- End of Trout Lake1
- Franklin Valley, Mount Waddington1
- Franklin Valley, Mt. Waddington1
- Glacier, B.C. Canada.1
- Gordon River, south of Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island1
- Hays Mountain, Prince Rupert, Kaien Island1
- Head of Summit Lake above Fort Nelson (near mile 103)1
- Hector, Rocky Mountains1
- Jordan Creek, near Revelstoke, Eagle Pass Mountains1
- Kicking Horse Canyon, Yoho National Park1
- Kootenay1
- Lake O'Hara, Rocky Mts.1
- Level valley bottom, Kamloops1
- Mountain between Canon and Halfway Creeks near Revelstoke; Eagle Pass Mountains1
- Mt. Douglas1
- NE slope of Bear Mts. about 5 miles SE of Dawson Creek1
- Nanaimo, Vancouver Island1
- Near New Denver1
- New Denver1
- Omineca Mts., Swannell Range, just north of Sustut Lake.1