- Liberty1
- Los Lagos, 3 miles northwest of Rancho San Jose, which is 34 miles southeast of Comitán1
- Mackinac1
- Madison. Grown and still thriving in the Dept. of Botany Greenhouses University of Wisconsin-Madison1
- Magadan1
- Miahuatlan1
- Mina1
- Mineral del Chico1
- Montebello Natioal Park1
- Monterrey1
- Murmansk1
- Near Cat Harbor1
- Near Infantry Road and Cyril Cove. Amchitka Island, Aluetian Chain1
- New Hanover1
- Nome1
- North Carolina1
- Northwest Territories1
- Nuevo León1
- Ocean Springs1
- On Hwy. 175 ca. 24 miles north of Pochutla1