- Waubaushene, on Georgian Bay2
- About 14 miles west of Elk Lake, near Gowganda, on Highway 560, south of Timmins1
- Algoma Region, Lake Superior, Montreal River Bay1
- At W. end, 6 mi. W. of Highway 17 from Ouimet Station, Dorion Twp.1
- At southern edge of Georgian Bay Prov. Forest. (0.2 miles north of junction of old and new highway 69)1
- Baie Fine, east of Little Current1
- Beaver (Mesomikenda) Lake on Highway 560 (east of Lake Superior)1
- Belleville1
- Canoe Lake, Algonquin Park1
- Carleton1
- Cochrane1
- Cockburn Island, near Ricketts Harbor1
- Elgin1
- Facing Lake Superior shore, just north of Sand River, Lake Superior Provincial Park1
- Forest (Thuja and birch) along Lake Superior shore just south of Baldhead River, Lake Superior Prov. Park1
- Glen Morris1
- Groundhog River on Routes 624 and 616 west of Timmins1
- H. 608, 1.6 km. E. of South Gillies Community, Gillies Twp.1
- H. 800 just south of Trans-Canada Pipeline crossing, McGregor Twp., 6 km. northeast of Thunder Bay City1
- Hear Brighton, shore of Lake Ontario1