- Lake1
- Lee1
- Leeds1
- Lincoln1
- Livingston1
- Lorain1
- Luce1
- Macomb1
- Mahoning1
- Manistee1
- Manitoba1
- Maryland1
- Mississippi1
- Missoula1
- NW3/4, NW1/4, NW1/4NE1/4, T44N,R4W. Rare Timber Sale, stand 2. South of Pine River.1
- NWNESWSE 1/4, S26, NE 1/4, S35, T45N, R18W. Hiawatha National Forest. Flat Oats timber sale area. Overland through swamp from FR 2253 to the N.1
- Near Floodwood1
- Near Lake Michigan.1
- Near Phoenix1
- Near summit of "Alligator Eye," sec. 33, T47N, R42W, ca. 7.5 mi. NE of Marenisco.1