- Near Silver Island Village, Thunder Bay Peninsula, opposite Silver Islet.1
- Near site CP83RL184. Hwy 527.1
- Neebing Township, Little Trout Bay, Lake Superior, near McKellar Point.1
- Paipoonge Township, Stanley Cemetery, 4.3 km SE of Kakabeka Falls Post Office.1
- Pakashkan Lake landing.1
- Pic Island, Lake Superior. Loc No 792A.1
- Pukaskwa National Park, Hattie Cove beach, on Lake Superior, Pic Township.1
- Recently contructed little-used turn-around road at moutain side recreational area. Parking lot at 1st ledge of Mt. McKay, Ft. William I.R. #52 adjacent to SW corner of Thunder Bay City.1
- Rocky shore of Lake Superior, bay on east side of Thunder Cape, at end of Sibley Peninsula.1
- Rt. bank of Weikwabinonaw River on Buda L. Access Rd. of G.L.F.P. limits.1
- Rt. bank of Whitefish River, lot 4 conc. II, O'Connor Twp. 8 km. SW. of Kakabeka Falls.1
- Sagnagons L Access Rd through White Pine Reserve, Great Lakes Forest Products limits.1
- Scottinsky farm, Lot 27 Conc I, Paipoonge Twp on H 11-17, 4 km SE of Kakabeka Falls.1
- Sibley Provincial Park, shore of Lake Superior, bay on east side of Thunder Cape, at end of Sibley Peninsula.1
- Sibley Provincial Park. Back of Middlebrun Bay, southeast side of Sibley Peninsula.1
- Sibley Township, Sibley Peninsula, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Lake Superior.1
- Sibley Township, Sibley Peninsula, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Lake Superior. Marie Louise Lake Campground.1
- Site SU85LH981, Hwy 102.1
- Site SU85NI1019, Nipigon (MNR) District, Hwy 17 E. of Nipigon.1
- Site SU85TB971, Thunder Bay (MNR) District, Hwy 608.1