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- Near Three Lakes, Ann Arbor1
- Northwest of Crooked Lake1
- Oak-hickory woods NW of Crooked Lake.1
- Old fields NW of Crooked Lake1
- Open fields NW of Mill Lake1
- OpenfieldsNW of Mill Lake1
- Swamp west of South Main, north of Briarwood1
- W Embury Rd. SE of South Lake1
- W side of Saginaw Forest1
- Whitmore Lake, Mud Lake Bog1
- Woods NW of Crooked Lake1
- Woods east and north of Ann Arbor1
- just northeast of junction of Loveland and Mclure Roads1
- northeast of Crooked Lake1
- west of Embury Rd., southeast of South Lake1
- west of South Main north of Briarwood1