- near Point Lookout2
- near Rifle River, SW1/4 sec. 7, Clayton Tp., ca. 5 mi. NE of Alger.2
- near SE corner sec. 36, Clayton Tp., ca. 4.5 mi. NW of Omer.2
- Along Detroit & Mackinaw RR and where state rd crosses RR1
- Along Grove Road just south of Rifle River.1
- Arenac Twp. T19N, R5E, Sec. 15, S.W.1/4 on the S. side of U.S.-23 bridge in the village of Omer.1
- Arenac Twp. T19N, R5E, Sec. 15, SE1/4. On W. shore of the Rifle River at DNR public fishing site on S.E. side of village of Omer.1
- Arenac Twp. T19N, R5E, Sec. 15 SE1/4; at public fishing site on S.E. side of village of Omer.1
- Arenac Twp. T19N, R5E, Sec. 23 SW1/4 at public fishing site ca 1/4 mi E. State Rd. ca. 1.5 mi. S.E. village of Omer.1
- Around lake, sec. 22, Whitney Twp.1
- Around lake, sec.22, Whitney Twp.1
- At jct. Hale & Hickory Id. Rds. SE of Omer.1
- Au Gres.1
- AuGres, 5 mi NE1
- Behind roadside park SW of Omer.1
- Charity Island1
- Charity Island, Saginaw Bay1
- Charity Island, Saginaw Bay, Huron Co1
- Charity Island. Saginaw Bay, Huron Co.1
- Charity Island. Saginaw Bay.1