- Luce1
- Ludington State Park1
- Lundgren Farm.1
- Mackinaw City, Cheboygan Co.1
- Mallard Lake Fire Tower.1
- Manistee1
- Manistee NF, Logan Twp., Sec. 261
- Maple Forest Twp., ca. 6 mi. E. of Frederic.1
- Marquette-Omena Jesuit Retreat on H-22, 0.8 km S. of Omena, Leelanau Twp.1
- Menominee1
- Middle Branch Twp., ca. 6.5 mi. SE of Marion.1
- Midland1
- Missaukee1
- Montcalm1
- Montmorency1
- Mount Mansfield1
- Mt. Lookout.1
- Muskegon1
- NE of One-Mile Lake in Onsted Game Area, Woodstock Twp.1
- NWNE 1/4, S2, NENW 1/4, S3, T45N, R18W. Hiawatha Nat. For. Corridor timber sale area.1