- Prince Edward Island2
- Restigouche2
- San Diego2
- Santa Clara2
- Santa Cruz2
- Snohomish2
- South Dakota2
- South Haven2
- Union City Twp.2
- Van Buren2
- Vermont2
- Virginia2
- Warren2
- West Virginia2
- Woods near Camp 12, Yosemite National Park.2
- 0.5 km West of Hwy. 93 between Kalispell and Somers, 5.8 km North of junction with Hwy. 208.1
- 0.5 miles east of Fish Lake National Forest boundary, Oak City; north facing cliff.1
- About 1 mi. N. of Ellwood in Wayne Township.1
- Above Athabasca Falls, 20 miles south of Jasper.1
- Ahmeek Area, 5.1 km along Cliff Dr from Seneca Lake1