- Melrose1
- Mile 498,12 miles south of Fort Churchill1
- Near Bird Cove, 10-12 miles east of Fort Churchill. On road to Twin Lake Hill1
- Near Bird Cove, 10-12 miles east of Fort Churchill. On road to Twin Lake Hill.1
- Near Fort Churchill1
- No data1
- Nopiming Provincial Park, Abitibi Trail (trail extension of Flanders Lake Rd), a 500 m NE of Flanders Lake.1
- Nopiming Provincial Park, Abitibi Trail (trail extension of Flanders Lake Rd), ca 500 m NE of Flanders Lake.1
- Nopiming Provincial Park, Flanders Lake Rd, Block 4, Lot 11, 25 m NE of Flanders Lake.1
- Nopiming Provincial Park, Flanders Lake Rd, Block 4, Lot 2, 25 m NE of Flanders Lake.1
- Norgate Rd., Riding Mountain National Park1
- North Bullhead bog, 10 km northwest of Pine Dock (210 km north of Winnipeg) back from shore of Lake Winnipeg1
- North of the camp on the east side of the Cochrane River1
- Northwest of the fish camp along the shore, Lac Brochet1
- Northwestern Manitoba, west on the road to the falls, Kasmere Lake1
- Norway House1
- Norway House, near the northeast end of Lake Winnipeg1
- On island north of camp, Lac Brochet1
- On island of camp, Lac. Brochet1
- On isthmus across the canal north of the camp, Fort Hall Lake1