- N. end of Litle Barn I., Wabinosh Bay, L. Nipigon1
- N.E. corner of Geikie I., opposite Whiteaves I., L. Nipigon.1
- NW corner of Pass Lake, adjacent to H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- North end of Outer Barn Island, Lake Nipigon1
- On Island east of La Cavadienne Pt.1
- Outer Channel, Wilson Island, Lake Nipigon1
- Plummes L./Sleigh L. Portage at Sleigh L. end, 600 m. E. of Mowe L. Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products limits1
- Rock Crest on S. side of H. 11-17 just E. of Red Rock Cuesta, Nipigon Twp., 3 km. S. of Nipigon1
- Rossmere Creek 5 miles west of Shebandowan on Rt. 111
- SE. comer of Plununes L. at portage trail, Mowe L. Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products.1
- SW. comer of Spur Bay off Ombabika Bay, Lake Nipigon.1
- Shadow Creek at first rapids above Pijitiwabik Bay, L. Nipigon1
- Shore of Lake Marie Louise, Sibley Prov. Park1
- Shoreline 2 km. W. of Lookout Mtn., L. Nipigon Prov. Park, SE. corner of L. Nipigon, Kilkenny Twp.1
- Simpson Island, Lake Superior1
- South Slate Island1
- Sturgeon Bay Rd. 2 km. SW. of Bay, Lot 37, Cone. VII, Blake Twp.1
- Sturgeon Bay Rd., 2 km SW of Bay, Lot 37, Conc. VII, Blake Twp.1
- Sturgeon Bay Rd.; 500 m. W. of Sturgeon Bay; Lot 35, Blake Twp., 11.5 km. S. of Thunder Bay City1
- Summers Twp., 3 km. northeast of Beardmore on H. 111