- Ausable River, Wilmington Notch1
- Avalanche Lake, Mount Colden, near Lake Placid1
- Avalanche Pass - Heart Lake trail, Adirondack Region1
- Avalanche Pass, Adirondack Region1
- Bank of Lower Cascade Lake1
- Banks of the Merrinae Amesbury1
- Base of Monadnock Mountain (across the Connecticut River from Colebrook NH)1
- Big Creek barrier beach, located in Malden Twp, west of Holiday Beach Provincial Park, 9.25 km SE of Amherstburg post office.1
- Border of White Pond, Andover Junction.1
- Cathedral Rocks north of Cathedral Road, Pigeon Cove, Rockport.1
- Chapel Pond (near St. Huberts)1
- City of Windsor Township, Windsor railway yard1
- City of Windsor, corner of Armada Rd & Matchette Rd.1
- Colchester S. Twp, lots 47 & 48, Front conc, 5 km SE of Harrow.1
- Connecticut1
- E of Averyville1
- East Sister Island, Lake Erie, ca 8 miles west of Pelee Island, east end of Island.1
- Easter Sister Is, Lk Erie, Pelee Tp.1
- Edge of Chubb River, at bridge, near Averyville.1
- Edmonds Ponds, N. Elba1