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- Siwash Rock, Stanley Park, Vancouver1
- Sooke Hills1
- Summit of Kimberly Ski Mountain (North Star Mountain); Kimberley City, East Kootenay area.1
- Sussex Street Bog, Burnaby1
- Trail to Marian Lake, Glacier District.1
- Tranquille range1
- Ucluelet, Victoria Island.1
- Vicinity of Summit Lake; above small lake at mile 104 (above Fort Nelson), above timberline1
- Victoria, Vancouver Island1
- Wakeman Sound, Kingcome Inlet1
- Whistler Mt. slopes, moraine and outwash area1
- head of Dawson Inlet, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- stream to lake on northeast side of Newcombe Inlet, Tasu Sound, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1