- Medicine Lake1
- Mexico1
- Middle Bass Island1
- Mineral1
- Monmouth1
- Moore1
- Mud Lake, near Ann Arbor1
- Museum Annex, Craft Ave.1
- NE branch of Candle Lake road, mile 1.0, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand no. 5561
- Near Albany1
- Near Closter1
- Near Yepocapa1
- No data1
- North Bass Island1
- North of Sanford1
- North side of the arm of Folsom Lake leading to the south Fork of the American River at Skunk Canyon, Salmon Falls Road at head of Darlington Trail1
- Osceola1
- Ottawa Wildlife Refuge, Lucas and Ottawa Counties1
- Pine Flat Reservoir, 8 miles east of Trimmer Springs Road on Island Park Road, below Driftwood Trailer Park and Campground1
- Port Huron, near1