- Elkhart1
- Exeter Twp., Capernall Road near Colf Road.1
- Fairfield1
- Fish Point Marsh, T15N R8E, sw 1/4 sec. 141
- Florida1
- Gahar, Province of Bakhtiari1
- Gallatin1
- Georgia1
- German Park woods.1
- Grant1
- Grant Twp. Sec. 15 SW 1/4, T16N, R9W 21 Mile Rd at 150th Ave, 1/4 mi east, north side1
- Gratiot1
- Grayson1
- Greenland Twp., farm 2-½ mi SE of Mass City.1
- Grey1
- Growing along road on summit of bluff. Wsrt Bluff.1
- Haldimand or Norfolk1
- Half Moon Island, Georgian Bay.1
- Harper1
- Harrisville Twp. At Jackson and Third St. on S. side of village of Harrisville.1