- Sumatranae, Batakerlande, Tea Radja1
- Summit of Dolok Soeroengan, Habinsaran1
- Tangga, Asahan1
- Tengger Mountains1
- Tengger mts1
- Thiapus Rapids On Mt. Salak, [Batavia]1
- Tinggii Radja1
- Tjibodas1
- Tomohon1
- Vicinity of Goenoeng Boender, northern slope of Mount Salak1
- Vicinity of Loemban1
- Vicinity of Loemban Ria, Asahan1
- Vicinity of Tomoean Dolok, Asahan1
- West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat)1
- West Papua (Papua Barat)1
- above Tjibodas1
- along a trail between Uweth (20m) (southeast of Taniwel) and near the top of Gunung (Mt.) Nakaela, Kecamatan (District) Taniwel1
- forest near Siantar1
- in a rain forest gully1
- lower slopes of Mt. Masarang, behind Kakaskasen1