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- ca. 1/2 mi. E. of US-23 near the S. end of Grand Lake. Presque Isle Twp. T33N, R8E, Sec. 21, SW1/41
- ca. 12 miles southeast of Rogers City1
- near Bolton Point in Besser Natural Area. Pres. Isle Twp. T33N, R8E, Sec. 24 NW1/41
- near Presque Isle Bay,1
- near parking lot at S. end of Besser Nat. Area near SE end of Grand Lake. Preque Isle Twp. T33N, R8E, Sec. 23, NE1/41
- on S. side of Hammond Bay Research Station 2.5 Mi. S. of Co. line and 4 mi. E. of Co. line. Bearinger Twp. T37N, R2E, Sec. 14 NW1/41
- on W. side of the Besser Natural Area on Lake Huron shore ca. eleven mi. N. of city of Alpena. Presque Isle Twp. T33N, R8E, Sec.23, NE1/41