- Lake2
- Mason2
- New Mexico2
- Newaygo2
- Ogemaw2
- On sandhills 5 miles north of Mesilla Park.2
- Otsego2
- Rochester2
- Washtenaw2
- Wisconsin2
- "Desert" 1 mi. west of Big Prairie1
- Alcona Twp. one mi. N.W. of Black Riv. Rd intersection about three mi. inland from shore of L. Huron ca. 16 mi. S. of Alpena.1
- Antrim1
- Arenac1
- Arizona1
- Au Sable Twp. 1/4 mi. N. of the Au Sable Riv. bridge on S. side of town of Oscoda.1
- Au Sable Twp. On W. side of US-23 1/4 mi. N. of the Au Sable River bridge on S. side of town of Oscoda.1
- Avon Tp.1
- Baldwin Twp. 2 mi. N. of Baldwin Resort Rd. ca. 4 mi. N.E. of East Tawas.1
- Barry1