- Bois Blanc Island, at Pt. aux Pins1
- Bois Blanc Island, near beach1
- Bois Blanc Island, on NW side of Echo Lake.1
- Bois Blanc Island. At NW end of Lake Thompson.1
- Bois Blanc Island. North side.1
- Brevort Lake1
- Brevort Lake,1
- Brevort Lake.1
- Hiawatha National Forest. Ca. 0.6km WSW of intersection of Castle Rock Road and Trout Lake-St. Ignace Rail Trail.1
- Hiawatha club.1
- Lake Michigan shore 3 miles east of Naubinway, US-2.1
- Mackinac Co.1
- Mackinac Island. Beach of Lake Huron.1
- Marquette Twp. on E. side of M-129 1.8 mi. S. of town of Pickford.1
- NW of Brevort Lake.1
- Near Lake Michigan shore west of St. Ignace.1
- On road west of Moran, ca. 0.5 mile northeast of Brevoort.1
- Prentis Bay1
- Prentis Bay.1
- Pte. Aux Chenes Moran Twp.1