- Hector1
- Husky Island, King George Islands1
- Hwy 802, 300 m. east of junction with Burchell Lake Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products limits1
- Inuvik Region1
- Koochiching1
- Lake Alsek, Dezadeash River valley near Mile 1022, Alaska Highway1
- Lake of the Woods1
- Mackenzie Delta, northern side of Garry Island, less than 50 feet1
- Manitoba1
- Meade River Camp, at east end of lake1
- Naujat, Nugssiak peninsula1
- Oka, near Montreal1
- Ontario1
- Point Barrow and vicinity1
- Prudhoe Bay, Pad E, Sohio area1
- Schrader Lake-Peters Lake area, just northwest of Mt. Chamberlin, Franklin Mountains, Brooks Range1
- Slope of Busia Mountain, Kantishna area, Alaska Range1
- St. Anthony, White Bay1
- Thunder Bay1
- Vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lake1