- Aspen Parkland, 7 miles west of Nanton, Porcupine Hills1
- At Continental Divide (Alberta - British Columbia border) on Banff-Windermere Highway1
- At base of Mt. Eisenhower near junction of Banff-Jasper and Banff-Windermere Highways1
- Baker Creek, about 10 miles NW of Eisenhower Junction, Banff National Park1
- Baker Creek, about 10 miles northwest of Eisenhower Junction, Banff National Park1
- Banff National Forest, near Banff-Windermere Highway on road to Taylor Lake, south of Mount Eisenhower1
- Banff National Park, Bow Lake1
- Banff National Park, Cataract Creek, (14 miles north of Coleman's Creek)1
- Banff National Park, above Baker Creek1
- Banff National Park, along Forty Mile Creek near junction with Bow River, just northwest of Banff1
- Banff National Park, along south shore of Upper Altrude Lake1
- Banff National Park, beside Highway 1A, 4 miles northeast of Eisenhower Forks1
- Banff National Park, junction of Baker Creek and Bow Biver1
- Banff National Park, swamp about 9 miles south of Saskatchewan Crossing, near Mistaya River1
- Banff, Montagnes Rocheuses.1
- Bank of North Saskatchewan River, Edmonton1
- Bathe River1
- Beaver Creek Valley1
- Bertha Lake1
- Beside Forest Trunk Cochrane-Nordegg Highway, near Little Red Deer River1