- Indian Falls, ca. 2 km north of Owen Sound1
- Indiana1
- Iowa1
- Kakabeka Falls of the Kaministikwia River, 20 mi. W. of Fort William1
- Kings1
- Lake Superior shore, Big Bay1
- Lewis1
- Limestone bluffs along the Jacks Fork River. Ca. 1 mile west of Eminence.1
- Luce1
- Manitoba1
- Maple Corners1
- Minnesota1
- Missouri1
- Mistassini, Ile Manitounouk; in the Bois de l'Ile; Lake Mistassini1
- Montmagny1
- Mountain Lake Park Area, along Cardinal River, 2.4 mi. SW of summit of Mountain Park1
- Near Lac La Blanche1
- New York1
- North coast of Isle-aux-Grues1
- Northwest Territories1