- Ohio2
- Potero at Finca Coliblanco, south slope of V. Turrialba2
- Rocky Mountains, Glacier National Park, along east shore of Lake McDonald2
- San Juan Island, Puget Sound2
- Scoggin Valley Reservoir State Park near Dilley2
- St. Martinsville2
- Upper Brookside2
- Wyoming2
- About 1 1/4 miles south west of the Rock Harbor Campgrounds along the trail which parallels the shore of Rock Harbor1
- About 8 miles south of Tlaxiaco, summit of Cerro Yucuyacua1
- Alabama1
- Albert1
- Albertville1
- Algoma1
- Alma1
- Along Beaver Creek (10 miles southwest of Sundance)1
- Along Peace River, Fort Mead1
- Along Sandy Creek near S. L. & S. W. railroad1
- Along mouth of Tangipahoa River on Lake Pontchartrain (north shore)1
- Along the Gaspe Coast; also at Banff, Rock Mountains1