- Tennessee2
- Thunder Bay2
- Victoria2
- Westcook's cove2
- Willoughby2
- Adak Island1
- Al's Lake1
- Albany River area, Oldman Island Peatland (Ogoki 42 - N)1
- Along Meramac River ca. 4 miles SE of Pacific1
- Along US 61, SW of Hoveland and 3 mi NE of Brule river.1
- Along foot trail of Mount Garibaldi to ranger station and down to Lake Garibaldi, Garibaldi Park1
- Along the Beatton River (mile 101)1
- Ann Arbor, near1
- Anoka1
- Arkansas1
- At airport, Yakutat1
- Avery1
- Bagotville, Ha! ha! Bay.1
- Bartlett Glacier, near Tunnel1
- Basin, Katahdin1