- Rosy Mound County Park, ca. 20' West of parking lots, 5' North of trail.1
- SE1/4 sec. 16, Park Tp., ca. 5 mi. NW of Holland.1
- Sandusky Bay1
- Shore of Black Lake near Macatawa Park.1
- Sloans Pond near Port Sheldon1
- Spring Lake -1
- Spring Lake Twp., Lake Hills Dr. just west of intersection with Dogwood Dr. On south side of road1
- Spring Lake, near Fruitport.1
- Tall madge1
- Tallmadge, Aman Park.1
- Tallmadge.1
- The Burnt Lands. South side of Hwy 44 across from east boundary road of Dept Nat Defence property, east of Almonte.1
- The Burnt Lands. South side of Hwy 44 across from east boundary road of Dept Nat Defense property east of Almonte.1
- Two miles SE of Fruitport on M16, Spring Lake Twp.1
- Van Raalte's Woods1
- West Olive, Holland.1
- Zeeland1
- [?]16 Lincoln Heights Road, Britannia, Ottawa, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.1
- edge of Bay View Ave at village park, Put-in-Bay, South Bass Island; Put-In-Bay Quad1
- floor of old limestone quarry; E. of Alexander Pike, 1/2 mi. S. of St. Rt. 163 in Marblehead, Danbury Twp. (Kellys Island Quad.)1