- Lane's Lake, ca. 7.5 mi. SE of Prudenville.1
- Markey Twp., ca. 7.5 mi. SW of Roscommon.1
- Marl Lake, near boat access ramp1
- Marl Lake, southeast of Higgins Lake State Park.1
- Michelson Landing, Muskegon R.1
- Michelson Landing, Muskegon River, Dead Stream Swamp.1
- Michigan Department of Natural Resouces Houghton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake1
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources Hougton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake.1
- Mid-Forest Lodge, forest with lakes, undisturbed area 70 yrs.1
- Muskegon River Basin1
- Muskegon River Basin. Edge of Muskegon River channel.1
- Muskegon River,1
- Muskegon River, along, Liota, N1
- NE1/4 sec.16, T24N R2W, ca. 2 SE of Roscommon.1
- NW corner sec. 29, Denton Tp., ca. 3 mi. SW of Prudenville.1
- No data1
- North of Cooperstown, 0.7 mile south of Wolf Creek and 0.1 mile east of old highway 27 on Canoe Camp Road (gravel)1
- On I-27, ¼ mile south of Higgans Lake Road Overpass.1
- On SE side of Lane's Lake, ca. 7.5 mi. SE of Prudenville.1
- Prudentville1