatment is one
of ::,uch decoratIve value that 1S is curiou:, It has been so
Gamble Joins the Luce Furniture Company.
"Ted" Gamble, a veteran salesman, formerly w1th Skin-ner
& Steenman, has engaged w1th the Luce Fur11lture Com-pany,
and WIll tray el 111the mIddle west
The Artes1a Fur11lture Company has been organized
w1th $50,000 capital stock, pa1d 111,to take over the busine:os
of the ellery Fur11lture Company, dealers of Albuquerque,
N Mex1co
Retires After Thirty Years.
\Y1llJam S Emer} one of the orgal117ers and the fir"t
manager of the New England (now Grand Rap1ds) Furn-
1ture Company, wIll ret1re from the "en Ice of the com pan}
on January 1, after 30 years of cont1l1uou" "en Ice \Ir
Emery has a very w1de acqua1l1tance 111 the trade and en
JOYS great populanty. Few men hV1l1g hay e "een "0 many
changes 111 the 1I1dustry and so many men come and go In
recalhng hi" expenence" he mentlOned the late John 1\1 Sm} th
of Chicago, 111 k111dly terms Before 'Ed' Kennedy retired
from the employ of the John 1\1 Smyth company, the \e\\
England supphed that corporatlOn with a con"ldelable quan-tIty
of good", Mr Emery remarked "On my next tnp to
Chicago, after 'Ed' qUit, I wa" 1I1troduced to \Ir Sm} th
It was my first meet1l1g with 111m 'You hay e "old OUi com-pany
goods)' he I11qUlred 'Ye", I hay e had "ome of} our tl ade
but only half a" much a" I would hke to ha\C '\\ ell, I \\ III
tell my "on to look over the stock h"t" Come In to-morrow'
"I can not do so To-morrow IS the tenth an11lversar}
of my wedcbng and my Wife expects me to be at home, I can
not cli"appoll1t her nor depnve m}"elf of her compamon"hlp
for the day \\ e talked III a plea~ant way of our earl" mati 1-
m011lal expenence" when It was learned that we \\ ere born In
the same} ear, about the "ame time of the month and had
marned on the "ame da} of the week, month and} eal He
ach I"ed me to go home but to be "ure to call on him \\ hen
I returned to Chicago I cbd "0 and he g-a\ e me a mce ordel
"1\11 Smyth was an able, con"ClentlOu" bU"llle"" man !Ie
acqu~red hi" mIllion legltImatel} Although partIclpatll1g
achy ely 111 pobhc" he wa" clean, fair and honorable He
never sought politIcal preferment, but dehghted to "en e hi"
fnends" 1\Ir Emel y expect" to re-enter the furmture trade
agall1 early 111 the coml11g year
Window Displays in Austria.
In respon"e to 1l1qlllnes regard1l1g a possible market in
the clhes of Bohemia for wllldow fixtures for shop dl3plays
-\mencan Consul J I Bnttalll, of Prague, "tates that the
\ anOl!" merchants appear to be attached to their pre"ent
methods These he expla1l1" as follows
The fixture" used con"l"t pnnclpally of racks, arrangecl
With proJechng p01l1t", or long teeth, for the "upport of hon-zontal
rods. made of bra", or 11lckel plated These rods may
be adJu"ted to re"t at \anou" distances apart Another POP\'
lal method for dl"pla} Ing merchandise IS by placl11g platc-gla,,"
"helve" 111 the w1l1dow", re"t111g on artistiC metal frames,
bra"" or 111ckel plated For "hoe" the shelves are placed at
an angle of about 30 degree" to show the footwear to good
deh antage
fhe "llOpkeepel takes great pnde 111 haVing h1:o w1l1dow
dres"ed 111an attractIve manner and the glass perfectly clean
at all time", no matter how small the shop or how small the
city Frequently the greater part of the stock of merchandise
I" dl"played1l1 the w1l1dow" of the smaller shops It 1S much
Ie"" elifficult to make attractive display" here than In Amencan
<,tore" a" \\111dow" open outward on h111ge" Even heavy
plate-pIa"" \\ 1l1dow". 10 to 15 feet "quare, are "0 arranged and
dre,,,ed from the "treet, ll1steac1 of from the 1I1slde, as 111
\mellca 1he large wll1c1ow" al e u"uall} arranged 111 the
mClllllng before an} pede"tnan'3 are on the street"
The \\ all "pace betv\een "hop" I" frequently rented by
em nel" ot adJo1111ng store" and arranged to appear bke W1l1-
dow", gn 1l1g the appearance of be1l1g a large "hop When
one wI"hes to examine an arhcle ch"played 111 a w1l1dow the
propnetor or clerk goe" to the "treet With a key, unlocks the
w1l1do\\. and take" out the arhcle, then locks hi" w1l1c1ow
i.-.-------------------------------a-.g.a1-l-1 ------ ---.-.-.----------..-...-...-------------------------t- -.,
produces on any oak results equal in every respect to those obtained by the old tedious
and expensive actual fuming method. This especially prepared material when applied
to any oak acts with the acids in the wood and produces that peculiarly beautiful, brown-ish
effect known as "Fumed Oak."
Nothing affects the finish, which may be thoroughly sandpapered without fear
of cutting through.
Send for FREE sample.
We supply everything in Paint Specialties and Wood Finishing materials.
.. . - .. . --.- - - ..
-.. ---.--._-. -.-"-...-..--.-.-.-_. __._-_._-------_.------------------_._------------ ....
This shoe does the work of a caster yet allows the
desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head
wood screw and furnished in three sizes.
No. 1493 PULL
A very fine handle for desks in the square effect.
Something different from the regular bar pulls.
New Furniture Dealers.
I R Horton 13 a new fur11lture dealer at Hanford, Cal
VV L l\Iealy 1S a new fur11lture dealer at Black Earth,
Revach & Colher hay e a new fur11lture "tore at Porter-vIlle,
A V BerkebIle has opened a new furniture store at
HooversvIlle, Pa
Macken & Parker IS the name of a new retaIl fur11lture
firm at Rochester, Mmn
The Globe Fur11lture Company have opened a new re-tall
:"tore m Baton Rouge, La
The Ideal Mattress Company (11anufacturer:,,) of A.llen-twon,
Pa, have opened a furl11ture :"tore In South Bethlehem,
Wemstock Bros have opened a large general store at
CoalInga, Cal, and are prepanng to add a furnIture depart-ment
A J Broyles, S P Buster and Mrs SallIe Cout:", have
mcorporated the Buster-Broyles FurnIture Company, capItal-ized
at $20,000 to engage 111 the reta11 bU"111ess m Houston,
The Cor11lsh FurnIture Company of Uttle Rock, Ark, has
been mcorporated by L K Corl11sh and others to buy and
sell furnIture at wholesale and retaIl CapItal "tock $50,000
of V\ lIICh $10,000 has been "ubscnbec1
The Allen Furl11ture Company, cap1tal not le.,s than
$1,000 and not over $10,000, ha" been mcorporated WIth E.
A Bam, preSIdent, T L. BlankenshIp, \ Ice-presIdent, and
E L Allen, secretary and treasurlOr, to estabhsh a new furn-
1ture store 111Petersburg, Va
IJ - aT .a.,,_
New Factories.
The Progress League of Alexandna, Va, 1S promotmg
a furn1turc plant and a chan factory for that town.
'1he D1110n Frame Company i:o a new concern orgal11zec1
to manufacture wmc10w frames, screen:", mtenor fi11lsh, etc,
at E11lc1,Okla
The \V1110W Screen and BlInd Company of Toledo,
OhlO, has been 111corporatec1 to engage m a general manu-factunng
busmess Cap1tal stock, $100,000
The Loughman Cab111et Company of St Lams, Mo, have
purcha"ed a slte on Rutger street at a cost of $20,000, on
wlllch they \\ 111erect a new furl11ture factory at an est1mated
cost of $50,000
Through the a:"Slstance of the Chamber of Commerce,
a company ha" been orga11lzec1 w1th $50,000 cap1tal to estab-lI.,
h a plant for the manufacture of metal furniture m that
The Acme Lumber and Manufactunng Company has
been mcorporatec1 w1th $20,000 cap1tal to engage m the lum
ber and general manufactunng bus111ess at Rome, Ga. Cha1rs
or some other lIne of fur11lture may be one of the1r products
The Moore-Stone ChaIr Co, Lenon, N C 1S a new con-cern,
recently 111corporated, WIth $125,000 cap1tal. by 0 F
Lutz, Jas C Moore and T J Stone, all of LenOlr The
company wIll manufacture chans and all kmds of fur11lture
Gnghton B French, Albert P A.rmour,. George T Ray-mond
and :;\Iaunce C Turner have mcorporated the G B
French Cabinet Company, capltahzed at $10,000, to estabhsh
a plant and do a general woodwork manufactunng busine"s
1n Brooklyn, New York
The 38th Semi-annual 1\.: ,\ york Expos1tlOn wIll open
January 17, close February 5
Demurrage Rules Adopted.
The K atlOnal AssoCIatIOn of Rad\\ a, COmm1%10neb has
finally adopted a u111form code of demun age 1ules The act-
Ion wa" taken after long d1'>cu"slOn, at a meetmg held m
Calder and Wenderoth Will Represent Gunn.
1he Gunn }Ul111ture Company have engaged George W.
Calder and R J \\ enderoth to represent the company on the
road next year l\Ir \Yenderoth w111cover all terntory east of
Made upm
our In the best
of Chase
Leather or
or crushed
SIlk or
of strIctly
No I
Either Steel
or eight
knots hand
lied Curled
half top.
Burlt on
honor a I I
B est Steel
we can buy.
Burlt as
good In
every way
as If made
JUST A BUNCH m leather.
OF FLYERS The four
The four
$110 FOR THE LIVE BUYER .. Frames of finely selected quartered oak veneer, hand carvmgs and highly poirshed.
TERMS, 2'b 15 Days; Net 30 Days. F. O. R. Factory.
Let Us
Manufactured by
The Stille &
Cincinnati, Ohio
\IVa"h111gton last \VednesddY The code mcludes the "forty
eIght hour f1 ee tune'" rule but the recIprocal demurrage
prop0'>ltlOn was rejected The code IS to appl) to all '3tate as
well as 111terstate t1ansportatlOn
The obJ ect of the assoClatlOn In appro\ 111gthe code \\ as to
fac1htate ItS actual apphcatlOn to all transportatIOn on the
.ground that demurrage rule", loosely drawn and laxly en-forced,
con"tltute one of the la"t ,>tronghold" of those who seek
to render the law aga111st d1,>cnm111atlOn Impotent
the .:\11ssoun n, er and .:\Ir Calder \\ 111take the terntory west
of that tream
Early knowledge of the trend of the trade, as well as
ot the ne\\ Idea" of the manufacturers wIll be gamed by an
edl1) \ l"lt to the 38th SemI Annual New York Expo~ntlOn
It \\111 open at the FurnIture Exchange, Lexmgton avenue
and 43rd "treet, on January 17, to close February 5
from fourth to tlurd place, as a re"ult of the v ery heavy
fallmg off m the output of Texa'i, whICh dropped from third
place 1111907 to sn:th place 1111908 The cut m Arkansas
decrea"ed about one-'ilxth, but neverthele'i'i the "tate advanced
111rank from 'ilxth to fourth place
\ VI'iCOn"m and 1\Ilclugan, with deci ea'ie'i of about one-fifth
held fifth and .,eventh place", re~pectlvely, m both years
In r~cent } ear:o the productIOn m :'IIlchlgan has been decreas-mg
~teadlly, falling m 1907 below the two-bllhon mark for
tche fir'it tll11e m nearly forty } ear" Smce 1880, however,
.MIchigan ha'i cut nearly 100 bllhon feet of lumber, a pro-duction
which has not been approached hy that of any other
The output m \N'I'iCOn"m, Its neare"t competitor dunng
the same penol, wa'i probably les" than 7S bllhon feet The
reported output m Georgia wa" 6 per cent greater m 1908 than
1907 ThiS apparent mcrease, howevcl, wa'i due chiefly to the
fact that, through the aid of .,peClal agents In obtammg re-ports
from delmqucnt manufacturer", a fullel canvass of the
nul1-. wa" secured m 1908 than m the prevIOus year Small
mcrease., m output are also "hown for Idaho, 'Massachusetts,
Oklahoma, utah and \\} omm~
Great Decrease in the Lumber Cut.·.Michigan
Still Holds Record for Thirty Years.
The facts and figures con tamed 111the fort.hcommg Um-ted
States Census Buteau bullet111 on 'lumber, lath, and
"hmgles m 1908 cll"clo"e m mO'it "tnkmg manner the adver"e
conditIOns obta111111gm the lumber mdu'3try dunng that year
and they ,how why pnce:o have advanced The annual Fed-eral
report on the statistics of forest proc1uct" IS compiled by
a committee of expert;, from the Census Bureau and the
Fore"t ~ervlce The Cen"u" I" repl e"ented by \\ ~I Steuart
chief 'itatlstlclan for manufacture'i, and J E \\Thelchel, ex-pert
chief of divIsIOn, while R S Kellogg, a.,sl"tant forester,
and A H Pierson, fore'it a'iSI'3tant, repre"ent;, the Forest
Service A comparatIVe summary of the total value" for
the several group'i of forest products mvestlgated for the cal-ender
years 1907 and 1908 follows
Lumber, lath, and shmgle"
Cro"s Tle'3
Tanbark and tanlllng extract"
Slack cooperage stock
Tight cooperage "tack
V·{ood cllst111atlon
S 928,824
21,205 547
Totab $698,262.175 $897,941.736
The heavv decrease 111the total value repOl ted for 1908
reflect" the a'i~erta111ed fallmg oft m the 111du'itry As a result
of the busmes'i depreS'ilOn, the quantity of lumber, 33, 224,-
369 thou'3and feet, board measure, produced m 1908 was Ie""
than that for any other year for which rellable data are
available smce 1900 The average cut of lumber per active
mill shown by the report;, for 1']08 wa" but little more than
1,000,000 feet, as agamst neady 1,400,000 feet per mill 1111907
The bulk of thiS decrease, It IS "tated, V\ as undoubtedly due
to smaller production The gradual n'ie m the average value
l'i apparent frolll the fact that the pnce 1111900 per thousand
feet at the 111111for all the lumber produced was $11 13, In
1904, $1276,111 1900, $1654; m 1907, $1656, V\lth a drop
back to $1537 1111908
\Vhlle there was an 111crease of 2,381, or 83 per cent, 111
the number of nulls engaged 111the productIOn of lumber,
there was a decrease of 7,031,785,000 feet, or 17 5 per cent, in
the total quantity of the output In the case of mO'3t of the
"tates reports were secured from a greater number of actIVe
mill." for 1908 than for 1907, while, on the other hand, the
cut m 1908 wa" generally less than In 1907
\N' ash111gton, which had remarked fir'3t In lumber 1'10-
ductlOn for several years, still held thiS place 1111908, although
111 quantIty the cut of thiS "tate wa" closely approached by
that of LOUISiana K early all of the lumber manufactured 111
\Alash 111gton was of Dougla" fir, willie LOUISiana wa" first
111the productIOn of lumber of tv\ 0 IUlportant k111ds, yellow
pme and cypre"" Heavy decrease" m the productIOn of
Douglas fir and yelloV\' pme were general 1111908, whtle the
cut of cypress was nearly the same m both years, hence the
decrease m total productIOn m Lom"lana m 1908 wa" les"
marked, bemg only 84 per cent, whtle the decrease In \Vash-ington
was 22 8 per cent While 1\llsslsslPPI suffered a de-crease
of over one-tenth 111 the quantity of ItS output of
lumber m 1908 as compared With 1907, It advanced lt1 rank
New Ym"kMarkets.
New York, NO\ 19-0n Kovember 1, \lex Smith & Co,
pO'3ted a bulletm announcIng "No change In prlce'i untIl
further notIce' They gave "further notIce" last .!\fonday b}
announcmg an advance of 50 cenb each on ilalf a dozen
cllfferent ,,17es and kmd" of 1ug'i, but 'iO far have made no
general auvance on carpet'3
Lmseed OIl ha'3 gone up about two cent:. per gallon and
IS held firm at the new quotatIOns \Ye",tern raw, 64 @ 65c,
CIty raw, 65 @ 66, smg-le bolled, $66 @ 67, double bolled
$67 @ 68-the higher figure'3 HI each ca'ie applY1l1g to le,,'3
than five-barrel lots
Turpent1l1e lose about half a cent m thl'3 market eaIly
111the week but It had dropped back to 58 cenb The Sa-vannah
market 1'3reported firm at S40 @ 55 cents
Goat Sk111'3,'Alih the exceptIOn of MeXIcans are dull
Stock'3 of all vanetle:o are sold clo'ie up here. and receipts are
stIll lIght The only matenal change lt1 quotations IS on
MeXican", the best grades of which have been sold m small
lots at 45 cent'3
An Improvement 111 the demand for varl11sh gums IS
reported from the west, but the ea'3tern trade IS dull V\lthout
change in pnces.
The '3hellac trade 1" reported as "tead} and qmte "atIs
factory QuotatIOns are normally unchanged and It IS more
dIfficult to obtam conce"SlOns, than It was last week.
Judgmg from condlhons here the whole country seems
to be well supplIed WIth burlap'3 BU'3mess b light and though
the card rates are still 350 for eight ounce and 450 for 100
ounce goods, mo"t of the transactIOn" are made at figures
con"lderably lower
There 1'3nothmg ne" m the conditIOn of the hardwood
lumber market;, Southern and we 'item p0111t'3report a con-tmued
hardel11ng of prices on all londs and grade"" except
whIte ash, which 1'3 'iald to be weaker owmg to the u"e of
vanous sub"tItute<;
It sometIme" happen" that even the man who IS hiS own best
fnend sometImes gets left
There are no game laws governmg the sport of killIng
the Huntley-HIlI Stockton Company s Store at Greensholo,
'\ C
] he \1 ueller & ~Iack Company eApect to occupy the
ne\\ fi\ e Hoar addItIon to theIr factory In the near future
The fir"t and "econd floor'i wIll be u"ed for offices and 'ihow
Frank George succeeds A K J\[lIIs 111the retaIl fur11lture
bus111ess at Boonsvtlle, 1\10
E G Solomon has purcha~ed a half 111tere~t In D P
Peeple's ~tore at NashvIlle, Ga
Arthur A J one'i, fur11lture dealer of Phoe11lA, \11/, ha"
taken In F J DaVIS a~ a partner
Blom & Le111n'iton, furl11ture dealel" of Jenn1112;~, La,
have sold out to E E But'ion & Co
The Standard Fur11lture Company of '\a~h\ IlIe, Tenn
have opened a branch store I11 l\Iemphl'i
The new factory of the Grand RaPld~ ShO\\ Ca"e Com-pany
wIll soon be ready for occupancy
The Elh~ FurnIture Company of LIttle Rod.. \1 k ha~
been mcorporated CapItal '3tock Sl; 000
The U11lted StateiO board of general appral"el" hay e I uled
that whIte enamel (nnported) IS not \ ar111"h
W J Barnum ~ucceed~ Ira F \ \ alt & Co, dealer~ 111
fur11lture and office ftxture" 111 Seattle, \\ a"h
The Omohundro Furl1lture and Hardware Compam ot
\iVhlte"boro, Tex, ha" filed notIce of dl~'iolutlon
L C Day ha" ~old hl'i fur111ture and undertak111l::; hU"I-ness
at SylVIa, Kan~, to J II Campbell & ~on
Hedgeahl & Shaw have iOucceeded Hedgeahl & Stewart
l11 the retaIl fur11lture bu~me~" 111Seattle, \ \ ash
Oscar Olson 110now sole 0\\ ner of the Garden Com pam
fur11lture and hardware dealer" at Landa '\ Dak
S11lder & Allen, undertakers and dealel ~ 111fur11lture amI
hardware at Kalona, Iowa, have 'inld out to \ E Ra\
George B Fowler, for man} } ear~ c)\\ner of the Hub
fur111ture store In Boston, dIed at hl~ home la"t 5:lunda\
E H Bu~h ha~ rebred from the fil m of \IcDougal Bl o~
& Bush, furnIture and hardware dealer" of ] ecum"eh, '\ ebr
The firm of Goode & ?\Ichols, funl1ture dealer" at Gllffin
Ga, has been dIssolved, ::'vIr 1'\ Ichols retInng from the bU"I-ness
The People's Vndertak1l1g Cnmpan} of Zane~\ llIe ()
have doubled theIr capItal "tock-1l1crea"ed from $10000 to
CredItors ha\ e filed a petItlOn 111bankruptcy aga111"t the
CaIro Furl1lture Company who run 'ie\ eral store" l11 Southern
G W. Caldwell and J o"eph Este'i, fur11lture dealel s at
SenlOa, Ga, have consoltdated theIr "tocb and WIll matenalh
enlarge the bus111e""
J M \Vhlte, undertaker of Spnngfield, \10, \\ ho ched
recently, left an estate valued at about $60,000 to be dIvIded
between hIS two '>1ster'i
The firm of Jacoby Bro'i, dealers l11 fur11lture, 'itm e" etc
at Verden, III, ha" been dls~oh ed Den J Jacob} "el11112;out
to hIS brother L F Jacoby
The Laborde-Gelman Company, fur11lture dealer'i of
Bndgeport, Conn, have added a rug department to then
store under the management of Andre\\ Ceel}
The fur11lture and hardware firm of Ol"on & Tohn"oll
Troy, Idaho, has been mcorporated under the nam'e of the
Ol"on & Joh11'>on Company CapItal ~tock $50,000
F A Grossenbacher, a memher of the fur11lture firm ot
the Sterltng & Welch Company, Cleveland, 0, commItted
sUlClde recently Poor health was the cause of hI', act
Allen Pea~e, 'ie1110r member of the \l1en Pea"e Compan\
furl11ture dealers of VI 1mbor Lock" Conn, and \[r" EI1/a
D HamIlton of Suffield, Conn, were marned on Xovember
James C Cherry, consIdered one of the most capable
fur11lture men I11 the south has taken charge as manager of
The .'-Jape Cabmet Camp am of )Jonvood, near Manetta,
Uhlo, wtll soon take pO'i'3eS"lOn of theIr new factory The
\1 alletta ChaIr Com pan} ''3 new office 110also neanng cOm-pletIon
fhe Butlel (OhIO) Fur11lture and EqUIpment Company,
I elentl} orga11lzed have brought the factory,' machmery,
I a \\ ma tellal on hand and good \VIII of the Butler Manufac-tUllng
'1 he Impenal I ur11lture Company, Grand RapIds, have
commenced the el ectlOn of an addltlOn to theIr \Varehouse
I t WIll be 40 x 204 feet In ~1/e and fur11lsh much needed
pack111g and 'ihlPPlng fallhtle'3
Harn~ ReIbel, a fur111ture dealer of 951 EIlLabeth avenue,
Elt7abeth '\ Y bought an old 'iecond hand bureau recently,
and found a 'iecret drawer m It whIch conta111ed valuable
paper~ whIch wel c returned to the owner
\ ch"pute, and lon..,ecluent delay, over award111g contracts
f01 metal fur111ture HOl the new cIty hall l11 Cleveland, Oh1O,
I" ..,alel to ha\ e co"t the cIty about $15,000-the pnce of
tU1111ture ha\ In2; been ach anced recently
'I he Penn,,) Iv a111a ratlroad ha'3 decIded to expend
S2 000 000 11l the erectIOn of car 'ihop" at Terre Haute, Ind
\\ hen completed 4,000 men WIll be emplo) ed In the works
~ con'3lderable amount of wood workmg machl11ery WIll be
1 eqUlred
J F ~lcOI n ha" bought the 111tere"t of A. 1\1 Johnson
111the Snoho111l'ih (\\ a~h ) FUr11ltUle Company and WIll en-lal
ge the "tock and carry a better grade of goods Mr Al-con
"pent "e\ enteen year" a" a manufacturer of furmture
betore he \\ent v\e~t In 1903
Ihe IlerLog \It I'Ul111ture Company of Sagl11aw, Mlch,
\\ Ito a~ "tated la"t \\ eek, ha\ e added automobtle bodle'3 to
thell 1Jnc ot product'i are bUlld111g an addltlOn to theIr plant
to accommodate the ne\\ department The new bUlld111g wtll
be three ~tone'i, 63 x 180 feet
E G Flebach, formerly de..,lgner WIth StIckley Bros,
Clland RapId", and recently \\ Ith the PossellUs Manufactunng
Compan), ha" led~ed the bUlld111g formerly used as a factory
b) Ton~mg Bro~, Portland, Ore, and \VIII make lodge and
~peclal order fur111ture and l11tenor finIshes
J T 5:lhort one of the propnetors of the Hub Furmture
Com pan) of I ong Beach, Cal, has assocIated hImself WIth
L L I ambert and \VIII cont111ue the buslne"s under the old
name '11m, change follow~ the recent dliOsolut1On of partner-
'ihlp between ;\11 Short and C c\ \\ lllard
Dec1ar111g that It represented the sav111gs of a hfetime
,lIS" Emma l\I ooney filed a plea WIth the referee l11 bank-ruptC\
to reco\ er $3000 "he loaned to the Coppage Fur111ture
Com pam of 1I111neapolts, recently adjudged bankrupt The
clal111 could not be allowed becau"e the money was really a
pel "onal loan to a member of the company and was therefore
not good agal11st the corporatlOn
\ t the annual meet1l1g of the St LoUl'i (:\10) I, ur11lture
lJoard of 1 racle officer" were elected a" follow" Pre"ldent,
J \ Partndge fir"t \ Ice-presIdent, J o~eph J oenng, iOecond
\Ice-pre~ldent, Harr) \'ornbrock, secretar), Leo F Ferren-kopf,
hea"urer, George C Dledench DIrectors-Joseph A.
Stel11meyer, C C Ta} lor, John F :\llchaels, C J Kostuba,
J J Gruender and Charles F. J\llller.
The season
for banquets
is here.
Get a stock
of our
Table Tops
so as to be
ready to
supply the
I~-- .._----------------------------
··Kickers" Failed to Appear.
ChIcago fire msurance men report that the net result of
the sene", of pubhc heanngs ~1Ven by the comml"slon ap-pomted
by the last Legl"lature to consIder the advIsabIlIty
of glvmg the state "upervlslon over fire II1surance rates has
been an adJourl1lnent for lack of dbgruntled pohcyholder'>
The commIssIon was appoll1ted to hear and consIder com-plamts
as to rate", and condItIOns So far nobody has been
found dlspo"ed to aIr hI", gnevance", On the other hand,
all of the Wltnesse" who te"tIfied appeared to be 0ppo'3ed to
regulatIOn of rates
It IS thought that unles" "ome E,tIonger LestImony m
favor of the move IS forthcom111g, the comml,,",lon wJ11 not
recommend It, but wIll urge the Improvement of n"ks, antl-dl'iCnmll1atlOn
laws and po~slbly the lImItatIOn of expenses
The eVIdence taken by the commISSIon showed that the
compames have contnbuted more than $200,000 to the Under-
~ nter'3' Laboratones, "hose object IS the reductIOn of fire
wa"te, through the Improvement of blllldmg matenal and the
standan1JzatlOn of fire fightll1g, preventll1g and retardll1g de
VIce" The commIssion wa" told that rate'3 are based by the
advIsory bureau upon mspectlOn reports showmg the hazards
and are sold only to tho'>e compames whIch deSIre to pur-chase
The Pennsylvama raIlroad placed orders for 10,000
freIght cars dunng the current week E\ Idently the com-pany
IS satIsfied WIth the bus111esE,outlook
Our Large New Line of
are the best on the American market
when prices and quality are considered.
Ij ---------------._-----"------~._."---------'
City Salesroom, 4th floor. Blodeett BIde.
Hill Sees No Car Famine.
vv hlle m New York la"t "Monday James J HIll declared
hm1'3elf well pleased WIth II1du"tnal conchtlOns 111the we..,t
and enthusla"t1c over the present '3howll1g and outlook of
the Great Northern He say" that busll1ess IS excellent, WIth
trade movll1g "teaclJly and strongly, but WIth no pronounced
boom There I", no posSIbIlIty on hIS l1l1es of a freIght car
shortage thIs year, and although traffic IS heavy and well
ahead of last year, the Great Northern could take care of a
bIg 1l1crease 111the freIght movement, should one suddenly
appear, WIthout runnll1g out of freIght cars
Took an Observation.
John 'vi\! Iddlcomb, presIdent 0\£ the John Wlddlcomb
company, took an ob"ervatlOn of Grand RapIds and VICll1lty
from the top of a smoke stack Just erected for the CIty water
worb It IS 250 feet hIgh and the space occupIed by Mr
'v;\!lddlcomb on the top of the "tack IS not larger than a ronnd
top table
If every mdn who has been dlsapp01l1td in love should take
It to heart, the world would be full of pessImIsts
Some people are :-'0 formal that even when Bortune smIles on
them they are apt to walt for an II1troc1uction
~ _ -_ .,
I Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Young lady wants posltlOn as bookkeeper or
had three years' expenence. Address" M. R."
cashIer, has
care Weekly
A good furnIture man-assu;tant to buyer or one who has
had all around expenence. A chance for man who wants
to leave a smaller town and go mto a larger field. Address
FurnIture Department, P. O. .Box 245, Trenton, N. J. 11-20tf
If you are a resourceful, determmed, dIplomatIc salesman
wIth enough Iron-m-your-blocd to fight for busmess and get
It. the don't-know-when-your-hckea_kmd wIth the "maKe
good" habIt, neIther "a has been' nor "a gomg to be" but
an Iser," we want you on our sales force. We manufacture
a lIne of dmmg room furnIture offenng more reasons that
go down to bed rock why the trade should buy It, than most.
A wmnmg Ime for a WInner. We must know your present
lInes and the terntory you cover. Address "York," care thIs
ofhce. 11 20-27 12-4-11
----------------- --- -- -
of medIum pnced DInIng Room FurnIture m New York,
:b.xperienced salesman to seU, on commISSIOn baSIS, our lIne
(except towns belonging to MetropolItan Dlstnct) Central
and hast ern Pennsyhar,la. State expenence and lInes now
carned. Address Southern FurnIture Co., Atlanta, Ga. 11-20
For terntory east of Buffalo, New York CIty, New York state
and New England, one good lIne of furnIture to seU In con-nectIOn
wIth my present lIne of dInmg chaIrs Address A E.
W., care Weekly ArtIsan. 11-20
A Manufacturers' Agent dOIng a very successful bUSIness In
BaltImore and WashIngton and surroundmg terntory deSIres
one or two good lInes on commlSSlOn. Address "Success,"
Weekly ArtIsan. 11-13tf
WeU eqUIpped Carvmg and MouldIng Factory. In good lo-catIon.
Lumber and coal cheap. A good chance for hustler
understanding the bUSIness. Address W. H. Roberts, Knox-
'Hlle, Tenn. 11-30-20
An experienced upholstery furniture salesman to work the
larger towns in IllmOls, Iowa, Mlssoun, Dakota, Nebraska,
Kansas and Colorado. Must be a man who thoroughly
understands the business. Good salary. Address "E T
C," care Weekly ArtIsan, Grand RapIds, MIch. 11 6-13-20-27
Expecting to increase our force of salaned salesmen we
want to hear from furniture salesman, open for engagement
January 1st. Must have experience m road work in medIUm
and better case work, and general line of furniture. State
reference. None but well recommended, expenenced furni-ture
roadman WIll be conSIdered. Address, HIgh Grade, Care
MichIgan Artisan. 1O-23-tf.
Experienced salesman with establIshed trade between Buffalo
and Bangor, Me., would like to carry several lInes of medIUm
priced case goods on commISSIOn. Address "EsP\" care
Weekly Artisan. 10-9 t. f.
To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed
supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at
extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled
shipping faCIlities and low freight rates to good mar-ket.
Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress
Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie,
40 H. P. direct current motor, latest make and in first class
running condItion. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-rester
Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-2Itf
First class superintendent to take charge of the manufac-turing
part of our bUSIness. Apply statmg expenence, re-ferences
and salary expected, to the Carrollton Furniture
.. Manu.f.a.c.tur_ing.- Company_, ..C-arroUt-o.n-. --K-y.-. .-.-.--.-.-.---1-1--.6..t
From Sturgis to Hastings.
C \\ 1n"h ha'i retired from the employ of the Grob-hher
Lompan, 0+ Sturg1s, and entered the employ of the
Ha'3tl11g" (\1Ich ) 1 able Com pan} as ira, ehng salesman
Returns to Jamestown.
(harIe'i F Re111}, recently w1th the '\[l11er Cablllet Com-pan),
ha'i returned to the employ of the Jame'itown ('J Y)
Lounge Com pam He wlll travel 111 h1'3 old terntor}
Made by Mechamcs Furmture Co" Rockford, Ill.
\d'1m, &. rlt1l1g COmpdny
'\hskd Retngerator Company
'\Iblo Venecr Company
Bunes, \\ r & John Company
Barton H H Son & Co
Bus;, \Iadune VI, orks
Challenge RefngeratOl Compdny
DeBI uyn J C
Delawale Chdll Compdny
Dodds, Ale'{ander
Fourteen-Ele, cn Compdny
Grand RapIds Bra,s Company
Grand RapIds Hand Screw Compdny
Hoffman Brothers Com!) my
Holcomb. '\ I & Co
Holden Hem v S, Vcneer Company
Hood & \\ nght
Hotel "01mandle
K1l1del Bed Company
Luce Fur11lturc Company
I uce Redmond Charr Company
\Ianufacturers ExhIbItIon BUlldln" Company
\Iechamcs Fur11ltUle Company
\Itchlgan Lngra'1l1g Company
\Itchlgan Star Fur11lture Compdny
'\ elson \Iatter Fnr11lture Company
'\ ew lork rur11lturc Exchdnge
F..lchmond Charr Company
Rmve E P Cdf\ln" \\ ork,
Royal Chall Company
SchultL &. Hrr~ch Compdny
Sheboygan Chdrr Company
SmIth & Da\ IS J\IanufactUl1l1g Compdny
Spratt George & Co
StIlle & Duhlmcler
Stow & DaVIS 1< ur111turc Comp'1ny
Udell \Vorks
\\ lute Pnnt1l1g Compdny
\\ ood, Morn" & Sons
\ \ ysong & "",IIlcoComp'1ny
___ ~._-.------------1
._-_.-----------_.-.- ----------- ---_.
h ~ ~·-------------~--------~
~, - I THIS IS THE MACHINE That Brinl!s letters like the Followinl!l
Buss Machine Works.
Holland, Mlch
11'8wlsh to cOlll.plltr,ent, Y<lu.On the WQt"ltlng ot Jour new ok Plac.er
JUSt. 11stallad for us
This machine does the best work of anJ planer we have eve- seen, ant'
we are frank to sa.! so lIIul::hbe"t,er than we 8xpe.ctad. th t our foreman
said he simplJ could not. get. along without it..and 1I1assure It waulo
pay the price of' 1".,8811''Ill"hln eo. ye",r in ork. <:a ad on maOhlnea follolJ1.tI.&
Wishing JOu deserved success with thiS new pa tern. 'ITSrell1ll1n.
You"SverJ truly.
Robbins Table Co
The Buss Machine Works are havmg marked success WIth this new design of cabinet planer. The new
method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed rol1 and the
late new sectional chip breaker, make a cabillet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine
Works are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast WIth the
times with machilles of great efficiency. Woodworkers of al1 kinds will not make a mistake by writing di
- Date Created:
- 1909-11-20T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:21
- Subject Topic:
- Periodicals and Furniture Industry
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- © Grand Rapids Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
- URL:
- http://cdm16055.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16055coll20/id/29