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- Vicinity of the University of Notre Dame, South Bend.1
- West of Mint School.1
- Wharton Lake1
- White Pigeon area, probably1
- White Pigeon, near1
- at the S.W. corner of Constantine Rd. and B.R. 131 in downtown Three Rivers. Lockport Twp. T6S, R11W, Sec. 18 SW1/41
- border of Fishers Lake1
- on S. side of Bus. loop 131 on W. side of city of Three Rivers. Fabius Twp. T6S, R12W, Sec13, SE1/41
- on W. side of Scidmore Park at SW cor. of Constantine Rd. Bus. Route 131 in downtown Three Rivers. Lockport Twp. T6S, R11W, Sec.18, SW1/41
- sec. 7-18, Constantine Tp., ca. 5 mi. NW of Constantine.1
- southeast end of Clear Lake, public fishing site1