- Basin of Rio Solimões and Creek Belém1
- Belize1
- Beni1
- Cabadbaran, Mt. Urdaneta1
- Cachar1
- Champaign1
- Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares1
- Crossing the highway to Autlan, 9 miles north of the road-junction at the west end of Bahia de Navidad1
- Cuzco Amazónico, 15 km ENE of Puerto Maldonado, Tree Plot 2-U1
- Dima Hasao1
- Ecuador1
- Fiji1
- Flores1
- Florida1
- Grand Rapids1
- Gun Lake, swampy peninsula extending to center of the lake from the N1
- Haflong1
- Haiti1
- Hillsdale1
- Hmuntha, Lushai Hills1