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- Willardson.1
- Williamson School1
- Willmington.1
- Woods and boggy areas at the margins of Killen's Pond, along trail around the Pond, ca 5 mi north of Marvels Crossroads1
- Woods, West slope of Pakatakan Mountain, Margaretville1
- along slope between Cool Run and AMTRAK railroad west of Ruthby Road1
- between Cool Run and AMTRAK railroad west of Ruthby Road1
- borders of Franklin Hill Vlei, south of Oneonta1
- boulders used to construct an old mill dam on the Christina River near I-95 and 0.25 mile north crossing by Old Baltimore Pike1
- edge of "The Vlae" 2 miles due south of Oneonta1
- in a roadcut just south of State Highway 3, the roadcut is east of and uphill from Twin Bridges Park, approximately 3.5 miles west of Colesburg and on the Paleozoic Plateau1
- west of Crum Creek, from 1 to 1.8 miles north-northwest of Swanthmore1