- Jack Pine Plains1
- Koehler Township1
- Lancaster Lake1
- Mackinac City1
- Mackinaw City1
- Mackinaw City.1
- Near Black Lake.1
- Near shore of Douglas Lake.1
- Nigger Creek near Topinabee1
- North of Burt Lake.1
- Pries Landing, north of Cheboygan.1
- Road behind Ingleside, Douglas Lake,1
- Road behind Ingleside.1
- SW 1/4 sec. 22, T37N, R1W, ca. 5 mi. SE of center of Cheboygan.1
- SW 1/4 sec. 27, Koehler Tp. (ca. 3.5 mi. ESE of Indian River.)1
- SW 1/4 sec. 27, Koehler Tp., not far from highway M-68.1
- SW 1/4 sec. 27. Koehler Tp. (ca. 3.5 mi. ESE of Indian River)1
- Sec. 29, Aloha Township1
- Small roadside turnout on northeast side of US-23 by Mill Creek, about 3 mi. southeast of Mackinaw City.1
- South of Burt Lake.1