- Fourteen miles from Petaluma along road to Tomales1
- Franconia Notch1
- French Broad1
- German Park, Ann Arbor1
- Glen Ella Spring, vicinity of Tallulah Falls1
- Goose Creek Reservoir about 3000 ft. downstream from VA 643 Bridge1
- Graham Island, 5 miles south of Tlell1
- Grandfather Mountain1
- Graves Mountain; about 4 miles southwest of Lincolnton.1
- Great Falls1
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park along southwest side of Thomas Ridge, vehicle pull-out area on southwest side of Newfound Gap Rd. (US 441), 1.95 road mi southeast of intersection with Clingman’s Dome Rd.1
- Greene1
- Halley's Bluff, 13 miles northeast of Walker, along Osage River1
- Hancock, Gooseneck Creek at Dollar Bay1
- High Point Cliffs, western slope of Bull Run Mountains1
- High ridge leading to El Toro, Sierra de Luquillo.1
- Hocking1
- Hoh River, Olympic Peninsula1
- Holcomb1
- Huron1