- Drummond Island. Southeast side, near False Detour Passage.1
- Duck Lake, 2¼ miles N.W. Homestead. Sugar Island.1
- Grassy vacant lot immediately north of Super 8 Motel on the Business I-75 strip on the south side of Sault Ste. Marie1
- Hiawatha National Forest, Interior Wetland LTA, south of FR 3191; T44N R05W SE1/4 of SE1/4 sec 81
- Hiawatha National Forest. 5¾ miles (by air) NNE of Brimley, SE shore of Monocle Lake.1
- Near Emerson.1
- Near Vermilion.1
- Near Vermillion.1
- Near Whitefish Bay, 4 miles south of Paradise.1
- Near lighthouse at Whitefish Point.1
- On Ziegler Lake Rd. ¼ mi. N.E. of Ziegler Lake ca. 2½ mi. N. of Lake Huron. Detour Twp.1
- On the west side of Road 3145.1
- SW1/4SE1/4, Sect 9, NW1/4NE1/4, Sect 16, T45N, R3W. Hiawatha National Forest.1
- Sailors Encampment.1
- Salt Lake.1
- Sault St Marie.1
- Sault Ste. Marie.1
- State Forest north of Dudley Bay. End of two-track raod running northwest from M-134 by Dudley.1
- Stump Lake.1
- Sugar Island, 1½ miles WSW Homestead. West shore of Island.1