- Beaver Island, just NW of Firetower.2
- Chandler Community Hall at Chandler Hill & Major Rds2
- Contact UM Herbarium2
- Eveline Tp., ca. 3 mi. SE of Ironton2
- Garden Is.2
- Lake Michigan, 2 miles north-northeast of Charlevoix2
- Lake Michigan, 2 miles north-northeast of Charlevoix.2
- Mount Moise, Saint Urbain.2
- Mt. Moise, St-Urbain, branche nord-ouest du gouffre au pied de la montagne2
- Mt. du Lac des-Cygnes, St-Urbain2
- Mud Lake, ca 1 mi SW of2
- Near Charlevoix.2
- No data2
- Springvale Tp. ca. 5.5 mi. SE of Conway.2
- St. James Twsp., Beaver Island2
- Whisky Island,2
- Whisky Island.2
- at North Point, sec. 14, T34N, R8W, ca. 2.5 mi. NE of Charlevoix2
- ca. 2 mi. NW of Bay Shore.2
- east side of Heart Lake, ca. 5 1/2 mi. SE of Boyne Falls2