- Above Fort St. John (near mile 78)1
- Above the Rambler Mine, near Sandon, B.C.1
- Alberni, Vancouver Island1
- Along the Beatton River (mile 101)1
- Along the Sikanni River (near mile 116) above Fort St. John1
- Anvil Island, north shore, Howe Sound1
- Bear Lake, Sandor District1
- Bear Lake, Zincton1
- Beatrice Lake vicinity, Valhalla Mountains, west of Slocan Lake1
- Big Eddy of Columbia River, near Revelstoke1
- Bluff near Apex, New Denver1
- Broken Peak, Vermilion Pass1
- Cameron Lake, V. I.1
- Canon Creek, near Revelstoke; Eagle Pass Mountains1
- Cassiar1
- Champion Lake Provincial Park, around the three lake margins, northeast of Trail City1
- Deena River, near mouth, N. Moresby I. Queen Charlotte Island1
- Departure Bay, Vancouver Island1
- Eagle Mountain Pass, Big Eddy of Columbia River, near Revelstoke.1
- Eastern Pacific Coast District, Skagway Quadrangle; along Haines Highway, 54 miles NW Haines1