- At Camp Grant (southern Graham Co., 25 miles north of Willcox) and returning to Camp Apache (at the forks of the White River, extreme southern Navajo Co.)1
- At Vasey's Paradise Marble Canyon1
- At spring; Miller Canyon trail; Huachuca Mountains1
- Bald Mt. in the Pategonia Mts1
- Baldy Trail, Santa Rita Mountains1
- Banghart's Ranch.1
- Bear Canyon, Huachuca Mts.1
- Bear Canyon, Santa Catalina Mts.1
- Beaver Creek1
- Below Mooney Falls.1
- Between Heiger Creek and Tonto Creek at Turkey Pt.1
- Big Sandy River at Wikieup.1
- Bisbee1
- Box Canyon, Santa Rita Mts.1
- By highway 3 mi NE of Superior1
- Cabeza Prieta Game Range, Papago Well1
- California1
- Callighan Winery, Elgin1
- Camp Apache, at the forks of the White River1
- Camp Grant1