- Bayham Twp., Lot 112, south side of Talbot Rd.1
- Beacon Hill Park, Victoria1
- Bigsby Inlet, SE Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- Box Island, Long Beach, west coast of Vancouver Island1
- Bruce1
- Cadboro Bay Rd., Victoria, Vancouver Island1
- Cape Breton Island, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Mary Ann Falls1
- Cochrane1
- Colchester1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Cowichan Bay, near Duncan, south end of Vancouver Island1
- E. arm of N. Fowl Lake, Hartington Twp.1
- Eagle Island1
- Frog Island No. 161
- Frontenac1
- Goldstream, Vancouver Island1
- Graham Island, 5 miles south of Tlell1
- Greenville Twp., 3 miles east of Fassett, along Petite Rivière, about halfway up to Lac Fabré1
- Grey1
- Hastings1