- Belleville1
- Black Rock, Shubenacadie River1
- Bois St. Michel, Nicolet1
- Clyde Area, about one mile south of Nestow on secondary road1
- Deer Park, Columbia River1
- Dreamers Rock, Tip of Cloche Peninsula, north of Little Current1
- Dunwich Township, Lot 16, Con XII1
- Fort Churchill1
- Garden River1
- Halifax1
- Herring Cove, Fundy National Park1
- Jasper National Park, ridge opposite Angel Glacier1
- Jollytown Road1
- Kahshe Lake1
- Labrador1
- Lac Nicolet, Cté. Wolfe1
- Machias Seal Island, Bay of Fundy1
- Montmorency Falls1
- Moore's Lake1
- Near Brighton, shore of Lake Ontario1