- Jones Falls, about 1 mile west of Owen Sound on Highway 211
- Kejimkujik National Park, Mill Falls on Mersey River1
- Kitimat-Stikine1
- Kootenay Inlet, NW Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, Towab Hiking Trail along Agawa River to Agawa Falls1
- Leask Point, South Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Lot 16, Con XII Dunwich Twp.1
- Lot 27, Con VIII Bayham Twp,1
- Lucy Island, Chatham Sound1
- Mont-Saint-Pierre1
- Moore Islands, Hecate Strait1
- N. Thompson River, W. Kamloops1
- NE corner of Sturgeon Bay, Blake Twp.1
- NE of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Near Nestorville1
- New Brunswick1
- Newfoundland and Labrador1
- Nipissing1
- Northwest Territories1
- Oka1