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- Along the Appomattox River just above the St Rt 620 bridge, 13 1/2 miles NE of Farmville (Prince Edward Co).1
- Along the Appomattox River just above the St Rt 620 bridge. 13 1/2 miles NE of Farmville (Prince Edward Co).1
- Big Guinea Creek along the west side of St Rt 620. 14 miles NE of Farmville (Prince Edward Co).1
- Bradbury Mountain State Park, Pownal Township, Summit Bradbury Mountain and Tote Road trail ca 1.3 mi NE of Pownal Center1
- British Columbia6
- Brunswick1
- By US 401, 13.7 mi. E. Reaford1
- Ca 2.5 mi SE of Spring Lake, Fort Bragg Military Reservation.1
- Ca. 4 mi. SW of Burkesville, along Lick Branch Rd. (=Lick Branch here), near its end at Cumberland River1
- Canada17
- Cape Elizabeth1
- Clear Fork River near Crossville1
- Contact UM Herbarium11
- Cottrell Branch of Basses Creek near Tansi2
- Cumberland[remove]89
- Cumberland (England)1
- Deering Dist., Portland1
- East side of Leak Lake 3 km north of Parrsboro west of highway 31
- Edge of Crossville Memorial Airport, along Rt 708.1
- Edge of Lake Bridgeton.1