- Norway1
- Nova Scotia1
- Nunavut1
- Ootsa Lake, Tweedsmuir Provincial Park1
- Pahang1
- Rt 102; Otter Rapids Churchill River Crossing1
- Selkirk Mountains near Glacier1
- Simeonof Island; Shumagin Islands; SW of Hill 6241
- Skansen, Disko Island1
- Slopes and crest of low ridge west of Pyramid Cove, Massacre Bay, Attu Island1
- South America1
- Stevens Pass1
- Taiwan1
- Taoyuan1
- Thunder Cape1
- Thunder Cape, 1 mile north of Silver Islet, 15 miles east of Port Arthur1
- Thuringia (Thüringen)1
- Tyrol (Tirol)1
- Venezuela1
- Vicinity of the base of Cornwall Bay, L. Athabaska1