- Summit of Koolau Mts., above Kipapa Gulch, Waipio1
- Summit of Mount Kaala, Waianae Mountains1
- Summit of Puu Koala, west side, Waiana Mts., Waianaeuka1
- Top of cliffs at head of Haiku Valley main divide of Koolau Mts. Heeia1
- Trail along Pauoa Ridge1
- Trail along Pauoa Ridge.1
- Trail from Pauoa Flats to Konahuanui, Koolau Mts. Oahu1
- U.H. Campus, Hawaii Hall.1
- Upper Manoa Valley1
- W of Peacock Flats, Mokuleia1
- Waahila Ridge Trail (Mt. Olympus Trail), between Manoa and Palolo Valleys, Koolau Mts.1
- Waiahole1
- Waialeale, Oahu, T.H.1
- Waianae Mountains1
- Waianae Mts., below Nauna Kapu, Oahu Island1
- Waikakalaua, Waipio District, Koolau Range1
- Waikanae-Schofield Trail1
- Waikane-Schofield Trail, head of Kahana Valley, Koolau Mts1
- Waikani-Schofield Trail, Koolau Range, Kahana Valley1
- Waimano Valley; above water intake along trail1